Member Reviews

So I think the clinical term for Miss Winifred Notty is COMPLETELY FUCKING COOKED.
Honestly, this one is hard to rate cause it's not a pleasant read but it's also not trying to achieve pleasant. It's trying to be gross and fucked up and it certainly achieves that in spades and yet has moments when it is very darkly funny. The vibes of this story had me imagining that this could easily be adapted as an A24 movie.
Set during the 1800s in Victorian England, Miss Winifred Notty is hired on as a Governess to two horrid and entitled children from an equally horrid and entitled family. Whilst she enters the household with the intention to behave, it isnt long before things start to unravel to a pretty spectacular degree.
Sitting in Freds head and being witness to every psychopathic and impulsive thought is fucking unsettling. Fred was an incredibly unreliable narrator and there were so many instances where it was difficult to discern her outlandish thoughts from her outlandish behaviours.
There is something about the casual intertwining of objective sexualisation and violence and gore in this which is really unsettling and does a good job at evoking that psychopathic and empathetic detachment Fred possesses and an overall atmosphere of the grotesque.
I am not someone with a sensitive stomach when it comes to what I read, but when I tell you the level of deep regret I possessed when I found myself listening to the feast scene when I was eating lunch? 🤮🤮 I was choking down the urge to barf so bad.
A brief, brutal and unsettling read.
Word to the wise, if you are someone who can't handle any violence towards children maybe give this one a miss.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook ARC.

Victorian Psycho was a raging story about Winnefred Notty who takes a job as a governess with nothing but the darkest intensions. Whether it was the Laudanum given to her as a child, her mothers neglect, or just pure psychopathic nature, shes consumed with thoughts of violence and anti-social behavior. The unbecomings of the Pounds household becomes increasingly transparent, and Winnefreds growing resentments are too much to withold any longer. Mr. Pounds has a wandering gaze and an inclination towards the new governess, and Mrs. Pounds has a curious way of punishing Mr. Pounds for his misgivings. As Christmas approches she begins to plot her gift of revenge against the family and the servants she's been working amongst.
This story is packed with sardonic quips, clever insights, and at times is darkly funny as the reader immerses themselves into the mind of a victorian psycho.

I loved this book! It was sick! I appreciated female rage and the critiques of victorian social norms. not for the faint of heart or squeamish!

This was well-written, but a bit too strange for me. Winifred, our main character, consistently experiences violent hallucinations and often acts on them.

I absolutely loved this. The storyline was fantastic, very vivid with a lot of humour thrown in and the characters were really well done and fleshed out. I guessed the 'plot twist' but it really didn't take away from the story at all, despite being slightly predictable.
The narrator was brilliant and I will definitely be looking out for more audiobooks narrated by her - she really made the story.
I have been thinking about this book constantly since I finished and have already recommended it to lots of people, very much deserving of widespread praise.

Thank you Netgalley and RBMedia for providing this audiobook for review. All opinions are my own.
In the same way that American Psycho used Patrick Bateman to satirize 80s yuppie culture, Victorian Psycho gives us Winifred Notty to take down the Victorian "polite" society. Winifred accepts a governess position at Ensor House. There, she is charged with schooling the spoiled Poundses children and ensuring their moral upbringing. That proves problematic as Winifred possesses no morality or understanding of human emotions.
The novel delivers on its title as Winifred is a true Victorian psycho. She makes a conscious effort to mimic emotions and decode expressions. She's curious but she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She simply does not want to be found out and sent away. When she slips up and murders someone, she is equally detached. She is inconvenienced by having to cover her crimes, but never upset. Her combination of curiosity and stoicism makes her a fascinating character. She's also incredibly funny. Her sardonic observations and unexpected reactions had me laughing out loud.
Meanwhile, the Ensor House, who are so self-involved that they fail to realize the danger they are in. These characters embody familiar archetypes of gothic fiction. They're awful people and I found myself rooting for them to be killed off the same way I root for teens in an 80s slasher to meet their bloody end. I should mention that Winifred has no problems harming children or animals so if that's a trigger for you, you might want to skip this one. I wasn't bothered, I think because we're in Winifred's perspective, and for her murder is clinical. She also does not notice or describe the emotions of those she harms. She simply describes the acts though she is not one to skimp on the gory details.
Don't take that to mean that this is even close to as grisly as something like American Psycho. This isn't extreme horror or splatterpunk. I was more grossed out by Winifred's constant need to lick things and put them in her mouth than by her murders.
So, if you enjoy pitch-black humor, satire, and a bit of bloodshed in your gothic literature, check it out. I finished the audiobook in one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it. Anna Burnett's narration was perfect! I'm looking forward to A24's upcoming film starring Margaret Qualley and Thomasin McKenzie. If the movie is anything like the book, it's going to be a lot of fun!

