Member Reviews
Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC book. It is the story of a young orphan, Anyu, who becomes a famous master jeweler in 1920s-1940s Shanghai. She is trained by a Jewish master jeweler who escaped from Russia with a Fabrege egg. It was interesting to learn about the competition and treachery among the master jewelers of the time. It was just an ok read for me. Interesting information but I didn't think the writing was very good. Short clipped sentences. A bit superficial.
Thank you to Lake Union Publishing, Weina Dai Randel, and NetGalley for this ARC!
I have always been fascinated with Yoshiko Kawashima's story. She is a highly polarizing and controversial historical figure. The plot and the way the story came together with a Russian Faberge egg that led to so many events were done well. I just found the narrative style to be less immersive and moving. It read more like a retelling of a nonfiction story with straightforward "tell not show" storytelling. I prefer more lyrical and powerful styles that really bring the readers into the story and make you feel the story rather than relaying events. The writing style is three stars but I added an extra star for how different and interesting the story was.
An excellent read for any and all readers! Author comes at you with both barrels and knocks you out of your shoes! Great job fleshing out all the characters. I give this book FIVE stars! Definitely recommend!
I just finished an amazing historical fiction book.The Master Jeweler by Weina Dai Randel was so engrossing.