Member Reviews

I was so excited to go back and see more of Callum and Lark, the setting was so very Irish. Loved the descriptions, reading about all these places in Galway just has me dying to go back! I loved Aiden and Lo, and their character development. The pacing felt good too. The hearse scene was honestly perfect, while also being simultaneously cringey-in a good way!

I absolutely adored this couple!!! Lo was the best. I loved how hard they played with each other. They were so cute. I loved the complexities with Lo's parents. All the characters had depth and I loved seeing characters from the past book in this as well. Loved, loved, loved!!!

This book was amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed having a Mexican American woman who was curvy as the MC. It really allowed me to immerse myself in the story. Going back to Ireland as well after the first book was great and picturing Lark and Callum’s wedding was the icing on top. The story moved along at a great pace and the themes talked about were dealt with in such a caring manner. Absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on a physical copy. 🥰

I was so excited to get this book early on Netgalley because I absolutely loved her first book Morbidly Yours. I highly recommend reading that book first!
I enjoyed this book and lot and I really hope that there are more books in this series. I appreciate that the characters have challenges in their lives and are not just cookie cutter people. It was easy to form a connection with the characters and I was satisfied with the HEA. Please give us readers an update of our favorite characters in the next book. I am hoping it's Saoirse's then for a HEA next!

Heart Strings in number 2 in the A Love in Galway series, and if you haven't already read "Morbidly Yours", I highly recommend reading it first. This book is set a little ways after the first book and the events are set around the wedding of Lark and Cal from Book 1. This isn't one that has a short cameo by the prior book characters. They are all in it, and they are awesome, so you will enjoy Heart Strings even more if you read book 1 first.
Thanks to Penguin Group Putnam for the digital ARC of Heart Strings. I am always here for a good romance, and I know you aren't supposed to judge a book by the cover, but honestly, this may be the prettiest romance cover I've ever seen. Just looking at Aiden and Lo, I knew I was going to love them. Cielo "Lo" Valdez moves to Ireland for medical school. She is extremely tough, having survived cancer and the rigors so far of med school. Aiden is a dreamy singer-songwriter player who is following his dreams of making a living with his mandolin. They meet in book one of the series, and when book 2 starts have broken up when Aiden got a record deal that involved him moving when Lo wasn't willing to chance a long distance romance.
Now they are back in each other's orbit due to the wedding, and find they still have the same chemistry they always did. It didn't work the first time though, so is it worth a second chance? I really enjoyed this book. Lo is very relatable- the type to not trust again once she's been burned, and with walls that may be higher than the castle Lark and Cal are getting hitched in. She has a good heart, and loves Aiden, her family and her dreams of being a doctor who helps others get through cancer. Does she have her priorities straight though? Relationships take trust.
Aiden has just put out a successful album and is working on the second. Unfortunately his first album was all about Lo, and without her love his song writing inspiration seems to have run dry. Now he is with her again for a few days- can he convince her to try their love again? Can he convince himself to trust his instincts with his career?
So many questions before we get to the promised HEA, but I really enjoyed the ride. My absolute favorite romances are ones with lots of open and honest communication, and the road here was less straightforward than that. I can't wait to read Saoirse's romance, which I think will be next! The series isn't complete yet, but I definitely recommend it to romance readers.

3.5 stars
I did not love this one as much as Morbidly Yours. I'm not sure what it was but, something was missing for me and it might have been the connection I felt for Aiden and Lo. It was a cute and emotional second-chance romance. We do get a little back story of their past relationship break up and that they have not seen each other for 2 years. I loved getting to reconnect with Cal and Lark with the first half of this book taking place during the lead-up to their wedding and their wedding weekend. It leads to some spicey reconnections. The two face the challenges of Lo's doctor career and Aiden's road to becoming a star musician. I loved that there was no miscommunication between the two once they met back up and decided to reconnect. Aiden was all in while Lo was still trying to take care of her heart and the shock of a health scare of the chance that her cancer has returned. Overall I did enjoy the book and would recommend it. I am excited for book 3 and to read all about Saoirse's story!
Thanks to Netgalley, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, and Ivy Fairbanks for the ARC!

Thank you to NetGalley, Ivy Fairbanks, and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
4.5 stars
I enjoyed this book more than the first book. I wasn’t sure this would be for me because of the second-chance romance. But it’s starting to become a favorite. I especially love the way this one turned out. Lo is such a strong FMC. She is a cancer survivor. She has been through more in her life than most. Something I feel like this book shows well is how people react to any diagnosis. It can make people run away or cling on too tightly. Of course, there is the latter as well. I did hope that her mother would apologize for her behavior. I understand her intention but taking vitamins and eating healthy foods does not guarantee there will not be a relapse. The romance between Lo and Aidan was beautiful. I can’t wait for the next book in this series.

