Member Reviews

I am an Adam Fawley fan, and so I was happy to see a new Cara Hunter / Adam Fawley novel to read. Making a Killing is high on the creepy child/ frightening teenager scale. As is typical for this series, Hunter includes background information, peripheral details of all kinds, journal entries, newspaper articles, and photos. I know not everyone will be a fan of the inclusion of this kind of information, but it is typical of Hunter novels. I enlarge and read some items and sometimes pass over other details. For me, these additions are random in their appeal. I do understand why Hunter includes them in these novels. They are the same details that crime junkies search for online.

Making a Killing is well-plotted and complex, with a plot that is carefully unwrapped as readers continue in the novel. The characters are interesting and the characterizations are sometimes compelling. I was a page ahead of the police on several reveals but only by a page. The clues are there if readers are paying attention. I did have a hard time putting down the book at times. Making a Killing did end quite suddenly with some details left open. Is a sequel planned? Hunter doesn't say anything about a sequel. I rather hope not. The protagonist is so creepy it would be best to leave her behind, but perhaps other readers will disagree? Hunter does include an Adam Fawley short story at the end. It is also rather creepy, but I saw it as a small treat for Fawley fans.

Thank you to William Morrow and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC, in exchange for my honest reviews. As I said, I am a fan, both of Fawley, Quinn, and others, as well as Cara Hunter.
4.5 stars, bumped up to 5 stars.

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Making a Killing by Cara Hunter. The book has an intriguing premise. Was somewhat confused throughout even though the author provided a short informative background at the beginning of each chapter. The articles and newspaper clippings detracted from the story, possibly since they were mostly unreadable on the kindle. Fans of Ms Hunter and DCI Adam Fawley will without a doubt enjoyed the story.

Thank you to the author, Harper Collins and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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An interesting and at times creepy read. I thought the copied documents and news articles detracted from the read. Maybe they’d be more effective in a print version. I don’t remember the previous title however there was enough information woven in the story to bring one up to speed with the characters.

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‘Making a Killing’ is the 7th book in the DCI Adam Fawley series, and we get to revisit the Daisy Mason case from book 1, Close to Home.

I love how Cara Hunter tells the story, including newspaper articles and other ephemera. We get multiple POVs, including a ShadowWork journal, for insights into a major character’s psyche. I highly recommend this series. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

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