Member Reviews

Dollycas’s Thoughts
It was a dark and stormy night as residents of Fox Hollow gathered for a murder mystery dinner theater fundraiser for Adopt-a-Cat month at the Fox Hollow Inn. With a hurricane brewing outside and the roads flooding most of the ticket holders arrive but they may be spending more time at the inn than they planned. Shell’s mother Clarissa is in charge of the event and “pulled out all the stops” to bring in Chef Reynaldo Venery from the popular cable show Culinary Surprise to be in charge of the meal. He was not popular with the staff or anyone else at the inn for that matter. Shell had her own surprise when her ex-fiancé Patrick arrived at the event after receiving an invitation from her mother but that wasn’t the only reason he was there.
When the actors for the mystery theater part of the night are kept away due to the storm, Shell jumps in and finds guests ready to step into the roles. As the show plays in the dining room a real murder has been uncovered in a storage room. Chef Reynaldo Venery is dead. While the storm rages on Josh calls in reinforcements but Shell is already on the case and finds out the chef has left plenty of wronged, disgruntled, and unhappy people in his wake. She just needs to find out if any are stuck with everyone at the inn and try to stay one step ahead of them. She does not want to be the killer’s next target.
I love how cats were the focus of the event and that Purrday, Princess Fuzzypants, and Kahlua, were its ambassadors along with a visiting Ragdoll cat, Serendipity. There was also an adoption room with more cats including a little escape artist, the feisty Dahlia, who ended up having a pretty important role. Purrday and Princess Fuzzypants had their moments of heroism too.
In addition, to the wonderful felines, our favorites are back although they are all pretty busy trying to track down the killer. Shell’s ex-fiancé Patrick showing up added some drama and humor. The weather turned this into a closed-room mystery. The killer had to be at the inn. While Josh was working to follow the evidence Shell focused on researching the chef and potential suspects online. I was surprised by how much she found out and that during a hurricane didn’t crash the wi-fi. I had a suspect list of my own but someone was on my radar from the start, I just needed more backstory. So when the clues started to click and the showdown began I was thrilled that I was right. I was also happy with how the takedown went and how in the end all my questions were answered.
I did have one thing that gave me pause and just pestered me to the end. Phones were taken away from 2 characters and weren’t returned within the story but the phones were being used in later chapters. I am sure this was an editing error in the advance copies and hope it was corrected in the final book.
A Side Dish of Death was a charming cozy mystery filled with delightful cats and their people and friends. While I enjoy catching up with the humans in these stories the cats really do steal the show. Clarissa is already thinking about her next project and you know she believes wherever Shell and Gary are “the bodies naturally follow”. I am excited to see what these characters get into next.

Cosy mystery is indeed the name of the game here.
When a murder mystery evening is held for charity, it doesn't take long for the real world to intrude on the fictional story. A celebrity chef murdered during a blackout, a whole host of suspects trapped in the hotel thanks to a hurricane and our main characters sleuthing their way to victory.
This was my first book by this author and it was a short, enjoyable read. Although the main character, Shell, is an ex-actress turned shop owner, she was giving off huge Jessica Fletcher vibes. Which is no bad thing, the cosy amateur detective snooping around and getting into all sorts of peril is just the sort of thing that works.
And then we move onto the cats. Oh the cats. I picked it up because of the cats, and I was not disappointed. All of them are delightful little characters in their own right, smart little felines that really are the true crime solvers - if anything there should have been more about their adventures, as they spent the whole evening working tirelessly to keep their human out of trouble.
A lovely palate cleanser of a book.

Side Dish of Death is the 5th book in the UrbanTails Pet Shop Mysteries. I had read the first two titles in the series years ago. Despite requests for purchase, my library stop purchasing the series and I was able to pick it back up with this title thanks to NetGalley. The author quickly brings new readers up to speed with just the right amount of information. I was very interested in this book because I love “locked room” type of mysteries and those that are solved within an event. This one did not disappoint in that aspect. There were just a tad too many main players for me to keep track of. There were also some inconsistencies that stood out. The author didn’t close the loop on some parts of the story. Fans of the Second Chance Cat Mystery series would enjoy this series as the cats featured in this series also help guide their person to clues and help solve the crime. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for a review.

