Member Reviews

Let me first start off by saying WOW!

Castaway on the Isle of Devils really pulled me in, the only thing that held me back was by having to read it on my phone. If it weren’t for that tiny screen, I swear I would have finished this book in like two days!! I did not want to stop.

So many emotions ran through me while reading this book. Being a daughter and a mother myself, I really felt for both Alice and her mother. Their relationship being so bitter at first, only for them to grow emotionally and realize they need each other more than ever in order to survive in this new desolate land.

This story takes you through a time no one could ever imagine being in today. Shipwrecks, deserted islands, famine, natives in the New World, trying to survive in a strange world with only what surrounds you (which wasn’t much at the time). The settlers of Jamestown were brave in every way, and Elisabeth Carson-Williams captured their heroism from beginning to end. She kept this book historically accurate, while also making it captivating enough to not be boring history novel.

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