The first book in this series, Morbidly Yours, is one of my personal favorites so it is probably no surprise that this was one of my most anticipated releases of this year! I loveee a second chance romance (especially with a Dual POV). I was SO thrilled to have the opportunity to read this one early!
I enjoyed getting to get more of a glimpse into Lark and Callum’s happily ever after in this book as we read about their wedding shenanigans. This book, like the first, had plenty of humor and heart with a hefty dose of quirkiness! While Lark and Callum still have my heart, Cielo and Aidan charmed me in their own way! As a Cancer survivor, Cielo is really resilient. I liked that this book explored what it is like for Cancer survivors to worry that it might come back and how it can affect the relationships in their lives. I think she will be relatable to many people with her hyper-independence, not wanting to burden others with her problems, and having walls up to protect herself from hurt. It was nice to see her learn to allow herself to lean more on others.
Aidan was sweet and so committed to trying to win Lo back and proving himself to her. After learning from the mistakes of their past, he became a great example of “if he wanted to, he would”. I loved seeing how well he shows up for her once she’s back in his life! Plus, the yearning?? The groveling?? Yes, please.😍 I liked how the book explored how people grapple with how much they are willing to compromise their values and shift priorities in the name of money and fame/success. He seemed to have a good set of values and a deep commitment to his friends and family despite all of his success. He was just a good guy all around!
“Sometimes…The right person is standing directly in front of you. It might not be how or when or who you expect, but when it’s right, you feel it.”
These two certainly were a case of when you meet your person, you just know. It was clear they never stopped loving each other. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder and this seems to have held true for them. I like that they seem to bring out the best in each other and that she is his muse! 🥰
My main complaints for this book were that…
-I didn’t connect as well with these main characters quite as much as I connected with Callum and Lark. Aidan, as sweet as he was, was just a little boring. Lo definitely frustrated me at times with not setting boundaries or communicating well.
-I was a little frustrated by a certain character’s overstep (trying to stay vague to avoid spoiling things for others) because I felt like it took away from what could’ve been a moment of growth for Cielo. I wish Cielo had been able to show her growth by communicating what was going on rather than the other character overstepping by sharing information they had no right to share (which then was never addressed with that character).
-I personally didn’t love how the spice scenes were written in this book. The way they talked to each other in these scenes just didn’t really work for me. This is a super subjective complaint though. What doesn’t work for me may very well work for others! (Also, there was one spice scene in particular that did not work for me involving speakers and singing 😅) THAT SAID, I will say that I appreciated how these scenes helped Lo explore her relationship with control and learning to let go a little bit and trust more.
-There were a lot of lines with double meaning that were alluding to or were metaphors for their failed relationship. This didn’t bother me all that much but it did start to get a little old because it happened so many times. It just seemed like an overuse of that type of line.
-Some of their inner narratives felt a bit repetitive.
-I felt like there was more telling than showing. I would’ve appreciated a dual timeline or flashbacks to their past in memories or something, but I had trouble feeling super invested in their relationship because we mostly just get their present and not much insight into their past relationship. Generally, for me, second chance romance tends to work best when we get more of a juxtaposition between the past and present which helps you feel more connected to them as a couple and more invested in their relationship. In this one, I was missing most of the background and context of their past relationship and wanted to see more of how good they were together before things didn’t work out so I would’ve rooted for them more when they re-entered each other’s lives.🤷♀️
Despite these complaints, I still enjoyed it overall. I’m definitely looking forward to Saoirse’s book next! I already am loving the little glimpse we got into the dynamics of the MCS! 😍
Thank you to Ivy Fairbanks, NetGalley, and Putnam Books for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I wanted to love this one with all my heart like I did her first but I didn’t and that breaks my heart. Still a well written book and love story, just not the one for me. I am not one who is good with second chance romance sometimes and this one just sat awkward for me at times. I also did not connect with the characters. There were times I had to take a small break from reading and come back to the story. I still enjoyed it, and look forward to the next, as I do love the setting, and writing, this one, was just not for me.
Thank you NetGally and the Publishers for the chance to read this one early.