I loved this one. Victorian Psycho is a dark 19th-century satire from the perspective of Winifred Notty, our titular psychopath. Miss Notty is the new governess at Ensor House, a role complicated by violent impulses she cannot always suppress. The title and cover art drew me in, but what struck me immediately was the haunting prose and vivid setting. The world Miss Notty inhabits here is arguably just as mad as her, and it’s this darkly comedic observation at every turn that elevates this stroll through insanity. It’s shocking, horrifying, and hilarious, and it all flies by. Highly recommend!
Thank you to NetGalley and RBmedia for the audiobook copy!

Victorian Psycho is exactly what it sounds like: a twisted carnival of blood, mayhem, and delightful madness that somehow manages to have a voice so captivating, you’ll feel like you’re sipping tea with a homicidal maniac in a top hat. And let’s be clear—this book is fun. Not just fun in the “let's play a nice board game” way, but the kind of fun where you’re throwing dice and hoping they don’t land in a pool of blood. The plot is ridiculously thrilling, with a twisted blend of Victorian manners and shocking, gory violence. The characters? They’re more memorable than a morning in a butcher shop, and every chapter feels like you’re being whirled through a carnival of chaos. Blood splatters on the page with the same frequency as witty one-liners—both equally delicious.
But here’s where the book really shines: the voice. The writing is pure, unadulterated joy. Imagine an author who’s had too much tea laced with a dash of dark humor and a pinch of madness. That’s the voice. It’s snarky, witty, and always one step away from tipping over into total insanity. You’ll be chuckling at the absurdity of it all, even as you wipe the bloodstains off your clothes.
The narrative isn’t just a story—it’s like you’re chatting with a delightful, if slightly unhinged, guide through a maze of murder and mayhem. And the blood—did I mention the blood? It’s there in all its crimson glory, a reminder that this isn’t a cozy Victorian novel where characters sip brandy and read poetry. It’s a bloody, thrilling roller coaster, and you won’t be able to put it down. In conclusion, Victorian Psycho is a masterclass in balancing dark humor with chaos and gore. It’s a wild ride you won’t forget—entertaining, bloody, and a perfect escape if you enjoy your stories with a touch of the macabre and a whole lot of wit.
*Thank you so much to NetGalley & Liveright for the audio copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

this may be an issue with me disliking historical literature (i need to read about a world in which cell phones exist, all right?) but i thought this was just okay.
i will say this - it was super cinematic in nature and i'm unsurprised that it's already been picked up to be adapted. i think a film adaptation will accurately portray the sheer over the top campy horror aspect of this book that was written so well.
this is a book about winifred, a woman that arrives at ensor house to be governess to two children - drusilla and andrew. we learn off the bat that winifred is a bit of an unhinged sort of person. existing inside of her was fun at times, but other times - like when she SLIT THE THROAT OF A BABY - it wasn't fun.
so, beware - there's a lot of gore and violence in here and it's not your pg-13 movie fare. i think i mostly didn't like the weird things winifred did - licking the children's fingers at night? ew. at times it just went a little too far for me.
i did enjoy the foil of mrs. pounds who constantly creates unpleasant punishments for winifred for the crime of existing and her husband being a victorian fuckboy. i guess it just goes to show that cruelty doesn't always have to come in a form that results in excessive murder.

This was fun. NOT funny. Well not exactly, unless you can appreciate a good gallows humor. But I had fun listening to this. There were so many sentences that took me by surprise or made me giggle. I mean the title of the second chapter is "in which i meet my employers and am not terribly impressed". The MC also breaks the fourth wall a few times to reference the reader directly, usually with an amusing aside. There are some grotesque descriptions used which I'm itching to quote, but won't. But I think my favorite parts are just when the MC says or does something so unhinged and random that I'd choke out a gasp-laugh.
Also the narrator was such good casting. She sounds so British and proper and gentle, and then says things like "i bit into the snout".
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher!