This is the 5th book in the charming pet shop cozy series "Urban Tales Pet Shop Mysteries:. Thank you to the publishers, to Net Galley and to the author for the opportunity. My review opinions are my own.
Our protagonist Shell owns a pet shop and is kicking off advertising for adoption month with a murder mystery dinner theater. She has hired a celebrity chef who turns out to be not so nice and everyone immediately dislikes him. As the show begins and the audience gathers the chef is found murdered and many suspects are suspected. Shell is determined to have a successful fund raising event in spite of the murder so she investigates and finds the victim had many nefarious dealings. As she questions attendees and those involved with the chef she finds he was intensely disliked by many leading to numerous red herrings and clues abound.
I enjoyed this series for the pet shop focus on animals and the savvy smart protagonist. The animals are a fun part of this series. The sleuth was well crafted to conclusion and kept this reader guessing. I look forward to the next in series.

Thoughts: Who doesn’t love a good mystery with cats. Specifically, Purrday, Princess, and Kahlua. I loved how they helped Shell out of a couple of tight spots, found not one, but two dead bodies, and helped catch the perp.
Shell is helping host a charity “adopt-a-cat” event – during a hurricane – and with a murder mystery theme. What could possibly go wrong? Right. Add in an egotistical chef and you have all the fixings for a murder. Fortunately, Shell’s boyfriend, a cop, is stranded in the building with them so they have built-in support. But so is her ex, who has an issue with the chef. As do several other people. And how does he tie in with the second murder?
This was a fun read, especially with the cats. Loved how they helped out with things. There were a few editorial glitches- like a phone showing up in a pocket when a few pages earlier, it was pointed out that she didn’t have her phone. And it was rather obvious to me from the start who the murderer was – just not the why until later. But overall, an entertaining read with a satisfying ending. And you don’t have to know the entire series to understand who the players are and what’s going on in this one.
Disclosure of Material: Thanks to Netgalley and Beyond the Page Publishing for providing this material. I received a final and/or advanced reader copy of this book with the hope that I will leave my unbiased opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that… My Opinions. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

The Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery
Fox Hollow is abuzz about the murder mystery fundraiser to promote adopt-a-cat month and support the Fox Hollow Shelter. Celebrity chef Reynoldo Venery is overseeing the food preparation and not even a hurricane predicted for that night will stop people from coming to the sold out event. Shell McMillan, owner of the Urban Tails Pet Shop and former star of Spy Anyone, is ready to enjoy the evening with her homicide detective boyfriend, Josh, with her cats acting as ambassadors, despite the fact that Patrick, her cheating ex fiance is in town. But when the storm knocks the power out at the event Shell finds a dead body...a real dead body. Someone has killed the temperamental chef! Although Josh immediately takes charge, with her ex a prime suspect Shell and her former television partner Gary can't help but start their own investigation. With some shrewd deductions and feline help will they solve another murder?
I was thrilled to be back in Fox Hollow for one of my favorite series. I really love the characters of the Urban Tails Pet Shop Mysteries. Though former television stars, both Shell and Gary are down to earth people I would love to have as friends. They are smart and work well together. They also prove that men and women can just be friends without any romance! I like their significant others as well and hope that Shell and Josh will be able to share some non murderous time together. Of course, my favorite characters are the cats! While Kahlua and the visiting Serendipity are lovely, it's Purraday and Princess Fuzzypants who truly are the stars of the show. I also have a soft spot for Dahlia!
The mystery itself was confounding with multiple possible motives. Limiting the number of suspects in this closed circle mystery didn't make solving the murder any easier. I enjoyed how Shell used the resources at hand to get to the bottom of things.
With smart humans and even smarter cats A SIDE DISH OF DEATH is a fast paced closed circle mystery that promotes cat rescue. A volatile chef, a hurricane, and murder make this one fundraiser that won't soon be forgotten!

In Fox Hollow, like many other places, the animal shelter is full. To raise money for it's expansion, a murder mystery evening with a dinner cooked a volatile celebrity chef is planned in this charming cozy. Turns out the chef has a suitcase of secrets. His own, and those he intends to parlay. The stars of a cancelled spy series both have relocated to Fox Hollow, put down roots and garnered a reputation for finding bodies and helping law enforcement solve the cases. There's always cats featured in the action enhancing the fun. Mystery is deviously plotted with plenty of suspects. Enjoyable quick read.

