Member Reviews

I am floored by the amazing facts I learned about plants. The facts are overwhelming and too much to cover in this review but I will say that I am convinced that not only are plants intelligent, but could rule the world if we kindly stepped aside. Overall this was a magnificent piece of work and proved it’s point.

From Darwin’s studies to philosopher’s thoughts and to religion, plants have been around for hundreds of millions of years and even though we step on them, pull them at their roots and consider them “non-mobile", plants do move around, they can be carnivores, all while providing medicines for us and oxygen.

“But plants are sessile-they can’t move from one place to another-and so they’ve evolved in a different way, constructing a modular body without individual organs.” (Brilliant Green, 2015).

Now, this is where the books get way deep. Check this part out:

“In biology, we call a species dominant when it obtains more living space at other species’ expense…”

So what species dominate the earth?

Not the animals.

Not us.

Plants do! At least 99.9 percent of the earth. We human species comprise a mere 0.3%! Also, what constitutes intelligence?

If you think having a brain makes you intelligent, then after the reasoning posed in this book, you will clearly see that without a body, is the brain even smart?

Along with these deep ponderings and research, I had a fascinating time learning more about the Venus Fly Trap and the Gourd, two plants that actually eat animals/insects! I knew about the Venus Fly Trap, but to understand the science of these plants is where the magic really begins.

I could go on and on about this wonderful book and there is so much more, but I highly recommend it for those interested in plants, gardening, environmental science or just good reading.

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