Member Reviews

At first I found the idea of rethinking Shakespeare plays as historical romance would be really interesting but as I started reading through the stories in this collection I was a little disappointed with the lack of variety. Although some writers took on lesser known tales many stuck with either Romeo & Juliet or Taming of the Shrew which are pretty predictable choices. The biggest problem with this was that I just felt like I was reading the same basic story over and over again. By the title I thought one of these was going to be based on Hamlet which I thought had the potential to be really good but then that turned out to be just another R&J romance. The stories themselves were all good in isolation - it was reading them as part of a collection that made me less enjoyable. I also found quoting Shakespeare while basing the story off Shakespeare to be a little too much. I'm not sure if the authors were all given a word maximum but the one thing all the stories had in common was that they felt rushed. Couples going from just meeting to being madly in love within a few pages and there was no time for character or plot development. Overall, not my favorite story collection from Dragonblade but I also far from hated it. I rate it as just okay.

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A Duke by Any Other Name
A Historical Romance Anthology

Anthologies with short stories and/or novellas are an excellent way to sample the work of a variety of authors and that is just what I did today. The tropes are many and varied but all were inspired by Shakespeare’s plays. Young lovers separated, commoner who marries up, war hero returns for his handfasted bride, neighbors who find true love, enemies to lovers, and more are found I the short love stories by the following authors. The stories were not deep due to their brevity an relaxing way to spend the day.
HER ONE AND ONLY - Cheryl Bolen
KISS ME KITTY - Shana Galen
LUCKY DEVIL - Lily Harlem
IT’S IN HIS KISS - Jenna Jaxon
THE SANDAL OF US - Amanda Mariel
BOCCA BACIATA - Delphine Roy
AS I LIKE IT, DUKE - Tanya Wilde

Thank you to NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the ARC – this is my honest review

3-4 Stars

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A Duke By Any Other Name is a terrific collection of short stories based on a variety of Shakespearean works. I thought it was a fun introduction to authors that I haven't read before as well as revisiting those that are my favorites. Will Venus get her Adonis ? Will Kitty meet her match or has she met him already? I really enjoyed the subtle tie in to Shakespeare. I recommend this collection to readers looking for a quick read.

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This historical romance novella eleven story set by eleven famous authors was very entertaining, engaging, and well written. The characters were interesting, complex, strong-willed, delightful, and likable. The drama, action, humor, wit, intrigue, family, and personal feuds,kidnapping, secret identities, castles, dukes, forbidden love, escape for freedom, Gretna Green, a fire, and so many emotional issues and plot twiststhat held me captivated. I enjoyed al the passionate and beautiful love with delightful endings. I highly recommend reading all eleven stories!

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A well rounded collection of short and enjoyable historical romances.

The Duke's Difficult Daughter by Sara Bennett...
Wonderful story, a fated match between a gamekeeper and a Duke's daughter. Maxwell and Luna have that instant connection that turns into a lifetime of happiness.

Her One and Only by Cheryl Bolen...
A short love story, Venus knows she loves James, but James needs a little convincing along the way.

Kiss Me, Kitty by Shana Galen...
A perfect little romance with Taming of the Shrew vibes. It doesn't take long for Edmund to woo and win Kitty's heart. Childhood friends that find their happily ever after.

Lucky Devil by Lily Harlem...
Harry and Jane are quite in love and passion rules their hearts, difference in class stands no chance when their love is so fierce.

It's in His Kiss by Jenna Jaxon...
Will and Lucinda find love in the most unexpected situation but underneath it all love is blooming.

The Play's the Thing by Susan King...
A lovely second chance romance, Colin and Maisie finally gain their happiness. This time Romeo and Juliet get their happily ever after.

Wherefore Art Thou, Marmaduke? by Katherine Bone...
A romance filled with hope and obligation. Marmaduke returns from war to claim his love. Jane and Duke are fated for a forever love.

The Scandal of Us by Amanda Mariel...
A captivating romance, it starts at a masquerade and a waltz that changes everything for Julianna and Sebastian. Love at first sight and a love that breaks the chains of a family feud.

