Member Reviews

This author is new to me but quickly became a favorite due to his skillful story telling. His writing style is tight and the action moves along. The characters are full bodied and realistic. Lol. Unfortunately you get so wrapped up it is hard to put the book down. I stayed up until 2am to finish it.

This is one of those, drop everything, and read! Love Porter and Charlie, along with their team. One of my fav series to read. The sheriff's office is overwhelmed with murders in their county and the race is on to solve the case. It keeps you wondering til the very end.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgallery for the advanced copy in return for an honest review. Looking forward to the next!

This is a fascinating look at the Bureau of Land Management and the chaotic events surrounding the crash of a helicopter and the death of its pilot. When Porter Beck and girlfriend, Charlie Blue Horse investigate, they discover many discrepancies that complicate all the disputes they've seen before and add to the tension. I raced through this one as it was one of those novels that could have kept me up all night!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

Bruce Borgos penned a stunning narrative with engaging characters that could be tangibly felt. I am newer to this author, but color me a fan--a blue fan! ;)

I was so excited to be given the opportunity to read the soon to be published novel, "The Blue Horse." This was a third book in the Sheriff Beck series and it, as were the first two, definitely a good read.
In this story there is a clash between the Bureau of Land Management and their process of moving wild horses to a place where they can't damage any ranchers land or animals and those who wish to see the horses remain free to roam where they wish. I have heard little bits about the wild mustangs and I have to say that the information in this novel gives one plenty to think about.
All is working, under protest, until the pilot in the helicopter herding the horses is shot dead in the air. Then, another person connected with the BLM is murdered in a quite horrific manner and everything points to one person. Not to Beck though. He is seeing something different. Toss in a new lithium mine and things just go awry.
Beck and his girlfriend Charlie Blue Horse start an investigation on several fronts and it leads to seriously bad people.
I loved this book and I could not put it down which is always a good thing and a bad thing. Not putting it down means reading it too fast.
Thank you Minotaur books and NetGalley for this ARC.

An emotionally charged novel that combines mystery and deep character exploration. Borgos expertly weaves suspense with poignant moments of introspection making this book through pricking and unputdownable. This is. Amidst read for fans of a character driven thriller.