Member Reviews

Ever since I was a gay little kid, playing with barbies and creating elaborate, theatrical scenarios in my head to perform in, I have #manifested that one day there would be two liberal, white women infiltrating every area of my life with wit and humor, justifiable rage, and more than anything else–big mama hearts. Enter I’ve Had It podcast, a shit-talking weekly (now biweekly) therapy session with these two former Bravo-lebrities turned political commentators and unofficial TSA law enforcement. To say that they have exceeded in every arena is an understatement. Professional Athlete Jennifer Welch and Legal Eagle Angie “Pumps” Sullivan (the Princess Diana of Podcasting) have now blessed us with Life is a Lazy Susan of Shit Sandwiches, a historical text that shows how two women took the messy missteps of life, and turned them into something relatable that we all bonded to. In Trump’s America, the least the universe can do is give us something to laugh about as we ponder our mutually shared destruction.
This manifesto takes us through the ups and downs of these two patriots: husbands addicted to sex and drugs, previous affiliation with religious propaganda and hypocrisy, the origin of the pickleball legend, the trials of motherhood and the perseverance to pull through, and the #Journey to interviewing political icons like Vice President Kamala Harris and President Barack Obama. There’s no glass ceiling these women won’t break through, and nothing they won’t complain about. Imbued with their signature commentary on anything and everything, Life is a Lazy Susan of Shit Sandwiches proves more than ever that what the world needs is for white people to stand for something and stop leaving it to marginalized communities to fight for what’s right. I’ve had it with that. And I’ll follow these two young, vivacious, breathtakingly beautiful, and whip smart broads into battle any day. Ca-caw!
Lastly, thank you to Javi for all the brightness you brought to the world.

Though I’d never heard of these podcasters and sometime actors, the title of this book was enough to tempt me into giving it a try. I was glad I did as the ladies are quite real and honest. They would make awesome friends to anyone. I enjoyed reading about their lives, warts and all, and appreciated how open they were.

Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!
I became a fan of these two ladies from their Bravo show years ago and have followed their journey since then. This book gave an intimate look into their lives both the good and bad. We learn about each of their marriage struggles, what really happened off camera and where they are now. If you are a fan of their podcast or Bravo show, you will enjoy this read. Each chapter is from either Jen or Angie's point of view intertwined with how they support each other. Appreciated their honesty in sharing their experiences with addiction, how it has affected their families and the importance of friends to lean on.

Another funny book about 2 women and their lives and friendships. Even though I had some different views on some things this was still a great read! This book talks about it all. Failing marriages, addiction, motherhood but my favorite part was their friendship. Jen and Boots are just flat out blunt and hilarious. And let’s all face it at one time or another as a woman we have all been KAREN’S! Ha!
Thank you @Harlequin Trade Publishing Company and @Netgalley for an arc for my honest review.

An excellent read for any and all readers! Author comes at you with both barrels and knocks you out of your shoes! Great job fleshing out all the characters. I give this book FIVE stars! Definitely recommend!

If you're a fan of the podcast, you'll enjoy this book. If you're on the fence or dislike them for some inexplicable reason, then you'll certainly dislike this.
Personally, I love the podcast and find Jennifer and Pumps endlessly entertaining. The feeling that you're sitting on the porch, smoking cigarettes, and drinking wine while engaging in a bitch sesh with the ladies is a big draw of "I've Had It". Unfortunately, that chatty friendship doesn't translate well to the written word.
Chapters alternate between the authors and you certainly learn a lot about their shared and personal traumas. It makes sense that they're inseperable friends and that chemistry is just as attractive in book form as it is in audio. However, the stories tend to feel more than a little repetitive -- some of them stop and veer off into a tangent, only to be returned to in another chapter. Again, this makes sense in a podcast that is meant to be conversational. As a book it's aggravating.

I've listened to a few episodes of the podcast, but hadn't really known who they were before I received this advance read.
It was the title and cover that drew me in.
Not only does this book have a LOT of humor, but they're also real about their struggles, stories about their friendship and more.
Even though they lead different lives than I do, I could completely relate.
Jump online and preorder this book. I think you'll love it.
Thank you, Harlequin Trade and Net Galley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
#NetGalley #HarlequinTrade #LifeIsALazySusanofSh*tSandwiches #JenniferWelch #AngieSullivan

I was excited when I saw that these two were putting out a book. I watched their Bravo show back in the day and have seen recent clips from their podcast. They are hilarious, relatable and have such a sweet friendship!
This book takes you through the behind the scenes of what makes them who they are today. They have had complicated marriages and battles with sobriety that have forced them to adapt and reinvent themselves into even better versions of themselves. I'm inspired by the fact that they loudly voice their political opinions in a part of the country that operates on a different frequency. Keep going ladies...can't wait to see what you do next!
Thank you Harlequin Trade for providing this book for review consideration via Net Galley. All opinions are my own.