Member Reviews

Unless you know about the author, Dominic Pettman’s book Seeking Attention will fool you. The introduction can lead you to believe it is all about stereotypes. How we make assumptions about people by the ways they present themselves, the work they do, and so on. The first few chapters sort of confirm this. And it fits with the title – Seeking Attention – as people want to be noticed for what they do and who they are. But the longer you read, the less the book is about stereotypes and the more it is about what various people, and then various things, pay closest attention to in their work. It becomes a fine-grained magnification of responsibilities, job descriptions gone wild.
Why, you might well ask. The purpose of the book is not revealed until after the profiles of 30 types. They range from parents to therapists, architects to surfers, and tennis ball boys to influencers. Then Pettman moves to dogs, self-driving cars, and viruses.
So what is the book about, really? Because reading all these chapters became a collection of nothing to me. They were all about the jobs these beings perform, every nuance, every effort, every observation, with pop culture references, and lots of florid metaphors. Nothing the least memorable or worth highlighting.
Finally, the truth comes out at the end. Pettman teaches a class on attention in New York City. It is called “Anti-Social Media: Attention, Distraction, Addiction.” He forbids electronic devices in class, so students have to pay attention. One of the assignments is to read Georges Perec’s An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris (1974), in which he sat in St. Sulpice Square and noted absolutely everything that happened while he sat there. Every passing bus, every pedestrian, every door, every window, every near collision ….. Boring.
Pettman then assigns his class to go out into Manhattan and do the same thing. Students first think this is too obviously lame, and are then suitably amazed at what they see when they pay attention instead of reading about it. Specifically, when they weren’t staring down into a mobile screen while walking, and ignoring everything going on in New York. Incredibly, this has to be taught today, at the college level.
This book is a lot of effort for such a simple message. If you know of Pettman, this is his work. He has written other books on attention too.
As for stereotypes, he describes himself as “aging Gen X cultural Marxist urbanite, of the basic white guy persuasion” if that helps. That’s also what the 30 profiles are like: wordy, florid, overstuffed with observations on what it takes to be in that position or profession. Every chapter highlights what the subject pays the most attention to: ball boys follow tennis balls, dogs play fetch endlessly (much like ball boys, it seems), influencers seek affirmation and newness all day long, masseuses study hints of bodily reactions, lovers seek the slightest indications of affirmation, distraction or rejection, curators try to tap into every patron’s gestalt, and on and on. Viruses look to hitch a ride on a host, self-driving cars observe everything and compare it to what its instructions might be for that happenstance. Everything involves attention, okay?
So if you need to understand how much attention you have to pay in various careers, this book might help you choose, though it would seem that anything you do at all requires attention, even if it’s just playing video games.
If you don’t need to know how much attention various careers require, this book does not require your attention.
David Wineberg

“And your point being??”
I must confess I did not finish this book, as very quickly, I found myself wondering why the author had written it. It seemed to be a fairly superficial look at how different types of people, with different professions or roles engaged in, pay attention to, focus on, different things, and in a different way. And inevitably what we focus on will also have an effect on who we are., In our personal lives. The ‘roles’ we take on, as for example, as parents, carers or romantic partners, will also focus our attention in specific ways
So, for example, the policeman or detective is focusing on crimes being committed. Perhaps prolonged attention on miscreants begins to sour one’s view of humanity.
We could, the author says, view each of these ways or roles as archetypes, and choose to pay attention in different ways
The author attempts to avoid things being too dry by humour which felt rather heavy handed to me

Seeking Attention explores the intricate connection between attention and identity, asserting the notion that “you are what you pay attention to.” Drawing inspiration from Simone Weil’s philosophy, this book presents attention through a series of portraits, each examining how figures such as the detective, the fan, the therapist, the parent, and the lover engage with and experience attention.
Pettman’s writing is accessible, offering a clear introduction to the field of attention studies. Through diverse examples, the book highlights both the successes and failures of attention, encouraging readers to reflect on their attention patterns and habits. The book also delves into the concept of the "Industrial-Distraction Complex," advocating for alternative models of presence and multi-sensory awareness as antidotes to today’s distractions.
While the book offers thought-provoking insights, it will likely resonate more with readers interested in cultural studies, psychology, or mindfulness. Those looking for a more structured or comprehensive exploration of attention may find it lacking in substance. However, for readers open to abstract reflections, Seeking Attention provides a refreshing perspective on an essential aspect of our lives.
Read more at The Secret Book Review.

Seeking Attention promises insights on presence, but what it delivers is a collection of loosely connected vignettes that feel more like scattered thoughts than a cohesive exploration. While some passages are mildly interesting, they’re often too brief to leave a lasting impact yet paradoxically verbose—using a lot of words to say very little. The result is a book that feels unfocused, lacking depth or a clear takeaway. If you enjoy abstract musings, this might appeal to you, but for those looking for a more structured or substantial engagement with the topic, it falls short.
Thanks to NetGalley, Dominic Pettman, and Repeater Books for the opportunity to read and review an ARC.

Seeking Attention is - in a way - a meditation on how we engage with the present, with each chapter looking at existence from the analogies of a different professional or a societal role. Pettman then combines anecdotes, examples and theories.
I have learnt new information from and seen interesting examples in this book. It was nice to read the implementation of some of my favourite scholars.
In many instances, I wanted to see more elaboration, and a better edited text.
Great idea, bright writer, moderately interesting execution.

This wasn't my usual type of book to read, but something about the title drew me in. I found each chapter to be unique and interesting. I'm not sure I got much out of it as a story, though. I think this title will find the correct audience though. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.