Member Reviews

The auThor of bridge kingdom does it again. She really knows how to hook you from the very first page. This book was a crazy finale to the final end. So many plot twists happen within t the first 24 chapters which hooks you right from the start

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of the fist 22 chapters! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I am foaming at the mouth for the rest of this story. I really need for the whole book to go on Netgalley because I am not going to stop thinking about this book until the moment I get to read the rest of it.

This is one of my all time favorite fantasy series and I will keep shouting from the rooftops that DLJ does it better than anyone else in the game when it comes to political intrigue, scheming, warring countries, and complex plots. I really can't imagine anyone not becoming fully invested in this story.

I wish I could adequately explain what was happening to me physically when I was reading a certain scene. Let's just say that it was one of the reunions we've all been anticipating and I was literally sweating, shaking and full of adrenaline.

I am still fully scared for what's to come because DLJ has been not so subtly dropping hints of some tragedies that are likely to befall at least one main character. Until I know that Teriana and Marcus are safe I cannot rest and I'll be forwarding my therapy bills.

I think it goes without saying but so far my rating is 10/10. I have no notes.

This is my last attempt to try to get others to read this series. If you liked the Bridge Kingdom, you will love this. If you liked her newest release A Fate Inked in Blood, you will love this.

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It’s only the excerpt but AH.

I loved diving back into the Dark Shores world. Marcus has been my favorite since day 1, I will be devastated if he doesn’t survive. I can’t wait to read the rest of this!!!

Thank you for approving me!!!


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Well that started off with a bang! So much intensity and major plot shifts in just the first 24 chapters. We have a lot of strife going on with our beloved characters and it seems everyone has some sort of individual demon they are going to need to overcome before we can meet the greater evils of the world. I am really looking forward to when our two cohorts cross paths, finally. The tension continues to climb and already I’ve been teary-eyed with developments in this installment. I think The Gilded Serpent was the best of the series so far, but Scorched Earth is on par to compete.

This story has been so carefully crafted with each reveal, twist, and turn coming at exactly the right time. What a fabulous story!

I really love this story and it is becoming one of my favorite series. I’m lamenting the fact that I will have to wait 5 more months to actually finish it all the way.

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I have deeply loved this series before knowing if it would ever get a conclusion. To say I was almost in tears when Danielle announced not only would the series be getting its finale but that it had been picked up is an understatement. To see these characters again has been like coming home and this glimpse into what will be their ending has me counting the days until I will read the end. Thank you NetGalley for providing me this early glimpse into the epic ending my favorite characters deserve. Also, congratulations Danielle for never giving up and bringing one of my all time favorite book series to life.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This excerpt was amazing! I cannot wait for the full book. This will be a great read.

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Mommy? Sorry, mommy.

Ok but really. Danielle why did you do this to us? An excerpt is not enough!

I have been waiting for this story for so long - I will take any morsel I can get. And man did this morsel deliver.

As always - Danielle's writing is AMAZING and it dives right in where we left off. And god, was it good.

I am so scared for the future of so many beloved characters. But it is a good kind of scared, the kind that has be ravenous for this to release.

I stand by - this series is one of Danielle's best.

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Scorched Earth by Danielle Jensen is the highly anticipated final book in the Dark Shores series, and it feels like I've been waiting forever to find out what happens to some of my favorite characters. This 24-chapter teaser gives us some answers but also leaves us with even more questions.

Will Teriana finally free her people, and will she uncover Marcus’ role in Lydia’s disappearance?
Can Marcus break free from the Empire's stranglehold?
Will Lydia be able to fight off the darkness consuming her?
Will Killian manage to save her?
What’s going to happen to Agrippa?
And what about the blight?

I can’t wait for August 5th to get here so I can dive into the rest of the book!

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Oh my goodness, this made me so so excited for this book to be released! I love this author so much, and cannot wait for this one!

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Danielle L Jensen is one of my "auto read" authors. She seriously never misses. Her writing style and world building are unmatched. I honestly cannot wait to read the rest of this book. What an incredible adventure it's been!

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Thank you to Tor Teen and Danielle Jensen for this ARC excerpt of Scorched Earth!

The series finale to the Dark Shores is nearly here, and this sneak preview is exactly what I needed. True to form, a few questions are answered and many more are posed in this first 24 chapters.

Lydia and Killian are on the run from enemies (including those internal). Meanwhile, Teriana seeks safety for her people through a risky bargain, while Marcus splits off on a [highly ill-advised] journey to reconnect with his troops. The cracks are starting to show in the well-laid plans, and I’m as invested as ever in where our favorite characters will go from here.

In the meantime, between now and August 5, I’ll be plotting my Dark Shores rereads!

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I absolutely adore this series and the first 24 chapters of Scorched Earth aren't enough to quench my thrist. This was such an amazing excerpt, it had everything I wanted. Danielle L. Jensen delivered and I can't wait to finish this book in August!

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This book was exactly what I was waiting for. The first 24 charpters are an action-packed, romance filled rollercoaster ride that I loved every second of. Danielle has a way of pulling you back into the story no matter how long it’s been since you’ve picked up on of her books. I was excited to see just how much our favorite characters have changed and grown and continue to. Just when you think you couldn’t love a character more, Daniele adds more depth and elements to their story that just makes you love them more, in some series, I’ve run into issues with characters personalities/banger falling flat, that’s never been a problem with Danielle’s books. I think I fall more in love with the characters with every new release I read. The struggles they overcome and the way they overcome them are so cool to see. Especially from the first book to the last.. you can really see just how far those characters have come. I am so in love with all these characters and their journeys. I can’t wait for this book to release. Thank you Danielle for never disappointing and always giving us magical words to immerse ourselves in when escapism comes calling. 10/10 exactly what I was waiting for. Now I just have to make it to release day. BRB going to go re-read dark shores to get rid of this book hangover

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24 chapters was not enough, I crave more and can't wait for the rest!
It's already heading in a good direction and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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I love Danielle L. Jensen, and the Bridge Kingdom series is one of my all time favorites. This, however, wasn't it for me. I was super excited to read this one - and I still do want to read the whole thing when it gets released - but the infodumping throughout this excerpt gave me a headache. There were so many names, job titles, and places that just got mentioned with absolutely no explanation as to what anything means. I think if someone is committed to sitting down and reading this book, like I was with this excerpt, they'll be able to get through it and enjoy it, but if it's a casual reader looking for a good time, the sheer brain power required to even sort of understand what's going on for the first 50% is too much.

I'm looking forward to the full release!

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