Member Reviews

This was a really interesting expansion of this universe!
The last book ended on a huge cliffhanger, and this one doesn't slow down. The story flowed without really stalling, and the ending left me ready for the next book (but I won't spoil it!). At first, I was confused when I saw that we got a pov from almost every main character (That wasn't the case in the first book) but I found it really added to the story and enhanced the worldbuilding. I sung these characters' praises in my first review, and I still love them. Astra was especially close to my heart throughout the story-- watching her grow away from her indoctrination and into her own person made me so happy. I loved that we got to learn more about the fae and the fae courts, many things that didn't make sense to me in the first book are easier to understand now. Overall, I'd recommend this one to fantasy lovers.

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A Traitor Sister elevates the series with heightened stakes, deeper magic, and astonishing revelations. Astra battles to master her power and save Marlak, while the Crystal Castle hurtles toward destruction. New perspectives introduce fresh intrigue, broadening the world and its complex alliances. I loved how the relationships developed; friendships, betrayals, and unexpected romances kept me engaged. The pacing is relentless, and every twist left me breathless. The emotional depth of the characters’ struggles made this book impossible to set down. Day Leitao expertly balances action, court politics, and romance, creating an unforgettable read. I’m eagerly looking forward to the next installment!

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A Traitor Sister by Day Leitao is a wild rollercoaster of action, emotion, and romance that kept me hooked from start to finish. I loved getting more insights into Astra and Marlak, as well as exploring new characters and their motives. The mix of magic, danger, and unexpected alliances makes this sequel a thrilling ride. Can’t wait for book 3!

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A Traitor Sister was such an enjoyable read—a total whirlwind! The world-building had me wanting to take notes just to keep up. I loved the vivid imagery of each land and the unique challenges the characters faced there. The magic system continues to impress me, and the relationship dynamics constantly kept me guessing. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, another twist was thrown my way. I’m still not entirely sure who’s friend or foe!

There was so much to love about this book, but I did feel a bit all over the place with the multiple POVs. While each perspective was interesting and added depth to the story, I sometimes found myself eager to get back to the POV I had just been immersed in.

Somehow, this book felt both long enough and too short at the same time—I’m just not ready to leave this world and these characters! 🥰

Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Day Leitao for this ARC!

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Wow. Usually, the second book in a series has a huge lull to it but I REALLY enjoyed this one! We get POVs of our well established FMC, Astra, and MMC, Marlak, but we get multiple new POVs of side characters. One thing that makes a good fantasy book great is well developed side characters and their respective relationships, and Day totally delivered on that part!

The ending of book 2 was pretty jarring so I am fully invested and ready for book 3!!

Thank you so much to Day Leteiao, NetGalley, and Victory Editing for the eARC!

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A great sequel! Loved all the PoVS and romantic branches we’d got in this one. Also more details of the inner workings of court that we didn’t get in the first. Super fun read!

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I didn’t ~ love ~ the first book in this series but I loved this one! The POV Marlak added absolutely changed the game for me. There’s nothing wrong with Astra or her POV, but the first book felt very stagnant to me, so this new consistent POV was a game changer for me.

I also felt like this book was a lot more exciting than the first. To me, the first was a lot of sitting around and waiting for something to happen, but this one changed the game. We’re in the swing of things right from the first chapter, setting the pace for the majority of the book.

Back to the POVs for one second. I loved how the POV break wasn’t always at the start of a new chapter. For some chapters, it made a huge difference to me that we switched from Astra to Marlak right in the middle of it. What I didn’t love though was how many times this happened with so many different characters. I liked our new characters, but I wasn’t the world’s biggest fan of all their POVs. There was a lot to keep track of sometimes and I got a bit lost.

I’m excited to see what else happens in this world.

Thank you very much to NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Day Lietao for an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own and in no way influenced my review.

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Rating: 4.5/5

The novel's blend of magic, romance, and political intrigue kept me eagerly turning pages. The slow-burn enemies-to-lovers dynamic between Astra and Marlak is particularly well-executed, adding depth to their relationship. The author's writing style is engaging, making it hard to put the book down. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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I had such a fantastic time reading this book! I really enjoyed the first book, and I was excited to see where this sequel would go! Spending more time with these characters, getting to know this world better, it was all really great!

That ending of the previous book was such a cliffhanger! That she is back in the custody of her master, and he's being held captive by his brother who doesn't have much care for his well-being, yeah, that was something that I wanted them both out of as soon as possible!

It has been a minute, but I'm fairly certain that the first book was mainly, if not almost entirely, in Astra's perspective. In this book, however, there are a whole bunch more perspectives that widen our view of what is going on. It was pretty interesting to see what the other characters had going on, and their opinions of the other characters, because some of them have thoughts about Marlak. But it also meant that not a lot of this story was time spend with Astra. Which was fine, because she deserved some down-ish time, because she did still have a story. And with that ending, yeah, she's going to have a lot to deal with in the next book!

