Member Reviews

NYPD hostage negotiator Gemma Capello and NYPD A-Team Detective Sean Logan are on a date. As they are making their way through Grand Central Terminal on a Friday night, shots ring out. Masked men are gunning down police officers and commuters. While as many as possible flee the scene, Gemma and Logan stay behind to gather the remaining few to temporary safety. But they aren't safe because the gunmen take them all hostage, zip tying their hands and feet and taking cell phone and electronics.

The situation is dire as two gunmen watch over them but it's the hostage taker with the vest strapped with explosives that makes the situation most dangerous. Gemma and Logan need to keep their identities secret while still using their skills to get everyone out alive. This means Gemma offering herself up as a go between the hostage takers and the NYPD. Little do they know who they're really dealing with.

The situation is intense and the setting is perfect for the plot. There are a lot of details describing Grand Central Terminal. It's clear a lot of research went into this story. The same applies to the process the negotiators go through. This is the fourth book in the series and the first I've read. There might be slight spoilers for earlier books. It was easy for me to jump in. And jump in you will and stay right there with Gemma, Logan, and the hostages in one of the most terrifying circumstances you could imagine.

There are a lot of details. Nothing is skipped over so the story is satisfying in that way. You'll want to keep reading as you are kept on the edge of your seat just as the hostages are. Near the end things ramp up and there is more action.

I would have liked a little more perspective or insight into the hostage takers. Also as much ever present danger there was I wanted more. I know that sounds crazy but it's hard to explain without spoilers. I will be reading more from this series as it's very different from other thrillers. I appreciate the point of view for the storyline as it feels authentic and is really all about the two main characters.

Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read!

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Another wonderfully written book that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

In this book 4 of the NYPD Negotiators series, Sara Driscoll has not disappointed with an abundance of suspense and just the right amount of romance.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read and review!

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When Gemma and Sean Logan finally decide to head out on a date, they find themselves in the middle of gun fire and taken as hostages. This fast paced, nail biting thriller had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.
I have not read the first two books in the series and now want to circle back and read those.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the early release!

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Sara Driscoll did not disappoint AGAIN. The book is set in NYC and in Grand Central Station has an edge of your seat excitement that you constantly are turning the page after page to see what happens next. There may be a little “smooching” going on as well in the book. Buy the book, you won’t be disappointed. If you enjoy the Irish family in Blue Bloods, you’ll love the Italian family of the Capello family.

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NYPD hostage negotiator Gemma Capello and NYPD detective Sean Logan find themselves on the wrong end of the gun barrels in crowded Grand Central Station and then become anonymous hostages after secreting their police IDs. And that's just the first couple of chapters! Unputdownable!
I requested and received a free temporary uncorrected advance proof from Kensington Publishing | Kensington via NetGalley. Pub Date May 27, 2025
#TerminalImpasse by #SaraDriscoll #NYPDnegotiatorsBk4 @kensingtonbooks #actionthriller
#NetGalley @goodreads @bookbub @librarythingofficial @barnesandnoble ***** Review #booksamillion #bookshop_org #bookshop_org_uk #kobo @Waterstones #riveting #grandcentralstation #activeshooters #PTSD #hostages #terrorists

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Gemma Capello and Sean Logan are finally on a date strolling through Grand Central Terminal when they hear screams, automatic weapons firing and start to see bodies falling.
They have become part of a group of hostages. The terrorists are from a group called Sinister13.
Can Gemma use her negotiating skills in this stressed situation to save the hostages as well as herself and Sean?
A rollercoaster of a ride from start to finish. I was on the edge of my seat as I read and couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I felt like I was there and part of the action going through every tense filled moment with Gemma as I read.
I look forward to each book in this series.

Thank you NetGalley, Kensington Publishing and Sara Driscoll for the opportunity to read this intense story.

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NYPD hostage negotiator Gemma Capello and SWAT sniper Sean Logan are cutting through the Grand Central
Terminal when it is taken over by members of a para-military group. One member of the group is wearing a suicide
vest which will limit the actions of responding law enforcement. Both must use their skills to keep the situation
from escalating and keep the hostages safe while hiding their identities.
Intense fast paced read that kept me turning the pages - another winning read in the series.
#TerminalImpasse #Kensington #NetGalley

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I absolutely loved this latest NYPD Negotiators book; I am a huge fan of this series and this latest one did not disappoint! It was intense, suspenseful and impossible to stop reading! I hope this is a series that will continue the adventures of Gemma and Sean.

