Member Reviews

My thanks to NetGalley and Rebellion-Solaris for an advance copy of this novel of speculative fiction dealing with a future world, slowly going underwater, a corporation determined to have all the power, hard currency, hard people doing bad things, and the one man who might be able to save it all, or let it just go to dust.

I remember the book that introduced me to the world and ideas of the cyberpunk genre, as I still have the paperback on my shelf. Most would say William Gibson who I found later in an old issue of Omni magazine, I think. It wasn't Mirrorshades the Bruce Sterling anthology, I read that much later. The book was Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams, and the cover made it look like Mad Max meets Star Wars. As I loved both, I grabbed it and gave it a try. The mix of computers, punk rock sensibility, dystopia, violence, the writing, the ideas. The Max Headroom, Escape from New York feeling that this was the future, and that it was going to be be so dark that sunglasses were needed all the time. Take that Asimov's Caves of Steel. The book and other books in the same genre hit me like a jolt of canned oxygen on the top of Everest. Soon there were movies, games, computer games, comics, and like every genre the good soon had to be found in a mass of bad. However it was always worth searching, which was why I loved this book. The Price of Everything by Jon McGoran is a novel of the future, where the Internet and government barely work, the seas are rising, hard currency rules, and everything humans value might be turned to dust.

Armand Pierce is an independent man in a corporation controlled future. The Interned has been hacked to death, along with most of the financial institutions and cyber currencies. In answer the world has gone back to hard currency, making cash king. To move these large amounts of bulky packages, there are couriers, who exist outside the system, with their own Guild, ideals and codes, and ways of handling problems. Couriers are outfitted with attache cases chained to the courier's bones, and are trained to protect their package until delivery. Pierce has had a lot go wrong in life, but has been a courier for over ten years, and knows what he is doing. Which is why when a package disappears on his watch, he takes it seriously. Mainly because his own Guild will chop off his hand, and maybe end his life. Pierce does not want this, and goes on the run, trying to figure out what is going on. Soon Pierce finds that there is a vast conspiracy, one that is bigger than a small robbery attempt. And that the past that Pierce that was behind him, might have much to do with what is happening now.

This was like an old cyberpunk story, with a world that exists, technology that is vaguely of now, with some changes, and lots of big ideas. Oh and violence, lots of violence. The world seems totally possible, especially with the news about foreign governments hacking cybercurrencies regularly, as well as mad billionaires ruining things. The story starts moving almost immediately and doesn't let up, and lets the world slowly unfold so that one isn't info dumped all at once. Little things fill in the background and again it all works. There might be a little much in the way of coincidences, but it really does move the story along. I liked the character, his motivations, and the motivations even of some of the people doing bad things.

A book that brought me back quite a bit, and one I really enjoyed. Science fiction and dystopian fiction fans, meaning most of the people living right now will enjoy this. Role playing gamers will get a lot of good ideas for games also, including the big plot which I am trying not to blab about. A really fun story, and I plan to keep a mirrorshaded eye out for more books by McGoran.

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"Clever, smart, and innovative. An intelligent and realistic fictional treatment of corporate greed's response to climate change; perhaps the most intelligent I will ever read. What a killer plot and premise, with a dark, resourceful, biologically enhanced 'courier' as both the hunter and the hunted. So unique. I thoroughly enjoyed this. A must read." — Chris Bauer, author of I HEARD YOU PAINT COWBOYS and the Max Fend Maximum Risk series

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A well-written Dystopian thriller. Solid MC. Fun action scenes. Interesting and creative plot. The ending was kinda predictable but fine.

First time reading this author. I'll be checking out some of his earlier stuff.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Set in a future where the internet has disappeared and cash is the only means of payment. Pierce is a courier who makes sure it gets to its intended recipients. When he opens a delivery and the money has disappeared, he becomes a target as he tries to find out what has really happened.
He also tries to find answers to other tragedies in his life and relies on his tenacity and multiple skills to do so.
A charismatic character who takes us on a ride where corporate corruption and the mafia go hand in hand.
A science fiction novel with a dose of thriller, very effective and action packed. I really enjoyed it.

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The Price of Everything by Jon Mcgoran, a well written book that I didnt find enjoyable. Occasional cursing for dramatic effect is understandable but this one went a little far for me. I do think others will enjoy it and I thank you for giving me a chance with this book.

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I commend McGoran for creating an intelligent and effective thriller that walks a fine line between total sci-fi and ultra realistic narrative. The result is a moody and atmospheric thriller that reminded me a little bit of Blade Runner crossed with wondering how Jason Statham’s Transporter would be if set in the near future. The action sequences are vivid in their nature, using much of the modern weaponry to help thriller fans visualize the scenes effectively, maybe too effectively as Pierce uses knives, Glocks, throwing spikes, and a metal chain of his surgically embedded cuff. The action is plentiful and slick with great cinematic sequences to hold your attention.

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