How to Catch the Duke of Your Dreams by Dawn Brower...
A matchmaker is at work... Landon and Henrietta find love unexpectedly. An instant connection and a misunderstanding that leads to love.

Bocca Baciata by Delphine Roy...
All's well that ends well and that's Raoul and Suzanne's love story. Both are passionate characters and find a deserving happy ending.

As I Like It, Duke by Tanya Wilde...
Beautiful romance with witty banter and a captivating story. Owen and Thalia are perfection, both secretly in love with each other. A chase and a village and a baby fox turns into their wonderful happily ever after.

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The Duke’s difficult Daughter – Sara Bennett 3.5 Stars
A gardener rescues a duke’s daughter who is climbing down to escape. An enjoyable short story, I would have liked it to be longer as didn’t feel much chemistry between the couple

Her one and only – Cheryl Bolen 4 Stars
Venus Jones has had eyes for no one else but her neighbour James, he’s her Adonis but he’s not noticed her so she sets out to grab his attention. A fun, entertaining short story which left me with a smile on my face. Venus is adorably innocent & James only interested in farming until he isn’t

Kiss me Kitty – Shana Galen 5 Stars
When Edmund Peters discovers his childhood sweetheart Kitty is in London looking for a husband, he hies himself to Town with the intention to woo her and make her his wife. But his plan hits a snag when he arrives and finds Kitty has an abundance of suitors, attracted by her large dowry. Displeased by her avaricious beaux, Kitty has taken to terrorizing the men. Edmund braves her wrath to woo her anyway, but just as he secures her hand, she disappears.
A quick delicious romance Kitty has become a shrew to frighten fortune hunters away but Edmund knows her & is determined to wed her. I loved Edmund who was willing to dodge missiles (thrown by Kitty) & he never wavered. Kitty was a delight & I loved that for all her fierceness she had insecurities. A fun & entertaining short story

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Steam level: 2-3ish (most of the novellas have non-graphic open-door sex)
Some language (f-bombs, Lord's name in vain, etc.) if that offends you.

3.5 stars overall. The focus on this HR collection is loose homages to/retellings of the more romantic Shakespearean plays. Many of the novellas I would give 3 stars because they're too insta-lusty, don't spend enough time developing the main relationships, and have simplistic plots. Typical short-format pitfalls.. However, there are a few standouts:

--"As I Like It" by Tanya Wilde 4.25 stars. Friends to lovers. Sweet and sexy, with plenty of humor. The MMC is a cinnamon roll in alpha's clothing. More of a "fantasy HR" so don't expect much adherence to behavior/language of the period. But I enjoyed this.
--"Bocca Baciata" by Dephine Roy. 4 stars. This author knows her French history and language. Interesting, working class MC's who have great chemistry. Even a little bit of action and mystery. I really wish this had been longer.
--"The Play's the Thing" by Susan King. 3.75 stars. Another author who knows her history. Well developed characters and setting, although not much plot. Another one that I wish had been longer.

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A Duke by any other name

The Duke’s Difficult daughter by S. Bennett

A spit fire of a daughter, Luna, meets her match in a lowly commoner, Maxwell. Short, but very well written. Have to say, I can understand her fury, being pushed into an unhappy marriage so her sister can have a happy one! I loved how the tale was weaved and how real the characters were. Very clean and sweet.

Her One and Only by C. Bolen

What an adorable story of a “bumbling Adonis, James and fiery neighbor, Venus. Her attempts to capture his attention were so cute and the climax was funny, especially when the villain is caught unaware!

Kiss me, Kitty by Shana Galen

A different take on Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, is a witty story of a woman hurting so badly, she hurts those around her her. I adored how Edmund saw right through her and calmed her pain-filled heart. I bet Kitty’s house went through a lot of dishes! TEHE

Lucky Devil by Lily Harlem

A class crossover with Jane and Harry fighting for their right to be together. I adored how all the “commoners “ love Lady Jane and did whatever they could to help her. Would have loved to have read a scene where Daddy and Cousin realized they lost! Very spicy love scenes.