Thank you to NetGalley and GP Putnam’s Sons for this advanced reader copy!
After loving Morbidly Yours so very much, I was so excited to delve into the sequel and revisit some of my favorite characters!
Heart Strings follows Lo and Aidan, reunited after several years following an emotional breakup. Their chemistry is undeniable, and being forced to celebrate their respective best friend’s wedding together has them questioning why they broke up in the first place.
I won’t lie: I spent a lot of this book confused about why they weren’t together anymore. The reasons weren’t super clear or didn’t seem concrete enough to warrant the devastating breakup they experienced, and us readers did *not* experience. It seemed like a weak reason to breakup.
That said, the SPICE. WAS. SPICING. 🥵 I do not remember the first book being this spicy and I was HERE FOR IT. The chemistry between them was palpable right off the bat.
While I absolutely preferred Morbidly Yours, I am already foaming at the mouth to read the third in this series!

Oh man, as someone who utterly fell in love with the characters of Morbidly Yours, I was so excited for this book but tried to tamper my feelings so I could read without expectations.
I didn’t need to! Oh my lanta, Ivy Fairbanks does it again!
She has a way of creating such relatable characters and depicting such heartbreak and love so beautifully. I can see myself in the characters, flaws, anxieties, wants…. I feel like she’s able to put a piece of everyone into her works.
Ivy Fairbanks is forever one of those authors that I will buy the new release on pre-order every time.
This was a beautiful story that I think everyone can relate to: trusting someone enough to give every bit of yourself to, even if you’ve been let down before. Cielo is a strong willed, highly independent woman who I can relate to far more than I care to admit. Aidan allows her to be who she is while showing he’s is all in, after taking her words at face value before. He truly see’s her and calls her out when she needs it while staying true to who he is as well.
They’re not quite Lark and Callum but they’re not far behind 💚
Now I’m patiently waiting for Saoirse and Gabe’s book 😏

I adored the first book in this series so I was excited for this one. The author did a great job at including the wedding of the characters from the first book while not taking attention away from Cielo and Aiden. Cielo is an incredible character who was easy for me to connect with. Great read!

I don’t typically reach for books where one or both main characters are musicians. Don’t ask me why—it’s just not my thing. HOWEVER, Morbidly Yours was one of my favorite reads of 2024, so I happily made an exception for Heart Strings.
One thing I really enjoy about Ivy’s work is how relatable her characters are. Whether they’re navigating parental conflict, struggling with grief, or dealing with relationship challenges, I always find myself connecting with them and empathizing with their experiences. That’s especially true for Aidan and Cielo—their relationship feels real. Unlike some stories where you question whether the couple should even be together, their growth is evident, and they prove their dedication for each other without a forced third-act breakup.
Overall, this story was heartwarming, a little emotional, plenty spicy, and a compelling portrayal of love.

This book was a fun and easy read and it was a great way to continue exploring the world and characters from Morbidly Yours.
The book follows Cielo, a med student and cancer survivor who is trying her best to be the best that she can be. And then there’s Aiden, a former solicitor turned musician. The two used to date before his new found fame and are now forced to spend time together for their friend’s wedding.
I enjoyed that the timing/pacing of the book wasn’t too dominated by the wedding. The wedding was a great reason to bring them together but I think it was more realistic for the story to span into the after as much as it did. Some second chance romances can really sit in the will-they-won’t-they tension for a bit too much for my liking but this didn’t. We spent more time diving into the complexities of the relationship and the break up more.
Cielo can be rough around the edges but I really resonated with her drive to be the best anything she could be to the people in her life. That and her need for control made her a very relatable character. It was frustrating at times, but I think that makes her all the more real. Because who hasn’t gotten frustrated as someone (or even themselves) at times.
The exploration of control/power was a surprise but one I ended up really liking. The dynamic exchange of power and control in the bedroom really helped to show the shift in their relationship as a whole. Also who doesn’t love a man who isn’t afraid to grovel a little?
As always, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange of an honest review.