"We've only just met, but I can already sense a decadently slow mind behind his vacant eyes."
What an absolute wild and crazy ride, and I do mean C r A z Y! Imagine a deranged Jane Eyre mixed with Patrick Bateman from American Psycho and you have an idea of who Winifred Notty is.
Virginia Feito brilliantly uses literary prose in a superbly fitting dark and macabre way. Ms. Notty is completely UNHINGED and her thoughts are 100% UNFILITED! It’s as if you’re reading her diary and she knows you will, “dear readers”. As she picks apart societal norms, class distinctions and privilege in her delusional mind, I laughed so much. She’s insane, but so incredibly LIKEABLE! Talk about dark humor!
Anna Burnett simply shines as Ms. Notty, delivering sardonic wit with perfect inflection and just the right amount of emotion. I HIGHLY recommend the audiobook for the nuances of humor and snark!
Ms. Notty fights her impulses and is fully in control...until she ISN’T. She REALLY needs to stop biting things!! (IYKYK!) That oral fixation is troubling for sure, but it’s just the beginning of what descends into utter chaos and gore.
Speaking of gore, Feito doesn’t hold back so please check trigger warnings. When things ramp up to mass carnage, you might find yourself thinking, wait...she did WHAT?! That being said, much of the violence felt farcical to me with a surreal element and fantastical feats that defy physics! I’m still unsure how much of the gruesome mayhem ACTUALLY happened since it’s very evident Winifred is OFF. HER. ROCKER! If you enjoy high brow literary prose, dark humor, and ambiguity, then don’t miss this masterful head trip. You’re in for a wicked good time!
Thank you Recorded Books for my free audiobook. All opinions are mine.
Potential spoiler content warnings below.
⚠️ Content Warnings: crude language, knife violence, gore, blood, sexual content, child harm/death, hanging, death, Mention of: infidelity, animal harm/death, poisoning

A gruesome yet lovely read. It's now on my 'cozy' reads list! The story is filled with bloody twists and chilling scenes that will keep you hooked.
If you're a fan of "Tender Is The Flesh" or "Maeve Fly," this book is a must-read. The gore is intense, but the plot is so captivating that you won't be able to put it down.

This book was awful, ridiculous, disgusting and violent. Why did I love it so much!?
A creepy psychopath becomes a governess to two children in a Gothic Victorian manor. She has a wicked plan
This is literary horror that won't be for everyone. I just loved it.

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the audio version. I was excited to read this book. I saw the novel and was instantly drawn to it and the synopsis sounded interesting. This was a hard pass for me. I listened to about half of it and I just couldn't anymore. I understand it was a short novel. But the writing was sloppy to me and not engaging at all. I think that since it was labeled as a "horror" it was not scary and I think the writing was supposed to be shocking but it just wasn't... it was boring and I could not stand the MFC. On top of that we have that gay liberal feminist subject matter shoved down our throats. I absolutely hated it. Hard pass for me.

**3.5-stars rounded up**
Winifred Notty has been selected by the Pounds family to be their new governess at Ensor House in Grim Wolds, England. No doubt the Pounds are hoping that Winifred will be the perfect guardian for their two children, Drusilla and Andrew. A Mary Poppins, of sorts, who'll raise her charges with joy. Unfortunately, what they get in Winifred is much more Harley Quinn than Mary Poppins.
As the monotonous days pass, Winifred has a harder time suppressing her violent compulsions. These thoughts aren't new to Winifred, but this vast playground of the Pounds family home is. She has so many new directions to point her murderous fantasies. Both the adults and the children are getting under her skin. There's only so much more she's going to be able to swallow without acting...
As Christmas approaches, Winifred develops the perfect plan, I mean, gift, to bestow upon this lovely Victorian family. It's sure to be a holiday not soon forgotten.
Quentin Tarantino meets Henry James in this historically-set Horror novel that delves into territory few dare to tread. The synopsis describes this as a story that 'plunges readers into the chilling mind of an iconic new literary psychopath', and that couldn't be more apt.
Victorian Psycho is an oddly-gripping little book. The writing was beautifully-dark, but I did find the overall narrative more choppy than I tend to enjoy. Otherwise, I could've rated it higher. The audiobook is a great option for this story though. I had a lot of fun listening to it. Half the time, I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Having an MC with this type of recurring thoughts is always a bit of a trip, but I think having it in such a traditionally Victorian setting made it all the more jarring.
For me, the gothic vibes only helped to enhance the shocking-nature of this violent and gruesome tale. It's hard to describe and I wish I could have connected a bit more with what was happening in the story. I think it's length, coming in at around 200-pages, maybe didn't do it any favors.
In a way, it is like a punch, quick and impactful, but at the same time, I'm not sure how long that impact will last, as I never truly felt connected with what was happening. With this being said though, it was still entertaining.
Thank you to the publisher, Recorded Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I had fun and would be interested in reading more from this author in the future.