The fact that we get Marlek's brother, Renel's perspective, really showed just how much of what we understood of this world was wrong. That Renel remembers their stepfather, and sister in a different light? Plus getting Marlek's side of what happened? Yeah, it's more complicated than it seems. There were a lot of complicated emotions, and feelings where reason says there shouldn't be, and I loved it! I'm so excited to see how it's going to play out in book 3!

Loved reading this book and I can't wait to continue on with this series!

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Thank you to Sparkly Wave and Day Leitao for the arc !

This book continues the events from book 1 it picks up mere minutes after. There is many different POVs at moments it feels like too many but I did really like that when different characters are in different areas it keeps you informed on what’s going on! I did miss more Marlark and Astra but enjoyed the other relationships being built. TBH Tarlia really annoys me. I am excited for book 3 and see where the plot twist at the end goes !!

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Omg I loved it so much!!!
I am obsessed
I loved the first book and jumped right into the second I got the chance to read as an ARC and I definitely recommend it.
It is still fast paced, a rollercoaster of emotions and actions, we have answers and more secrets, more sides characters with their POV
It was really good!

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This book was again exceptional. Following on from Book 1 this book is more plot driven giving the reader a chance to deep dive into the story and getting lost amongst the pages. Very well written and truly enjoyable

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This book was so good! The fantasy world was very immersive and very fun to read about and the side romance was great!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of A Traitor Sister. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series and this one really built on the story! I really enjoyed the change to multiple POV, and think this added a lot of depth to the story.

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A slightly different turn from the first book - more adventure while the romance of the FMC and MMC start to take a backseat.

This second novel takes a different approach to the story, told in multiple different POVs compared to the first book. We lost a lot of the thoughts behind the FMC, but gained the of perspectives of the other characters of the story. A bit disappointing to have lost some of the inner thoughts of the FMC, even when it's from her perspective.

There's very little relationship development between the FMC and MMC in the book, in fact, theres very few scenes of the book where we see them together. I was really hoping to see more of their relationship as DL built up so much tension throughout the last book, and the *ending* of book 1 was unsatisfying for the amount of tension that was built.

I did actually appreciate the multiple POVs towards the end of the book as we really start to understand the motivations of the other characters, especially the ones that were harshly judged in the first book.

The story seems to be just starting... I'm excited to see what DL has in stored for book 3. Especially that scene that was eluded to at the beginning of book 2.. hoping for a bit more spice for our MMC and FMC..

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Title: A Traitor Sister
Where to Read: Kindle Unlimited
The RayView: ✨✨✨✨✨
The HeatRay: 💥
How It Be Spicin’?: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Where do I even start?! The sequel to A Cursed Son barreled in like a wrecking ball. In the best ways possible. It was such a rollercoaster going through the multiple POVs, the emotions of the different characters. Seeing things through their eyes brought so much more depth to all the events taking place. So. Many. Events. There wasn’t much room for breathing. I constantly felt I couldn’t put this amazing novel down. The twists and turns had me guessing at every one. The secrets reveled had me screaming at my kindle. 😂

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I definitely loved book one, but I looove this one! It’s fast paced, and I absolutely ate it up ✨🖤🗡️ There are some serious badass characters, and some fun new ones to love. The freaking sea king 😆 the end wrecked me again. Keep them coming — you’re killing it Day Leitao!

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I’m glad I read the second book as an actual book and not audio. The additional characters made the storyline more rich and entertaining. I know I would have been disoriented with the multiple character storylines (unless it was all different narrators; don’t know narrators at time of reading). It did seem to drag on a bit in the middle but the ending leaves me excited for the next installment.

I felt the character development and additional storylines were well thought out and I liked them having their own problems and personalities as well as relationships. I do wish Astra was a bit more of a focus as she figures out her lineage and abilities. Renel’s storyline was enjoyable and I liked learning about him from his own point of view as well as the complicated feelings about him from others.

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I read book one when it first came out, the cliff hanger left me wanting more. And here it was book two. So much more strife faces Astra as she searches for Marlak, and with the kingdom in catastrophic peril. The story really steps up the pace, which is both good and bad. Lots of action, humour, romance (yup, even when peril looms large) and things for Astra to learn about her magic. But in book two there are in fact three couples, all part of the story with different intertwining paths, that at times I struggled to keep track of the who and what each was doing. I kept going and by the end I was happy to say it all made sense. Another cliff hanger, bring me book three please. Thank you to Sparkly Wave and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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This sequel to "The Cursed Son" and I was very much looking forward to it. And I really liked it. It was, filled with action, uncertainty, treachery, personal vendettas, romance , friendship and some great twists. And look forward to more from this world and any more of Day Leitao's books.

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