Member Reviews

Beautiful concept and the author is a great story teller. The story wasn’t for me and that’s fine. I’m still so glad it exists! I especially loved the erased poetry. I know this will reach many people who need these words.

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Have you ever heard the phrase "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"

Not so fast.

With "The Answer Is in the Wound," Kelly Sundberg has crafted a remarkably intimate, fiercely engaging, and beautifully lyrical essay collection focusing on the longer-lasting effects of trauma and PTSD on survivors.

As a survivor of sexual violence myself and with multiple traumatic experiences around disability, domestic violence, and suicide, I resonated immensely with Sundberg's revealing and challenging collection that challenges a culture in which violence against women, and in my case those with disabilities, is normalized. Sundberg weaves her words in such a way that she illuminates the complex, nonlinear nature of recovery and refuses to make it more palatable - because it's not - and reveals that what doesn't kill you actually stays with you in ways good and bad and redefining your very existence.

Does it mean that one can't heal? Of course not. Does it mean that there aren't areas where you may, in fact, end up stronger? Of course not. Sundberg's powerful revelations, however, serve as a vivid reminder that over-simplifying trauma recovery is a danger and that trauma often does linger in ways big and small in our daily lives and as we learn how to experience life, intimacy, relationships, parenting, and a myriad of other experiences without trauma but ever-present memories of it.

"The Answer Is in the Wound" isn't simply a memoir nor is it simply Sundberg's own testimony. Sundberg creates a tapestry of testimony alongside trauma research to craft a poignant yet fact-based redemptive arc for the trauma survivor. Sundberg paints us a portrait of a redemptive arc that embraces the new reality of who we are post-trauma, an approach that resonates deeply with me and is likely at least part of the reason for my own ability to survive and thrive post-trauma.

At times, "The Answer Is in the Wound" feels like a loud reclamation of self - such as when Sundberg creates erasure poetry created from her abusive ex-husband's apologetic emails.

Remarkable. Simply remarkable.

Sundberg shares ideas and research from familiar names like Judith Herman, Bessel van der Kolk, and Peter Levine to not just drive home research but to also affirm so much of what she writes so beautifully here.

"The Answer Is in the Wound" isn't always an easy read. It's not intended to be an easy read. It's beautiful. It's powerful. It's raw. It's victorious.

For those who've experienced trauma, especially of a more interpersonal nature, "The Answer Is in the Wound" is a book that deserves to be in one's library of hope.

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The Answer Is In The Wound by Kelly Sundberg, is a very personal, tender collection of autobiographical essays, that fit together in a practically seamless manner.

Describing her marriage to an abusive husband, and the far reaching and long term consequences of this trauma, and the extensive and arduous healing process, Sundberg touches on the stigma associated with this type of violence.

Profound quotes from some of my favourite authors are effectively spread throughout the book, enhancing the understanding of Sundberg's thoughts, influences and writing.

Themes of feminism, motherhood, resilience, healing, grief, love, and sacrifice all come together in this incredible book.

Expected Publication Date: August 26, 2025

Many thanks to NetGalley, Kelly Sundberg, and Grove Atlantic for access to an eARC. All opinions are my own.

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