With a murder mystery fund raiser dinner in full swing, the last thing Shell and the Gand need is a hurricane and a real murder on their hands. But there you have it. Their celebrity guest chef is murdered and it’s obvious that the killer is still there as a storm rates outside, keeping everyone hostage at the event.
Can She’ll and the gang figure out who killed the unpleasant, yet famous chef? Can they do it quietly and in parallel to the murder mystery their guests are solving? More importantly, can they do it without the guest knowing and the killer striking again?
Another solid entry in this series! I love the cats, especially Shell’s cats! Each entry is filled with red herrings along with a well crafted whodunit. You’ll be guessing right along with the gang right up until the reveal.

Cozy murder mysteries are really nice palette cleansers after reading something emotional or heavy hitting, and this book is exactly what I needed after one of my previous reads.
Though this is considered part 5 in the Urban Tails Pet Shop Mysteries, I did not find I needed to read the other ones to know what was going on in this one. There were some vague references to previous "crimes" and mysteries which make me want to explore the other stories, but they did not detract from the story we were presented in this one.
I call this a cozy murder mystery because it feel fairly low stakes as the premise is a murder which happens at a charity murder mystery dinner. The theme fits the classic trope for a campy locked door with quirky characters who probably shouldn't be investigating but they are; however the story is fun, the cats are very helpful, and the mystery is pretty engaging.
It was a quick and easy read with heart and suspense. I will definitely be on the look out for more books by this author and probably in this series.

I absolutely love Gary’s character! He always cracks me up. Luckily he’s dating Shell’s bestie and only doing sleuthing with Shell now instead of how he originally hoped they could be together. Shell’s super happy with her detective boyfriend who’s come to appreciate her and Gary’s help even if it’s just being a runner for something. This was the summertime version of characters stranded in a place with a storm raging outside, technically a hurricane. Purrday and Princess Fuzzypants were their usual good kitty helpers and found clues and even got to help when it was needed most. The showdown was a crazy one and led to the following day being spent with food and friends while Shell, Josh and Gary filled in everyone on the excitement. Can’t wait for the next book! This is one of my fave series.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Beyond the Page via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and T. C. LoTempio for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for A Side Dish of Death coming out February 25, 2025. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.
I’ve read another book by this author, but this is the first book in this series that I’ve read. I’m obsessed with cozy mysteries! Fox Hollow definitely has the small town cozy vibes. I love that Shell owns a pet store. The murder mystery dinner theater was a really fun plot point. I loved the story. I would check out more books by this author!
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cozy mysteries!

Urban Tails Pet Shop owner Shell McMillan is raising funds for Adopt-A-Pet Month by hosting a murder mystery dinner. Things get complicated when her ex-fiance shows up with his agenda, and someone murders the celebrity chef she hires for the event.
Shell decides to investigate the chef’s past, looking for any enemies he made as he developed his reputation as a demanding and demeaning chef.
Purrday, Princess Fuzzypants, and Kahlua, her trio of felines, continue to lead Shell to clues.
The sixth title in the Urban Tails Pet Shops mysteries is a winner.

I found this to be an enjoyable read with interesting characters. I thought the mystery itself was a bit formulaic, but the cats as side characters was a lovely addition. I would recommend this to readers of cozy mysteries.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

A cozy mystery set around a pet shop, sign me up! I loved this book! The setting was exactly what the cat lover in me wanted it to be, and the mystery was fresh and didn't feel like it had been "done before." I will certainly be looking out for more of these author's books.

A Side Dish of Death is the 5th book in.T.C. LoTempio's Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery series. It is a fun, light hearted cozy mystery with likable characters, clue finding cats, and a cozy mystery that kept me guessing. Shell McMillan was a former TV star but she now runs a pet shop along with her friend Gary. Shell's mother Clarissa lives in Fox Hollow now too. The animal shelter is having a Murder Mystery Night fundraiser with the focus on cat adoptions. Famous Chef Reynaldo Venery is planning a special menu until he is found dead. On top of that, Shell's ex fiance shows up with an agenda. There is a hurricane but all the people still show up for the event. Shell's boyfriend Detective Josh Bloodgood is on the case. They hardly spend any time together and their conversations are about the case. It is a locked room style mystery because the storm keeps all the suspects there at the fundraiser. There are a few suspects but there are secrets to sort through and some other things going on to keep it interesting. The book started off a bit slow but got better. The characters' relationships aren't warm or friendly. I enjoyed the mystery for the most part but the book didn't resonate with me. #ASideDishOfDeath #UrbanTailsPetShopMystery #NetGalley #BeyondThePage