Heart Strings is Ivy Fairbanks' second book in the Love in Galway series. It follows Cielo and Aidan, who appeared in Morbidly Yours as secondary characters. After breaking up 2 years ago, they are forced to interact during preparations for Lark and Callum's wedding. They end up reconnecting and decide to try and make a relationship work, while overcoming their past and the things that pushed them apart (Aidan's budding music career, Lo's abandonment issues, and long distance dating).
I read Morbidly Yours a while ago, so I barely rememebered these characters. I'm glad that they got their own story, because Ivy Fairbanks did a great job bringing it to life. Cielo is an absolute force, and I found myself relating with her so much. Aidan is the quintessential book boyfriend, always reminding Lo that even though she can do it all,she deserves someone to hold her hand when things get tough. It took me a little longer than usual to finish it because I honestly did not want the story to end. I'm glad there will be a third installment with Saiorse's story.
Good stuff:
-the banter is fantastic, and their chemistry is sizzling
-the spice is spicy! bonus points for creative use of a speaker!
-appearances from Lark, Callum, Saiorse, and Deirdre from book 1. I love them so much!
-this book gave me Hozier vibes so much, and I am here for it
-Aidan's family pranking him with the ventriloquist dummies made me laugh so hard.
-the yearning was strong in the first half of the book, and the ending was so sweet.
Not Great Stuff:
-this book contains triggering themes of cancer (off page, and then potentially on page), divorce, and abandonment. read at your own discretion.
-Lo's mom is very frustrating. I won't say I hate her character, but I strongly dislike her (even if she was coming from a place of love and care for Lo).
-I did see the ending coming about 60ish% of the way through. Thankfully, it turned out as I hoped it would, but being able to predict it takes a little of the fun out of the reveal.
Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶🌶/5 (features some light bondage, several open door scenes, and dirty talk)
Netgalley provided me with an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

"Some days, all I look forward to is climbing into bed because there's a chance I might dream of you."
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for access to the eARC in exchange for my honest review!
This book follows Cielo ("Lo") who doesn't believe in second chances, but Aiden is determined to prove that he's worth it. When Lo moved to Ireland for medical school, she fell hard for Aiden. But then Aiden gets his big break as a singer-songwriter, and he takes it, breaking Lo's heart in the process. But two years later, all of his songs still have Lo as the muse. But when they are forced to reunite at Lo's cousin's wedding, they are forced to decide if second chances are worth it.
This book was beautifully written. Personally, I would recommend reading Morbidly Yours before this one because it is the sort of romance series where the characters overlap quite a bit, and it provides a lot of great context for this story. The only reason this isn't a five-star is because it felt a little quick at times since we never got any look into their past relationship. But overall I loved the emotional aspects of this story and the setting and romance were great as well.

I heard he sings to her during phone sex.
Also I don't seen how you can realistically attend medical school, including all your clinical rotations, in Europe and expect to match into a US residency and/or work in the US as a physician. please do your research before writing a romance novel about a medical student.
thank you G.P. Putnam's Sons for the arc in exchange for an honest review
platform: netgalley ebook arc

A cute and spicy romance but I felt more distracted with this one. Overall good!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

I have to say, it completely caught me off guard. I don’t usually pick up romance novels, but this one had me hooked from the first chapter. The chemistry between the two main characters was electric—it wasn’t just about the physical attraction, but the way they challenged and supported each other. I found myself rooting for them, even when they were making mistakes or letting their insecurities get in the way.
What really stood out to me was how real the story felt. The dialogue was sharp and natural, and the emotional moments hit hard without feeling overly dramatic. I could see pieces of myself in the male lead, especially in how he struggled to open up and be vulnerable. It made me think about my own relationships in a way I didn’t expect.
The pacing was perfect, with just enough tension to keep me turning the pages. And while there were moments that felt predictable, the journey was so enjoyable that I didn’t mind. By the end, I was smiling like an idiot—it was that satisfying.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ (3.5 rounded to 4)
After absolutely adoring Morbidly Yours, I was beyond excited to dive into Heart Strings. Ivy Fairbanks has such a knack for crafting immersive settings and dynamic side characters, and this book was no exception. Galway and the Irish castle wedding were so perfect and I loved the setting. However, while I enjoyed this second chance romance, it didn’t quite hit the same for me as her first novel.
My biggest struggle was connecting with Aidan and Lo, both individually and as a couple. Their chemistry leaned heavily into instalust, and I found myself craving deeper emotional connection rather than just physical attraction. Lo, in particular, was frustrating and while I admired her strength and resilience, her approach to relationships (especially with Aidan) made her hard to root for at times. I completely understood why she had walls up, but her stubbornness often bordered on exhausting.
That said, the music infused romance, the tension of unresolved feelings, and the forced proximity at the wedding kept me engaged. Aidan’s devotion was sweet, and the Irish setting made everything feel all the more romantic. While it wasn’t a perfect read for me, if you do love exes to lovers stories and dramatic second chances, then you will likely enjoy this one!
Would I recommend it? Yes, especially if you’re a sucker for a moody musician MMC and a breathtaking Irish backdrop. Just be prepared for some frustrating FMC moments along the way!
Thank you to NetGalley, Ivy Fairbanks, and Penguin G.P. Putnams Son’s for the eARC of this book.