Member Reviews

Michael Moy's memoir, telling his story from being in an Asian gang to being a member of the NYPD, was an interesting read. I was very interested to hear his story and much of the story was told very well. That said, there were times that the book jumped from topic to topic, within the same chapter, with no transitions. Also, like with many memoirs, there are obviously a lot of important people to mention. Unfortunately, it was hard to keep track of everyone and there were times that I had to flip back to refresh my memory.
Overall, the book is well written. I never want to judge a memoir harshly; I don't feel it's my place to tell someone how to tell their story. I simply felt, at times, that the book dragged and at times, that the book was busy.
This book is a Reader's Choice. If you're interested in the history of Asian gangs and stories of someone turning their life around, it's worth a read. If you don't have an interest in police-work or gang life, you can probably give this one a pass.

Note: I received an ARC of this book, at no cost to myself, from NetGalley. This review was left voluntarily.

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