Member Reviews

📖 Book Review 📖 It only took her debut novel for Mallory Marlowe to become an auto-read author and I was not going to miss this Love at First Sighting!! What happens when an influencer collides with the extraterrestrial world? El earns her living selling things but has no real passion or drive igniting her life. On brand or not, El spots strange wreckage while filming for some new yoga pants and her world changes. Carter is one handsome Man in Black with emotionally high stakes in investigating the truth that must be out there and when he gets assigned to El’s case…well, we know how this goes. Throughout the delightful, light hearted nature of this beautiful novel is woven powerful words of healing and the chance for love in the most unexpected places. While we may not have a definitive answer on the truth of aliens, what is certain is that Mallory Marlowe knocked Love at First Sighting into another universe!

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