What a hilariously horrific book.
Winifred Notty, or simply Fred, is such an intriguing and entertaining character. I absolutely loved this book, and I seriously can't wait for the film adaptation!
The narrator did an amazing job, and fit the vibes of the book perfectly!
Thanks to Netgalley and Recorded Books for this audiobook

This worked really well as a historical novel, and I loved the morbidness with which Victorian culture was presented. Ancient Egyptians, phrenology, sexual deviancy, and many other obsessions of the period (although sadly no seances) were mentioned throughout the book, and I thought it was a lot of fun and an excellent backdrop for a story about a psychopathic woman bent on revenge. Winifred's cheerful disposition in the face of violence, fear, or vulgarity was very fun to read, and she was an engaging and intriguing character to follow.
However, I did have an issue with this story not doing anything very original with its premise. The idea of a vengeful, murderess woman committing violence with glee is not unique, and even Winifred's job as a Victorian governess isn't exactly a novel idea. This along with an ambiguously queer main character and a superficial feminist undertone made the book feel a little bit cookie-cutter. This would be fine, as there's nothing wrong with using stereotypes as long as you use them interestingly, however I found these tropes were used in a way that made the story very very predictable. (view spoiler) While there are some interesting insights into her backstory and experiences as a psychopath, as well as a few plot twists along the way, the ending is obvious from the first few pages. I was half expecting the whole time that my expectations would be subverted or that there would be some horrifying twist that put everything into a new perspective, but no. And this predictability meant that the ending of the book, which should have been the climactic, horrifying moment when Winifred's depravity is finally on full display, feels a little underwhelming.
Overall, I thought this was written well and had a fun, tongue-in-cheek tone that I enjoyed. I also really liked the historical aspects and felt like the book felt true to that period in a fun, macabre way. It's just unfortunate that the overarching plot was so predictable and therefore not very engaging, leaving meaningful moments feeling lacklustre.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with this audio ARC in return for my honest review.

Thank you so much @netgalley and @recordedbooks for this audio copy of Victorian Psycho by Virginia Feito. This is the most fittingly titled book ever! This book is absolutely insane, and I loved every minute of it.
Winifred Notty is quite possibly one of my favorite villains of all time. She is sick. She is depraved. The things she does are outrageous and go far beyond the type of thing the average, run of the mill psycho gets up to. And she is absolutely hilarious. Go grab this one now. You will be shocked, repulsed and thoroughly entertained.

What a weird weird weird book. I think a reread is in-order because I know I missed some of the crazy shit that went down between these pages. A Victorian, gender-swapped imagining of American Psycho. A movie I never saw but after this might consider giving it a shot. I do think our main character, Winifred, was one of the biggest draws. Something about her was so charming even while she was telling the most gruesome, disgusting stories.

This book was quite a dark, disturbing, and rather disgusting ride. I went into this knowing it was going to be way (I mean, the title itself should allude to it) but I still wasn't prepared for the reality of it. I like horror a lot and am not too squeamish but it was still too gross for me. It is also written in a darkly comedic tone so it still managed to make me laugh at times. I don't know if I can say I "liked" the book because it is really horrific at time, but it was an interesting read that I think has an audience out there (Nightbitch fans, I'm looking at you!). Thank you to NetGalley and Liveright for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed above are my own.