It’s in His Kiss by J. Jaxson

A very different and cute story of mistaken identity. William is devastated with a broken heart, broken horse and LOTS of rain. Lucinda is after the Rake whose she had her eye on for a while. The misunderstandings are adorable and the climax is so cute. It reminds me of me of a song from my youth. CUTE!

The Play’s the Thing by S.King

An interesting story using several different plays from Shakespeare that the author uniquely weaved together. A painful beginning with a wonderful and witty climax. A take away - parents make mistakes too.

Wherefore Art Though, Marmaduke by K Bone

Well, this is FULL of quotes from Shakespeare that , I am sure fit the story well, but am not a fan of. I found Jane’s coldness at the end to be unbelievable, though I understood her desire to protect her son. I think the story spent too,much time on his return and not enough on their reunion or her father’s reaction to it. Too rushed at the end.

The Scandal of us by A. Mariel
A Romeo and Juliette retelling with a much happier ending. Sebastian and Julianna find each other at a masquerade ball, only to realize their parents furious. What they go through to be together is a testament of love and devotion. Very uplifting story.

How to Catch the Duke of your Dreams by D. Brower

A delightful story of a matchmaking Aunt, a Duke bent on revenge and Lady Henrietta caught in the middle. Short and sweet, this story is witty, fun and sigh worthy.

Bocca Baciata by D. Roy

An interesting story of the more common people in Paris. Suzanne is a feisty bartender Who is in love with Raoul. His grumpy to her sunshine just leaps off the page. Not fond of the f-bomb that seems to run rampant in stories these days, but being a short story, didn’t have to deal with it much.

As I Like it, Duke by T.Wilde

Of all the stories in this book, I loved this one the best. I adore feisty hoydens and Thalia is definitely one! Watching Owen “pull his hair out” trying to reel her in was funny, especially with the bath scene. I loved it!

I received this story for free and these are my own views.

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The duke’s difficult daughter by Sarah Bennett. I liked the writing and these two did seem made for one another but because they meet at the beginning of the story it is crazy instalove for a couple that don’t spend that much time together. I think it would’ve worked better as second chance or childhood friends to lovers kind of thing. 2/5

Her one and only by Cheryl bolen a new to me author. Very cute! Venus has been in love with her neighbor for 8 years and he is love with farming. But this is her year and she will get him to want to wed her. I liked it everything worked for me within the 40 pages this story was. I will look to read more of this author. 4/5

Kiss me, Kitty by Shana Galen

Kitty has quite the temper but her neighbor Edmund has always been able to see through the temper and has loved her since they were young. This was based on the Taming the Shrew which is like 10 Things I Hate About You so, I enjoyed it. However, I was okay when she was throwing things at the guys but when she threw it at the workers at the Inn so then it is 3/5

Lucky Devil by Lily Harlem

I like this author but her other series that I tried is Medieval and I just don't care for that time period so I was happy to her in this anthology. Jane loves Harry but Harry is a stable boy and she is a noble woman. Her father tries to marry her to a cousin but Jane and Harry do not want to allow this to happen. This has been the only one so far that has spicy in it but I don't think it took away from this short story. The Lyon world made an appearance as well. 3.5/5

Its in his Kiss by jenna Jaxon

New to me author. Umm I just didn’t care for this. I don’t know what Shakespeare this was based on but a man gets caught in a storm and is confused as all the locals seem to know him. He is convinced to go to a dance where he falls in love and wants to merry the women who has confused him with another. I didn’t really get this story honestly. Not clean but spicy 2/5

The play’s the thing by Susan king

This is based on Romeo and Juliet which I don’t like at all. So depending on how I feel after I read it I may not give it a rating just cause I don’t like the source. Okay so this was it a retelling of Romeo and Juliet but the story of two who love the theater and played Romeo and Juliet. They promised to marry but Colin (Romeo) says he cannot marry Maisie(Juliet) cause of his father disproval. He asks her to wait for him and she declines knowing he may never return for her. Many years later, with the help of the theater, they find each other again. I loved this one. I liked her story in the October anthology as well. If she does a series that is not Medieval in the future I will try it. 5/5

Wherefore art thou, Marmaduke by Katherine Bone new to me author.

