Member Reviews
I thought this book was a interesting take on the “chosen one” trope. In this story the prophesied one to take back the land for a conquered people is artificial engineered with a birthmark that is in actuality a branding that was given to him as a baby and other evidence planted to make him and the people believe that he is the one to fulfill this.
The problem (for those who created these signs) is he is a kindhearted young man of 18 when the story opens after the prologue and in a lot of ways he is not a good fit for the role. By the end of this book there is a great stopping point but there appears to be more of the story. Hopefully the author is able to write more stories in this world. It gets four stars because while it is entertaining, and I did finish, I didn't find myself constantly thinking about these characters and world throughout my day like I would for a five star book.
Andrew writes an action packed, new spin on an old trope, book of charms, magic and what would happen if a chosen one was created, not born.
This book has slowly become a new favorite because it's covertly sharp-whitted, and very well written. Your not bogged down by unnecessary verbiage, but the language is crisp and authentic and you want to befriend some of the characters because of their realism and their personality that shines.
I want to read more in this world, so keep wm coming...