Member Reviews

I loved this collection so much! I am so glad that the authors stories were so gender and sexuality diverse. I loved the author's honesty and vulnerability in telling these stories about often awkward and fumbling firsts.
I can safely say that I felt SO SEEN in "Leap into the Unknown." My late-in-life coming out paralleled Vanessa's story so closely, and it was so comforting to have seen my anxieties and stress validated and reflected. That is the power of stories like this, and books as a whole; to make people not feel so alone in situations that are so universal, but feel so isolating when in them.
One negative that I am hoping is resolved in the final publishing is the format. A lot of disconnected letters and sentences as it currently sits. Please don't let this discourage you from reading it, this book is worth piecing it together!
Thank you to all the authors for sharing their stories, and thank you NetGalley and House of Anasi Press for the ARC!

I thought this book was going to be coming of age type stories or funny but it wasn’t. That’s my bad for misinterpreting. The short stories felt incomplete. Wasn’t my cup of tea.

Just as the title states - this is a book of short pieces written by authors detailing their first time having sex. I enjoyed it. I think it's a powerful thing to have a book like this exist instead of shame that often comes with sharing stories like these intimate ones. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.