Member Reviews

Ohhh this artwork was stunning! Latil is the definition of a petty queen, and I am living for it. I can’t wait to see how she builds out the rest of her harem because the drama is already top-tier. Klein is such a diva, and I just know watching her handle him is going to be pure entertainment. Let the chaos begin!

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She's been betrayed. She's angry. And she wants revenge. What better way to make an ex-boyfriend jealous than requesting 5 bachelor's for your harem as Empress?

Latrasil is the newly crowned empress, and hell hath no fury because she's a strong willed, smart woman that knows what she wants. This first volume shows us how she gained the throne, and the favor, of the noble families. Now that she's somewhat settled, she's pressured by advisors to take an official royal consort. But to her- still angry as she was casted aside by a noble ex-boyfriend- she says "Why stop at 1? Every other man in power got as many concubines as they please." Thus reader's are thrusted into this historical romance from Empress Latasil's POV. 5/5 Stars.

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Review to be posted on March 7th on my blog (and later days on Goodreads/Storygraph)

I received this book from the publisher/Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I always LOVE LOVE these kind of WEBToon/Manwhas so when I saw this one up on Netgalley I had to request it and I am so glad I did it!

In this one we meet a girl named Latil who is eager to get her happy ending with the man she loves. Until she is betrayed and I seriously wanted to punch the guy. I loved that instead of her just doing nothing, or continue crying, she steps up. Especially when she gets a chance to be the heir to the throne. That is when things truly get awesome. This girl is studious, eager to learn, and throws herself into learning everything. I already loved Latil because she kicked ass (and looked gorgeous in both dresses and suits) but seeing her take control of things like this and then when things go south don't immediately go for option one but actually think about things? Perfection. This girl is perfect for the role of empress. And even when she is an empress she keeps her opinions and tries to make things her own. I have read emperor/empress stories in which the emperor/empress will let themselves be swayed by the dukes/ministry/etc. but this girl has plans and she fights. I loved seeing Latil grow as the story continues and I am definitely curious to see how things will go. Plus, what she is planning with all the consorts, teehee. Yes, I am ready for some sexy times/romance.

Like with a harem. The people under her just want her to have one consort, but this girl has dreams. She wants at least 5, maybe more. Maybe rotating them? I loved seeing her lay her case down and come with some very good arguments. I mean, if you are giving all the guys before her big big consort heavens then she can have one too.

I hated ALL THE MEN. ALL OF THEM. Or at least the ones that are dateable. If only Latil's knight was dateable, because he seems the only good one.

Seriously. Hyacinth (who the heck names their son that) is an asshole. Leaves for years for a war, lets a girl think she is going to get married to him that it is truly love, only to end with him engaged to another woman (for the sake of the empire *puke*) and that if she can just wait 5 years she can still marry him, aka left-overs. Yeah, nope.

Then there is Klein, the brother of Hyacinth, who clearly has a few screws lose and thinks that Latil has the hots for him whereas she was clearly out of her mind drunk and NOT TALKING ABOUT HIM OBVIOUSLY. But instead of thinking, or listening, or keeping his distance, he is a creeper. He gets into her harem (the test one I guess) and he just wanders into her room without any permissions. Ewww. Nope.

Then there is that boy from the duke who is all mysterious and reclusive and suddenly wants to join the harem? Um, SUSSSSSSSSS. I don't believe for one bit he has good intentions. I hope so. For Latil's sake, but at this point, SUS SUS SUS.

I hope that in the next volume we get a few more dateable men and less red flags. I mean harem stories are fun because you also want to be dating these guys. It is less fun if they are all creepy or assholes. So come on story and bring me some HOT hunks to root for. Like again, the knight?

The art was a lot of fun though and I so so loved it. OK, some scenes, further away or when faces just weren't the priority were just a bit weird.

But all in all, I am definitively into reading more of this one, I want to see Latil get her revenge, I want to see who is intercepting stuff, I want to get some actually good guys in the harem. I need more!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Yen Press/Ize Press for the e-book copy!

Men of the Harem did not work for me sadly. I went into it expecting more of a fun reverse harem but it's a bit more political and scheming as opposed to romantic. The main character is getting revenge on her previous lover but enacting a harem now that she is emporer. I can see this getting romantic in the future but for now, it just didn't do it for me. If you like political long-game revenge than this will be great for you but if you are like me expecting a more romantic sensual story than this will likely disappoint.

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This was so interesting. The concept of this book is a phenomenal flip on the expected story of a monarch and I am so eager to see how it plays out. This first volume is certainly that, a first volume. It is a lot of character and setting build up, but from what we can see here it looks like all these characters are going to be fun. A solid plot hook was put in there at the end, but it will really depend on if you are intrigued by the characters whether you choose to stick around for more. I will also give this book points for actually catching up to its opening scene within the book, usually ,it takes webtoons way longer to pay off those points.

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it's simple, I see something by Alphatart, and I read it. The story is once again amazing, I can't wait for the rest of it!

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Romance takes a backseat in the first book, but heartbreak and revenge take center stage. Our main character falls for a prince from a neighboring country and patiently waits for his letter after he conquers his kingdom. But when the long-awaited message finally arrives, it’s not what she expected—it’s an announcement of his engagement to someone else.

This story is full of tension, and I can’t wait to see where it goes next, as both characters seem to be playing with fire when it comes to each other.

The artwork is absolutely stunning, bringing the story to life with incredible detail and emotion. A gripping start to what promises to be an intense journey!

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This was very different from what the description made me expect. No harem stuff whatsoever, clean or dirty. Princess Latrasil’s great love, Hyacinth (a man, despite the name), becomes the ruler of the neighbouring kingdom, and chooses a political marriage over Latrasil, despite swearing to love her forever. He has the audacity to ask her to wait for five years for him. He’ll divorce his wife then.

But Latrasil isn’t a pushover, even for love, and she refuses. She doesn’t have time for a broken heart though. First, her father makes her a crown princess, so she has to study, and then her father is assassinated and her brother usurps the throne. A couple of years passes before Latrasil can take the throne.

Only then, after several chapters, is the harem mentioned; well, besides the prologue. To a great shock of her council, she decides to have a harem. And she asks Hyacinth to send someone for it too. A good revenge, and that’s how he takes it when he sends his little brother. But even if she’s ready to forget him, it appears he’s not ready to give her up. Only one other harem member of five was chosen in this volume, and he didn’t get much screen time yet.

This was a good start, with good art, and more interesting than I anticipated, even if it was mostly setting the stage. Based on this, I don’t really know what to expect going forward. Likely there will be more court intrigue with romance on the side. But I already dislike Hyacinth, so I hope he’s not the endgame. And his brother is even worse. Currently shipping her bodyguard, although the other chosen guy seemed interesting too. I’ll read on.

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Thank you NetGalley and Yen Press for the ARC of this WEBTOON.

I was immediately drawn to this based on the art on the cover since artwork is a large part of enjoyment in any manga/webtoon. Then I saw it was from the same minds of The Remarried Empress I was all in before I even read the premise. This was such a good start to a story: broken hearts, palace intrigue, harems filled with delicious men. Highly recommend to everyone. I am off to get caught up on Webtoons.

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