Jane loves her Duke but he is going off to sea. Will he return? Will they reunite? Honestly okay not bad but didn’t pull me in. 2/5

The Scandal of Us by Amanda Mariel

I don’t think I have ever read this author before and this is an inspired by Romeo and Juliet with HEA. I enjoyed this even though I am an R and J hater. Juliana and Sebastian are both delightful and loving towards one another. Open door but not descriptive. The OG insta love story. 4/5

How to catch the Duke of your dreams by Dawn Brower New to me author
Landon has decided to kidnap his neighbors bride to be and try to seduce her. Will he fall in love in the process? I liked it, both main characters were enjoyable. I just don't know why they really like each other. my biggest grip, the dreaded written out Scottish accent. I'm interested to seeing what this author does with A slightly longer number of pages. 3/5

Bocca Baciata by Delphine Roy

Ahh we got Suzanne and Raoul’s story! I’m so happy! This is a short story that happens after the end of passion at the palais royal but before the epilogue in that book. We follow our leads who are two individuals making a living in a rough area of Paris. Raoul has finally scratched some wealth for himself but still denies himself Suzanne who has decided enough is enough. She wants him! We get some adventure and this was not clean potentially tied for spiciest. Loved it and her series. 5/5

As I like it Duke by Tanya Wilde.

Thalia and Owen are childhood friends. Thalia has confessed to Own but her rejected her taking his role of watching out for her very seriously. When she escapes from an an arranged what ment can these two find their HEA?

I haven't enjoyed a story in this series since the first one. Thalia is very hot headed and spirited. She wants Owen to love her or leave her alone. His choice but she is tired of him not making a decision and helps him along. I liked this a lot. Owen was kind of a mess but they made me laugh and I liked it. Not closed door but not descriptive. 5/5

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Kiss Me, Kitty – Shana Galen
Clever, Shana, clever. My favorite retelling of Taming of the Shrew – the movie Kiss Me, Kate, and Shana brings all of the witty, snarky and cuteness in this short story. I absolutely loved Bianca and Edmund. I wished their story was much longer. You cannot beat witty banter. If you want to “brush up your Shakespeare”, watch Kiss Me, Kate. I had to throw that in.

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This collection of short romance stories had its moments, but overall, it was a mixed experience. The variety of tropes—new love, second chances, and rekindled relationships—added diversity, making each story unique in its own way. However, the biggest drawback was the length of the stories. Many felt too short to fully develop the emotional depth and chemistry needed for a truly compelling romance. Just when I started getting invested, the stories would wrap up too quickly, leaving me wanting more.

The highlight of the collection for me was "Kiss Me, Kitty" by Shana Galen. Her story stood out with its captivating blend of romance and suspense, drawing me in from the very first page. The chemistry between the protagonists was electric, making their connection feel natural and engaging. Galen’s writing was smooth, witty, and immersive, creating a vibrant setting that added an extra layer of richness to the story. Unlike some of the other short stories, "Kiss Me, Kitty" managed to balance character development, plot, and emotional impact in a way that felt satisfying.

While I enjoyed a few of the other stories, many lacked the depth needed to make a lasting impression. The collection as a whole was decent, but it didn’t leave a strong emotional impact. If all the stories had been as engaging as Kiss Me, Kitty, this would have been a standout anthology. As it is, it was an entertaining but somewhat forgettable read.

Therefore I'm giving this collection 3 ⭐.

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This was an entertaining read of various couples finding love, either new, second chances or renewing established relationships.

There's a variety of tropes. My only complaint is that the stories were just too short, so some of the charm of the romance is lost.

#netgalley #ADukeByAnyOtherName

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