Member Reviews

Charles Martin's THE LETTER KEEPER is the second book in the Murphy Shepherd series. In it, he continues to tackle a rough and raw subject: human trafficking and its aftermaths.

In THE LETTER KEEPER, Murphy continues his mission of rescuing victims of human trafficking, dedicating his life to finding those whom others cannot. The story takes a deeply personal turn when Murphy's new wife, her daughter, and other teenage girls close to him are abducted. This event throws his world into turmoil and forces him to confront his deepest fears.

THE LETTER KEEPER blends heart-wrenching emotion with suspenseful action and many surprises, creating a compelling and engaging narrative. The characters, including Gunner, Murphy's German shepherd, are not just vivid and well-developed, but also deeply relatable, drawing you into their world.
The story also explores the faith and redemption of the characters rescued from trafficking.

Jonathan K Riggs, the audiobook's narrator, delivered an excellent performance. His narration not only brought the story and the characters to life, but also added a layer of authenticity that truly transported listeners to the heart of the story.

I sincerely thank NetGalley, Thomas Nelson, and Zondervan Fiction Audio for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review. Their contribution has not only allowed me to experience this captivating story, but has also sparked my interest in the rest of the Shepherd series.

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Golly this story. This is the third time that I've "read" this story. Twice on audio and once I've read the hardcover. This time around, I heard new pieces of the story in a new way. I also feel like this story gets better with every read! This story of love won and lost, of leaving the 99 in order to save the one - it pulls me in and makes me wish the story would never end. To have loved and lost like Murphy Shepherd is something I think everyone can relate to on some level. And Murphy Shepherd makes me want to do more with that love. I also absolutely love the narrator for this book. The way that he brings the characters to life helps me to see them in my minds eye!

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Excellent book! To me it felt a lot like a Jack Reacher type character, but more sensitive and a little romantic. The story like was so interesting. I had not read the first book in the series prior to reading this one. It seemed a good stand alone book and I don’t feel like I missed much having not read the first one. However I will be reading the first one now since I enjoyed this one so much. The narration was wonderful.

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I LOVE Charles Martins style of writting, his stories are always sure to tug on the heart strings, and I seem to always be anxiously awaiting the next release. Again, this book was 5 out of 5 for me. Great storytelling, great characters that are super relatable, and keeps you on the edge of your seat!

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Charles Martin can string words together well but his lack of storytelling skills made this book difficult to finish. I'd have DNF'd had I not made a commitment to Netgalley to review this book as well as The Keeper, book four in the Murphy Shepherd series. My main gripe, despite the main character being a humble brag Captain America type, is that CM breaks the cardinal rule of writing: show, don't tell. A full 50% of this book is telling what happened with little or no action. A lot of back story on Casey. Literally half the book, nothing happens and everything is just told to us. Finally something happens and it's all action and totally unbelievable. It's fine if you like this genre and so I gave it a medium rating. I try to base a review on content, not my personal tastes.

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Thank you to Charles Martin, Thomas Nelson and Zondervan Fiction Audio and NetGalley for an ARC of this audio book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

WOW! This entire series has me hooked! I just finished the first book this morning and IMMEDIATELY started the second. There is something so gut-wrenching yet hopeful within these books and I can't get enough!

Looking forward to the third and fourth books!

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Great second book in this series. Borrowing so many elements from the first book, the writer expands upon the amazing love story, the thrilling and often heart racing adventure, and really deepens the history of all the characters in this phenomenal follow up. Highly recommend and cannot wait to read the next installment!

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Charles Martin carefully discusses human trafficking and its effects on its victims and those who rescue them in <i>The Letter Keeper.</i> I had not read or listened to other books by Martin, so I am listening to this book out of sequential order. With that being said, I appreciated Martin providing character backgrounds of Mark Shepherd, Sunny, and the girls rescued in <i>The Water Keeper.</i>

Shepherd is an author, a priest, and former military who lives in Freetown. He uses his finances, abilities, and religious faith to rescue people who have fell victim to trafficking. Martin keeps focused on the emotional, mental, and psychological healing process rather then the darkness of sex trafficking. Martin's sensitivity for his readers / audiobook listeners provides a healing balm for them.

Like any hero, Shepherd requires assistance from others. Bones, Sunny, and Gunner (a dog) help Shepherd rescue others as well as care for the people of Freetown. Their purpose is clear: "to know [others] and to be known" by others. Martin uses these characters demonstrate the necessity of human connection and the careful curation of words while developing those relationships.

I would like to thank #Nelson Publishing and #Netgalley for the audiobook.

