Member Reviews

Book 4 of 4 - I suggest that you read these in order. This was my favorite book in the saga. The author is well researched and easy to read.

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It was great to be back in Coronation Close with all the people I feel I'm come to know well through the last three books. The Close is in the throes of war. For some the daily struggle of finding enough food in the shops to feed their families is a bigger battle than the war itself.
Jenny and Thelma, the two friends who live opposite each other are as close as ever. They're both trying to bring up their children safely. Thelma is having a time of it trying to keep Mary in check. She's growing up now and wants to have fun and a good time. Jenny's Tilly is around the same age but is a sensible girl with plans of her own.
There's also a new family in the Close. The father is Percy Routledge who's a policeman and who soon has antagonised everyone of his neighbours and then he disappears.
This book didn't grab me as much as the others in the series. Thelma has always been my favourite but in this book she's changed. Her feistiness is gone and she spends a lot of time brooding about things she can't changed and it got quite repetitive. Towards the middle of the book the story dragged and then in contrast the round up at the end was very rushed.
However, it's still a four star read for me as I look forward to the next in the series and can't wait to see what's in store for all in the Close.

Many thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for an early copy.

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The fourth book in the Coronation Close series and this was definitely my favourite. Set in my hometown of Bristol in 1941, during World War II, this is another captivating read in the series. I was so engrossed in the book, I read it in one sitting. It’s great to be back with Thelma Dawson, Jenny Crawford and their family and friends. I really recommend reading the series in order to get the full experience.

Briefly, lives aren’t easy what with their men away as part of the war effort, rationing and all the wartime rules, but the women are strong and have learned to make do and mend. Thelma’s daughter Mary has fallen for a Canadian soldier, Thelma’s son is missing after his ship was torpedoed, her gentleman friend hasn’t been in contact recently and she is worried about losing her job. Then unpopular PC Percy Routledge who also lives on the close goes missing.

The book is full of that indomitable British spirit much lauded during the war. Thelma and Jenny are such strong characters, women who work all day, keep their homes clean and tidy, cook wholesome meals from anything they can get hold of and still have time to support their friends and families. There is so much going on besides their day to day lives. Murder, missing people, misogynistic behaviours, romance and grief but most of all friendship. A very enjoyable read.

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They really are tough times.
Life is hard, rationing, working and women waiting for news.
Women in there forties are considered old, how times have changed.
It really made me think about what my mum and nan went through.
Well written drama by this lovely author.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Things get tougher as the war goes on. The women of coronation court make their way through the ups and downs. You have to admire the way they cope with rationing, children and war work as they wait for news of their loved ones.
Great continuation of the series

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Prepare to be captured, I couldn’t put this book down.
When Mary Dawson is travelling on the bus with her friend Pauline Chambers they have no idea of the dangers ahead, this will affect more than one. Some may say it’s just desserts, I think it’s a little harsh.
Meanwhile on the “Close” Thelma has other family issues, her son George is missing at sea. Thelma is trying to stay strong for her daughter-in-law Maria who is expecting her second child. Thelma is grateful for neighbour & friend Jenny Crawford who always tries to brighten her up (even when Jenny has problems of her own, that seem to be dragging ( will they work out for the best?).
Margaret Routledge is worried about her young son Albert who doesn’t appear to be very well, bossy husband Percy has forbidden her from getting the doctor, will Margaret use her mother’s instinct and actually ignore Percy for once!

There is a lot going on to keep you reading, romance, missing bodies, drama and hilarity. Recommend it.
My favourite character was Thelma, least favourite was Percy. The funniest was the blimp, poor Harold.
Look forward to hearing more.

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Book four, and make do and carry on... Bristol 1941.
Such an enjoyable read.
And all the rules and regulations hit the people at Coronation Close in this WW2 Blitz with tough times here to stay.
This is where married women spend all day working then home to washing cooking and trying to put a decent meal on the table. Single women looking forward and dreaming of a good night out.
I loved reading all this series and tough times is what it means on the cover.
Full of highs and lows from all these amazing characters.
Once again the author will well and truly touch her readers bringing this amazing book to life. I loved it.

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Back again for another visit to Coronation Close. P C Percy Routledge is the resent policeman who’s always on everyone’s business he’s not well liked but no one knows how he treats his family.
Thelma is worried about her daughter Mary going off the rails and Bert her man friend hasn’t been in touch after the death of his mother after promising they could wed when that happened. Also she is trying to look after her pregnant Italian daughter in law when her son is declared missing in action.
The close is facing some uphill struggles but can they all pull together and help each other in these stormy times?
As usual brilliantly written by Lizzie Lane who pulls you into the lives of the residents and making you feel part of the community.
Brilliant book and looking forward to my next visit.

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Tough times on coronation close, another wonderful read in the series. Thelma and Jenny live on coronation close and the book tells their story of hardship, love and heartache during ww2, a great read and already waiting patiently for the next instalment ⭐️

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Another smashing family saga. The story was great. Looking forward to seeing more in this series

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The residents of Coronation Close are tight knit and treat each other like family. This book is set during WW2, life is stressful, scary and very hard. Follow these lovely people as they live their lives and support each other as best they can during a war. It gives a bit of an insight into how hard life would have been, trying to make ends meet and not knowing if your family would survive. I really enjoyed this book, looking into the lives of the residents of Coronation Close. I’m very much looking forward to the next book in the series. Highly recommend, it’s an entertaining read.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

Another brilliant book by this author love this series

Family saga at its best the ups and down of the residents of Coronation Close

Keep these books coming

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