Member Reviews

I didn’t get to read this one before the book archived, so I borrowed it from a friend who really loves Barstool. This unauthorized account is not glorifying him while also not crucifying him. It feels like a genuine account. I found this to be a page turner, well written and not overtly biased.

I’ve been a fan of Dave Portnoy aka El Presidente for quite a while. Whether he’s delivering a pizza review or commentary on our favorite Boston sports teams, the man is always entertaining. (Often controversial but always entertaining.) And while I knew somethings about the rise of Barstool Sports, I had no idea just how fascinating of a story it really was. While it’s a shame that this is ‘unauthorized’ and Dave didn’t have a personal hand in telling this story (El Presidente’s personal style would have only enhanced the story), it’s clear that Charlie Stanton did extensive research. Even if you aren’t a fan of the Dave personally, the story of his unwavering perseverance and dedication makes this a tale worth reading. George Newbern is a pleasure to listen to and as always does a fantastic job with the narration. I’d like to thank Tantor Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review an advanced copy of the audio version of How the Jester Became King.

Prior to this book, i have to admit i didn't know anything about Dave Portnoy besides the one bite pizza critiques. This book really gave the whole backstory to his life, including how he started Barstool sports. He started a newspaper originally in the early aughts with a loan from his father. Being in Boston, his newspaper started to pick up when the Boston red Sox won the world series and later the Patriots winning Superbowls. When newspapers started to die down, he moved over to the internet. He did lean into the negative side of masculinity, although he did help turn Jenna Marbles and Alex Cooper into household names.
There are some graphic details into alleged sexual assault, so if you are sensitive to that, I would skip over those parts.
The book did not paint him in the best light, but it was interesting hearing how he got his start.

Hmm, well, maybe it’s my fault for not knowing what I was getting into.
What I knew about Dave Portnoy before reading: he adopted the cutest pittie known to man, Miss Peaches, and became the sweetest dog dad on the internet.
I wish I could go back to that time.
I respect the hustle and can’t begrudge a man his successes, but knowing how he got there really makes me not like him. Knowing he pretty much built his empire on the backs, or rather the backsides, of women made me lose any respect I had for him. Sure, that’s a reductionist take, but the entire of the story was really hampered by this knowledge.
Before you come at me for just not having a sense of humor, I laugh at Jackass and Matt Rife like any sensible human.
The author did a good job with writing this book, though, because despite my newfound dislike of Portnoy, I actually managed to get through this book.

I thought the opening was great, funny, brash and interesting buuuut I didn’t love this book.
It felt too long and kind of boring in the middle, getting lost in the weeds of things and my attention would drift off elsewhere.
Dave Portnoy is certainly an interesting character but even chronicling his highs and lows here it all just fell a little…. flat.
I loved the narrator but it sounded like even he was getting bored and just listing things off.

I have been a fan of Dave Portnoy for a few years now. I have been picking up bits and pieces of his past through posts and it is so interesting. As the author states, Dave didn’t want to be a part of this book. This book tells Dave’s story and highlights who he really is. I think at first glance or maybe a first impression may be that this guy is a rough around the edges. And he is. But deep down Dave is a loyal and good guy. He knows who he is and what he stands for and is a no nonsense man. He likes to have fun and gamble and take risks. He had a vision and went for it with his company. Anyone that can get guys to work for not much money at first must have really loved him and believed in his vision as well. To see what the company is today and how it started, what a ride. All the while Dave staying true to who is and what Barstool Sports is. And almost more importantly what it isn’t. He has had bumps in the road along the way; but the over all theme is to stay the course and keep going. It seems that Barstool is even better than Dave had dreamed of. All starting with a newspaper is so inspiring. Seeing Dave today continuing to be loyal to Bri during her recent breakup just proves that Dave still holds loyalty, the power of the internet, a grudge and social media drama is still the same as it always was. And that consistency is inspiring. Regardless of what you think of Dave this book will show that being persistent and consistent and holding your view no matter what really can carry you farther than you may even think you can go. Totally recommend this book!!

Yes! This was amazing! Definitely a must read for anyone that loves to see the inside thoughts of one of the greats

NO JEST, I am a HUGE Dave Portnoy fan and was elated when I was approved for an ARC of "How the Jester Became King".
NO JEST #2, when requesting this title, I misread the cover and did not see the 2-point type "Unauthorized Real Story" disclaimer.
Instead, I saw Dave's name under the title and assumed this was a memoir penned by Dave.
Although the book was well-written and meticulously researched, it lacked Dave's swagger and charismatic gift of storytelling.
NO JEST #3, nobody "tells it like it is" like Dave Portnoy.
I listened to the audiobook read by George Newbern, one of my favorite narrators.
This is the first nonfiction book I have listened to narrated by George Newbern and I was disappointed.
George seemed tired and bored when robotically rehashing the intricate and intimate details of Dave's life.
As the book progressed, I started getting tired and bored, too.
Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
TW: Expletives, expletives, and more expletives.