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As expected this book is another hit by Sara Driscoll. It’s fast-paced with lots of emotional drama and was extremely hard to put down. Set in Grand Central Station in NYC the author does such a good job describing the area that even if you haven’t been there you know what it looks like. She also does an amazing job of describing the action taking place. Lots of tension was created when writing about the hostages and the hostage-takers as well as measures Gemma and Sean to keep themselves and the other hostages alive. If you like thrillers this book and this series should be on your TBR list. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Another hit with Gemma and her family. Having read all of the previous books about the NYPD Negotiators, I was hoping for more of the same. I got it. From the first page to the last, there is almost non-stop action and a touch of romance with the promise of more, I hope. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys suspense and a behind-the-scene look at police negotiations. I received an e-book from NetGalley in return for an unbiased review.

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When shooters enter Grand Central Station and randomly shoot at innocent commuters Detectives Capello and Logan are among the hostages. They will face certain death if the shooters discover they are police. They need to use all their knowledge as NYPD officers to keep themselves and the hostages alive. The action in this book starts from the first and doesn’t let up. You won’t want to put this one down. The book,is part of a series but could easily be read as a stand alone. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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It's no surprise to anyone who knows me that I devoured Sara Driscoll's latest book, Terminal Impasse, as soon as I was able to sit down with it. (Hey, the flu was good for something after all!) And devour it, I did. First, I'm a HUGE shipper with every series I read, every show I watch, so of course I've been shipping Gemma Capello & Sean Logan since they first stepped onto the page together. They've had a rocky relationship that started before we met them, and it got even rockier by the end of the first book, Exit Strategy. They've worked together on two books since, Now, on book four, they've finally both come to terms with the past and have decided to try with basically a fresh start, but on their way to dinner, they're caught in a hostage situation in Grand Central Terminal. Their only saving grace? They're both in regular street clothes, so the three shooters don't have a clue that they're cops.

And those shooters don't waste any time, killing the two Grand Central cops and multiple civilians before taking over a dozen people, including Gemma and Sean, hostage with some very powerful guns and an explosive vest on the leader. It isn't long before Gemma is able to insert herself into the situation, doing it brilliantly in a way that lets her use her talents and skill as a hostage negotiator but keeping quiet the fact that she's a cop. Together, she and Sean work to get their teams the information they need to be able to resolve the situation...although that doesn't mean it goes smoothly or without more violence.

It's a heart-pounding, bite-your-lip, and edge-of-your-seat ride that kept me glued to the book from start to finish.

And my shipper heart is super happy now too! Thanks, Sara!

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Be prepared to read to the end. Join these characters in a hostage situation in NYC, my favorite city...Don't try to put the book down. It is so suspenseful that it is a must read all at once. This talented author, a favorite, has written a page turner. Each page was another surprise...this was real life...this was fiction...was it a true story? The reader wonders...a hostage negotiator and her boyfriend are caught in a fire storm of bullets, while on a date...both work in stressful situations, but this one...the hostage takers had no qualms about killing their hostages...they had already killed many when they took over the scene. Try won't be sorry. Thanks Netgalley.

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The story of a police hostage negotiator actually taken hostage. It was an interesting plot with good characters.

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With Terminal Impasse, Sara Driscoll gives us another fast paced, hold your breath and hold on to your heart thrill ride. The 4th book in the NYPD Negotiators series gives us everything we could want in the series that landed with a win and hasn't slowed down. The dynamic duo are finally on a real date and I know everyone is cheering for them just like I was. Of course, I figured that things wouldn't be smooth, but hadn't figure how tough that could get. As the couple strolls through Grand Central Terminal, gun blasts, screams, and falling bodies surround them. Jumping into action immediately, the two experienced cops pull and guide as many people as possible to the only protection available in the open area. Thousands flee but the ones nearest them are too far from any exist. When the pandemonium stops, two gunmen stand forward, but even with only two to face the unarmed police officers and the civilians with them are in no to position to fight back and will soon be exposed. From there, things only get worse.
After a terrifying revelation, and without revealing her real job, Gemma convinces the hostage takers that they need her negotiation skills to keep them all alive. The big question for Gemma and Sean is whether combined their skills will be enough for them to survive and keep all the hostages alive. They know that the police will not negotiate with terrorists, so it is up to them to make the difference for NYPD.
Thank you NetGalley, Kensington Publishing, and author Sara Driscoll for giving me the opportunity to read this amazing ARC early. I can't wait to tell all my friends and followers how great it is.
#NetGalley #KensingtonPublishing #SaraDriscoll #JenDanna #TerminalImpasse #NYPDNegotiators

