Member Reviews

I unfortunately cannot review this book because I learned too late that NetGalley changed their file type/DRM, and as a reader who uses a Kobo e-reader and NOT a Kindle, I cannot load the file onto my Kobo. I can't utilize any of the other NetGalley provided options, as all the other options would mean reading on blue-light backed devices and reading for long periods that way gives me headaches. I also will not use the "I will not be giving feed back for this book" option for this explanation, as I refuse to let a decision that NetGalley made (without any warning whatsoever to us reviewers) impact my overall feedback ratio that I work hard to maintain. I hope this is met with understanding from the publisher, as I had every intention on reading and reviewing this title.

I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it.

Im going to break my review into two parts: the revenge story plot and the world building. I think the story is interesting and keeps you entertained as you go through the sequence of events with the main character and I think the world building is interesting and unique. I think where the book could improve is blending those two together more. It felt like the main plot didn't require much of the fantastical elements to be told so much of the world building felt a little out of place for me. This book is at its best though when it's leaning into a mother's grief and her relationship/sons memories. Lots of emotion and works really well. Ultimately enjoyed this book but had this minor critique.