This is one of those dark and stormy night murder mystery within a murder mystery stories. Those are some of the best kind.
Shell McMillan's mother is hosting a fundraiser for the animal shelter by hosting a dinner theater murder mystery at a local inn. It's being catered by a much sought after famous chef, who has a reputation for belligerence and rudeness both in and out of the kitchen. This is coupled by multiple patrons of said dinner with secrets to hide. When a storm causes the power to go out, the perfect time to commit a murder, and the group is literally stranded at the hotel, Shell has to figure out whodunit before everyone can leave. Especially since someone near and dear to her is a suspect.
The cats are the star of the show, including the aptly named all black Dahlia, who is quite the escape artist. I did figure out whodunit, which is usually a disappointment to me unless the author can create some spectacular ruse as to the motive. LoTempio delivers on all counts.
I look forward to more of her cat sleuth mysteries.
Thank you to Beyond the Page Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC.

Another enjoyable read in this book. Shell is helping to run a charity murder mystery dinner with her mom when a celebrity chef and her ex finance are causing problems for her. I liked the mystery, I did figure out the who fairly quickly but not the why. But when it call came together this mystery was really solid, made sense, and was wrapped up in a very interesting way. My main tribe with this addition is we didn’t get enough Gary or Josh. I really like Gary as her friend and Josh is a solid boyfriend but there wasn’t enough personal stuff in this series. I would say she started investigating even before the murder occurred which potential took away from that. It was a really easy read and I never pass up one this authors books. I think I have read all but two so I should get on that. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

"A Side Dish of Death (An Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery #5)" by T. C. LoTempio is the classic stuck in a mansion/hotel during a storm at a party when a murder happens. This time there's also a bunch of cats, Shell's ex-fiancé is visiting and there's a famous chief annoying everyone. I do have to say that I find it interesting to see how this story set up changes as technology changes. There's a lot of internet searching to dig up dirt on the victim and the possible suspects. The culprit really didn't hit my radar as a possible suspect until I start thinking, "Why does is character even here? Is there some sub-story that's going on for them?"

A Side Dish of Death is the 5th book in the Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery series. As always, author T. C. LoTempio puts together a cast of regulars and new suspects to create a fun, easy cozy mystery. Thankfully A Side Dish of Death provides a welcome distraction to the news of the moment. It was nice to revisit Shell, Josh, Gary and their neighbors and friends in this small Connecticut village. And as always, it is the cats, who are the stars.
I never used to think of myself as a cat person. I have had dogs my whole life, but the cats in LoTempio's novels are so terrific. They add fun and action to these mysteries. Readers of this series, know it will be the cats who save the day. In A Side Dish of Death, Shell's mother plans a murder mystery dinner fundraiser to raise money for cat rescue. It is a dark and gloomy night, with a severe storm that isolates all the guests at this murder mystery dinner. Naturally a real murder occurs. There are a lot of good suspects, but readers know the cats are on the case.
The Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery series works well as cozy mysteries, with fun added with the cats. LoTempio always includes great felines in every one of her mystery series. Thank you to Beyond the Page Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Readers who enjoy cozy mysteries and awesome cats will love these books. I enjoy them and I don't even have any cats. Unfortunately, our terriers are not cat people.

Through NetGalley, I received a free copy of A SIDE DISH OF DEATH (Book 5 of the Urban Tails Pet Shop mystery series) by T.C. Lotempio in exchange for an honest review. In mystery novels, a murder mystery dinner theater is rarely a good time for the cast of characters. That holds true in the instant novel. Shell McMillan’s mother has planned a murder mystery dinner theater event featuring a celebrity chef as a charity benefit for the local cat shelter. They didn’t plan on a hurricane or on real murder, though. When the lights go out during the performance and the outage is accompanied by an eerie yooowwwl, Shell excuses herself and follows a talkative feline ambassador to a grisly revelation. The lights turn back on, but the dead body is still there. Police, please! Since everyone is stranded due to rising water and gale force winds, the show must go on. Can Shell keep her investigation on the down low long enough to identify the killer without causing a panic amongst the benefit goers?
I like this book and enjoy the series. I recommend this book and the series to fans of cozy murder mysteries featuring cats, retired actors, small towns, pet shops, and local events.
#ASideDishofDeath #NetGalley