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Terminal Impasse
I am giving this rating based off of the story, however, I’m not sure if it was in every book or just my copy, so many words combined into one sentence. It was really hard to read and slowed me down because I would have to concentrate on what those combined words were. It was like that throughout the book. I did highlight them after a while & said, add spaces. Again, not sure if that was my copy or what.
Now, I did really enjoy the story of NYPD detectives Gemma Capello and Sean Logan & how their date turned into a shoot out through Grand Central Terminal by some masked men in the Sinister 13.
Gemma does a great job of tricking them into allowing her to negotiate for them.
And detective Logan saves the day by rescuing Gemma after he is able to get away from the other hostages.
I definitely look forward to more Gemma Capello & Sean Logan. Let’s hope their next date is more successful.

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Sara Driscoll has broken her own record for intensity with her newest novel, Terminal Impasse., the NYPD Negotiators series. I was blown away with the last novel, but the adrenalin rush with this one is amazing. I felt like I was there, experiencing everything Gemma was going through.

Gemma Capello, hostage negotiator, and Sean Logan, NYPD SWAT sniper, decide to take a short cut to a nearby pub--but they get much more than they bargained for. Automatic weapon fire causes them to race into the action and protect civilians. The story takes off at a dead run and sucks the reader into the center of the action. Domestic terrorists from the Sinister13 group take over Grand Central Station in a bid to further their own twisted agenda. Gemma needs all of her negotiation skills to talk to the leader in an effort to keep the hostages and herself alive. Sean uses his training to inform fellow team members and to physically protect Gemma and the hostages.

I particularly love the explanations for the technical play by play between the characters. I feel like I learn something with each book. It is painful not to be able to read these books in one sitting, I can't stop thinking about it until I can resume reading. I recommend this book to others who love action and intense situations, characters with heart and integrity, and a bit of "on the job" humor to lighten the serious subject.

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Fair warning, this is a book you will binge read. It is fast paced from the beginning and the roller coaster of events does not stop until the very end. Gemma and Sean find themselves hostages while walking thru Grand Central Terminal. The writing's descriptions make you feel that you are there with them. Gemma is a hostage negotiator so quickly has to think of a plan to make herself useful so she can get clues to her colleagues. Meanwhile, Sean is a member of the A-Team with NYPD and is trying to use his knowledge of how things are planned during hostage negotiations to find a way to get any information he can to his team, and figure out how to keep everyone safe knowing there is enough explosives to take out several city blocks. Gemma and Sean use their training to hide their badges and help how they can. You want them to succeed in this high stressed situation and you will find yourself reading quickly to figure out how they and their team cleverly manage to do this. A great suspense story that I highly recommend.

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Terminal Impasse is another heart-stopping, suspenseful thriller by Sara Driscoll, the fourth book in her NYPD Negotiators series. NYPD Negotiator Gemma Capello is on a date with SWAT sniper Sean Logan. As they walk through Grand Central Terminal, three terrorist gunmen start shooting, forcing them and 12 other bystanders into a hostage situation. Since they were off duty and in civilian clothes, the terrorists didn’t realize they had members of the NYPD in their midst. Using that to their advantage, Gemma goes undercover and poses as a business negotiator to carefully send clues to her team. The story is fast-paced and intense! The author is excellent with her descriptions pulling the reader into the situation. I had a difficult time putting the book down! I highly recommend this book as well as the rest of the series!

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The best mysteries and thrillers leave you on the edge of your seat, unable to put the book down, and feeling like you're a part of the action.

This is exactly how I felt from the first page of Terminal Impasse.

I was right there with Gemma and Sean, empathizing with their situation, rooting them on, and feeling their emotional connections.

The New York Negotiator series is amazing. If you are new to it, start at book one and work your way through to this 4th installment.

If you're already familiar with the premise and characters, then I hope this one exceeds your expectations, just like it did for me.

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