Member Reviews

I am currently taking a class on Jane Austen’s novels. I also note that much is happening in 2025 because of the significant number of years it has been since Jane was born in 1775. So, I am paying attention to all things Austen.

When I saw the title of this book, I knew that it was about Austen since she used the same phrase in talking about her writing. I knew that I wanted to take a look at this fictional account of the Austen clan that is based on fact.

The novel begins in 1775 and continues to follow the family until 1817. The author notes that he has used original documents in his story and these add a sense of verisimilitude to the narrative. I did find, though, that this book moves a bit slowly.

Those interested in peeking into Austen’s life, may want to pick this one up.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing Ltd. for this title. All opinions are my own.

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I really liked the premise of this book, which was to bring to life what Jane Austen's everyday life was like and her family and friends around her. I found myself engaged at first and was fascinated by the Austen and clan goings-on. However, even at a quarter into the book I found the book was lacking plot. We'd spend time with one character, and then another, without a strong through-line. Furthermore, Jane Austen seemed a very minor character and seeing her life illuminated was a big draw of the book for me. The book seems well-researched and true to the times but I found myself wanting a strong plot and more time with Jane herself.

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After writing Voices From the World of Jane Austen, Malcolm Day was moved to write a novelization of her life.

The story skips through time, hitting on key highlights of Austen’s life and publishing history and introduces her extended family. Included are perspectives from people outside of her family, like a scene with Lord Byron and the Prince of Wales discussing Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. Day includes quotations from documents and letters in this fictional imagining.

For those who are not familiar with Austen’s life, the novel would give them basic information. But for hard core Austenites, you won’t learn anything new.

Thanks to the publisher for a free book through NetGalley.

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