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The Letter Keeper by Charles Martin is the second book in the Murphy Shepherd series and is a sequel to The Water Keeper. This book truly picks up right where The Water Keeper leaves off and I recommend you reading The Water Keeper first. The first half of this book focuses on the healing and recovery of the trafficked girls Murph saves in The Water Keeper. You'll follow one girl in particular, Casey, who was trafficked at such a young age she doesn't really know who she is and struggles to trust anyone. The second half of this book is really where the action and trouble are introduced.

The way Charles Martin writes these scenes is so atmospheric and vivid, it truly placed you there in the scenario the characters find themselves in.
In true Martin fashion, be prepared to begin a journey of multiple surprises, plot twists, and suspense all the while connecting you with some endearing and special characters.

Once again, Jonathan K. Riggs did a spectacular job of narrating and adding to my reading enjoyment. Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas Nelson, and Zondervan Fiction Audio for the opportunity to listen and review this book.

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The Letter Keeper by Charles Martin is the explosive continuation of Murphy Shepard’s story from the Water Keeper. I am so glad I chose the audiobook version, as hearing this story come to life was nothing less than thrilling and addictive. Murphy is such a unique, enigmatic character. He draws you in with every step and makes you feel like you are there with him. I love all the details and explanations regarding the technical aspects; it’s like he’s thinking out loud, which is so helpful for us normal human beings without his amazing skills and talents. The pursuit of rescuing the one is strong in this story and seeing how far he will take it is touching. I enjoyed the happy, comedic moments that help break up some of the heavy elements. Of course, being the second book in a series, it leaves you in the perfect position to wait with bated breath for the next story….
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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An incredible second book in a triology. If you have not read the first book you can read this one but I would recommend starting at the beginning and go through the whole story of this journey. We are in the world of Murphy Shepard and the beginning starts with a big bang. The reader learns more about Murphy Shepard, his childhood and how things shaped hiim. The writing, the flow and the vivid decsiptions engrosses the reader in the pages and unraveling of each page. Definitely reommend this series which captures so many themes and information. Thanks the the publisher, auhor and Netgalley for the opportunity.

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This was a beautiful continuation of Murphy Shepherd’s story. His dog is by far my favorite character.

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This is a second read for me, this time via audiobook. The narrator does an excellent job bringing the book to life. While this book is about human trafficking, Martin tells the story in a way that is palatable enough to read the book while allows us a real glimpse into this pervasive problem within our world. Martin reaches a a place inside all of us, not just with the story on the surface, but also goes much deeper and in ways that resonate with our spirit.

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As always, Charles Martin doesn't disappoint. This sequel to The Water Keeper continues the story of Murphy Shepherd and his important mission to help rescue troubled youths. In this installment characters are developed more than the first and some details are filled in for the reader. There is not as much of an action plot as the first book in the series, and I like the return to Martin's gift of revealing the emotional side and depth to his characters.
The narrator, Jonathan Riggs, is perfect for this series. He has a good accent without being overdone, and a soothing tone. I highly recommend this set of books and, of course, reading in order. But don't neglect Martin's others works...I always recommend readers to start at the beginning with Dead Don't Dance and keep on reading from there!
Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for this ARL. All opinions are mine.

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After reading the first book, I was interested to read this one, or rather listen to it.
There are a lot of characters in Murphy Shepherd's life and I found it challenging to differentiate between them, so may have benefitted from reading a different format.
The narrator was good, and encapsulated the emotion and drama very well.
It didn't massively improve my opinion of the series though, I have found them forgettable thus far.

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Picking up immediately after book one, this second book of the series ratchets up the tension set up in the first book and builds upon the back story, as well as the current timeline of Murphy Shepherd as he continues on his quest to seek and save the lost. This time things get personal with who is lost and he has to dig deep into his training and his faith to find the strength to make what is wrong, right.

This book has a long ramp up to the action packed sequences, but it's the second book of a series so you expect more build up and backstory to fill out what you have learned from book 1 and to set you up for what is to come in book 3. The descriptions of sex trafficking are also more intense in this book which contributes to the tension ratcheting up in the series.

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Has anyone ever read a bad Charles Martin book? I sure haven’t. I just finished listening to The Letter Keeper. It was amazing.

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Wow! This series is something I can't even put into words. It's one of those books that you just need a minute to absorb after reading. I don't know how people waited for the 3rd book after that cliffhanger, but I'm sure glad I don't have to wait. I'm not sure how I will feel after it's over. I feel a hangover coming already..... Thank you NetGalley, Thomas Nelson and Zondervan Fiction Audio for the opportunity to listen and review this wonderful series!

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This "Christian" book is a thriller. Get ready for a rough ride if that is your preferred genre. A gripping saga, not for the faint of heart. We didn't realize the nature of this novel. Another foreboding opening.

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