Member Reviews

What a book! It’s heartbreaking that it’s even something we have to deal with in society but it is a very real thing and this book really makes you think and gets the cog in the wheels turning. I didn’t know what to think when I finished. It is a book that stays with you for sure

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DNF @20% The premise of the book was intriguing, but I personally don’t like how it was executed. The book has some funny moments, I’ll give it that. I don’t think that this book is my cup of tea, so unfortunately I don’t believe that I will be finishing it. I just find that the story drags on with not alot of payoff. The writing was also hard to understand for me, I felt confused more than I should have. It just never managed to fully suck me in, and I was left feeling underwhelmed.

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I really liked the premise of this book but in the end I just felt underwhelmed. At 200 pages everything was being quite rushed and you don't get a chance to understand things in depth or to connect. But a cute read nonetheless

Review also on goodreads and storygraph

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An excellent read for any and all readers! Author comes at you with both barrels and knocks you out of your shoes! Great job fleshing out all the characters. I give this book FIVE stars! Definitely recommend!

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I just finished “The Baby Exchange” by Hannah Parry and what a cute book! It’s about an LA talent agent named Mae Miller who finds herself in an unwanted cryptic pregnancy, a mother with dementia, and a mountain of debt.

She goes on a reality show to give her baby up for adoption and earn enough fees to cover her mother’s expenses all while trying to promote her best friend’s, Billy Mac’s, acting career.

The story has a great cast of characters and who doesn’t love crazy reality tv, right? Sign me up! Haha. You find yourself really rooting for Mae! Such a sweet story! Solid 4 stars from me!

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very wholesome and heartwarming. would recommend to family and friends. the author had an amazing idea to put and executed very nicely.

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This book took a very long time to get into. I really had to power through it and fight the urge to quit. If you are looking for an easy read, this fits the bill, but again it’s incredibly slow with a good end.

Thank you NetGalley and Hannah Perry for the opportunity to preview this novel. The opinions shared are my own.

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The Baby exchange by Heather Perry, May grew up in the foster care system, and move to Hollywood when her best friend Billy Mac turned 18. she became his agent ,and now his star is beginning to shine brighter, and one of her child actors has just signed with Disney. The only problem may has is her mom Eloise, who has dementia and although her good friend and housekeeper, Israel takes care of her May doesn’t know how much longer she can afford it. in the middle of all, this may finds out another much bigger agent is courting Billy Mac and oh yes thanks to her inverted cervix she’s 37 1/2 weeks pregnant with a baby she didn’t know existed and doesn’t want. This is how she finds herself on a reality show for surrogates in the want to be moms. what a perfect solution on the show have the baby give the baby away get $80,000 plus the surrogacy fee… Problem solved right? Unfortunately,in LA the story isn’t complete with out a scandal and May’s story is definitely included. let me just say this was the best most heartwarming, funny sad, disappointing heartbreaking and heart. Mending story I have ever ever read. it is books like this that prove it’s all about the promotions because I only accidentally came across this book on NetGalley and this book is absolutely phenomenal and I cannot believe more people haven’t read it. I loved Kendra, May her mom Eloise I did wish Billy Mac had a more complete personality. I felt he could’ve been flushed out a little better, but having said that he served his purpose and OMG this book is awesome. Awesome awesome awesome! this is a book I definitely recommend if you love funny modern heartbreaking stories that also make you laugh out loud. You will definitely love this book by Hannah Perry. I absolutely absolutely loved it!!!#NetGalley, #HannahPerry1, #HannahPerry, #TheBaby, #TheBlindReviewer,

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I have to admit, I wasn’t the biggest fan of this book at the start but about 60% in, I got invested and that ending was so worth sticking it out for 😭

It tore me to pieces and then glued all those pieces back together 😭 this is such a beautiful book and well done to the author!

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This is like nothing I’ve ever read before I really enjoyed it
It’s such an unique interesting read
I read it in one sitting as it was a lovely read

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I've finished reading this and really enjoyed it! Would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a fun quick read.

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"A Troca de Bebês", de Hannah Parry, é uma leitura envolvente que explora temas complexos como maternidade, identidade e as nuances das relações humanas. A autora consegue criar personagens profundos e realistas, levando os leitores a refletirem sobre as escolhas difíceis que as mães enfrentam.

A trama é bem construída, com reviravoltas que mantêm o interesse do início ao fim. A prosa de Parry é cativante e fluida, tornando a leitura agradável. Além disso, a forma como a autora aborda questões emocionais e éticas relacionadas à troca de bebês provoca discussões importantes e relevantes.

Recomendo "A Troca de Bebês" para quem busca uma narrativa instigante e que desafia as percepções sobre a maternidade e o amor. É uma obra que certamente deixará uma marca duradoura.

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