Member Reviews

trouble. The latest one is stubborn, hard nosed, but very capable Detective Stilwell. While building a relationship with a local woman, he is faced with solving two crimes; the beheading of a protected buffalo and the body of a young woman found trapped under the sea. While investigating, he crosses some lines and is also forced to work with an old nemesis.

I have enjoyed Michael Connelly’s books for more years than I care to count so am thrilled that he is introducing a new character in this, his fortieth novel. Connelly writes consistently captivating stories; this is a solid addition to his body of work.

Well plotted, with memorable characters, Nightshade is an engrossing read. I always appreciate the bits of humor Connelly injects into his books. If you are a fan of this author, you will welcome this new character and setting. If he is new to you, be sure to get in on the ground floor of this first of a series.

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Lethal, fatal, toxic......

You'll be taken in by the delicate flower of the Nightshade. It draws your eye to the feminine shape of its blossom. And that's the magnetism that can result in instant death.

Michael Connelly sits on the throne of mystery/crime novels without a doubt. The man has a magic touch. And what I'd say is to get in on the ground floor of this new series by the master. Whether you're a true fan or a newbie, be sure to start here. There's fire within these pages.

We'll bump up against L.A. County Sheriff's Detective Stilwell in this latest novel. "Stil" has been relegated to Catalina Island for his so-called "sins" when he locked horns with another detective. It seems like Catalina Island is serving as a holding pattern for officers tossed to the side to chill before being welcomed back into the fold.

While investigating a crime against a buffalo on the island, Stilwell is called in on something far, far worse. The tide has drifted in the body of a female weighed down by a pleasure boat anchor. Stilwell dives below the surface himself. Said victim has dark hair with a streak of purple that shifts back and forth across her face. It takes time to identify this woman since the body has been submerged for quite some time. But when they do, it will be a major catalyst for so much more to come.

Nightshade opens up a rigid avenue into a brand new character for Connelly. We'll have the sandy shores of Catalina Island serviced by a ferry that runs on exact times. We'll also be introduced to the rich and famous who check in their boats and sailing vessels in the harbor. Not all will be playing by the rules.

The character of Stilwell is one who will get your attention from the first pages. He is hardly a super cop. Stilwell has his flaws which are evident through his personality. But man oh man, Stilwell dogs a case like a bloodhound on steroids. Connelly writes him like an open book (pun intended) which gives the reader a close view into all his Spidey senses. He won't let things go much to his detriment at times. And his hat trick is moving back and forth from the island to L.A.. This one is a winner folks, so get in on the first shake-out of an exciting new series. Bravo, Connelly, just bravo.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Little, Brown and Company and to the highly talented Michael Connelly for the opportunity.

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I’m thrilled to have a new hero from Michael Connelly. Loved Stilwell and Catalina us a fascinating new setting. Connelly would have to try very hard to disappoint me.

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I really enjoyed this book and Connelly’s new character, Stilwell. The book takes place mainly in Catalina and the way elements of the area are described in detail, you almost feel like you’re there experiencing everything first hand.

This story is well paced and at times, tough to put down because it was just so good. I think Connelly fans will really like this book and this new character. I’m looking forward to the next installment.

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With NIGHTSHADE, Mike Connelly returns to the stellar form of his early Harry Bosch books. This is what he writes best. Slightly stained, middle-aged male cops who are loners dedicated to justice whatever personal baggage they may drag behind them.

Over the last few years, Connelly has either changed his approach, or more likely been pushed into changing his approach, and he has featured mostly female leading characters. Over fifteen years ago, he published a book called VOID MOON, which was obviously an effort to start a new series with a female central character, but it was a very ordinary book and the female character quickly disappeared, never to be heard from again. After that, he quickly went back to Harry Bosch. In my view, Connelly's recent efforts to feature women — first Bosch's daughter, then a new detective named Renee Ballard — took Connelly back to the mediocrity of VOID MOON.

Why did he do it? My guess is he was bullied into it by his publisher. Reading Connelly's most recent titles, you can almost hear the browbeating he probably got from (the mostly female) staff of his publisher: 'Mike, you've got to get with the times and write about strong women because nobody wants to read about worn out old men anymore.'

All novelists write different things well, and what Connelly writes best are worn down, slightly battered and cynical old cops who are loners dedicated to justice. In NIGHTSHADE, he returns to that, and thank heaven for it. This may be the best book Connelly has published in a decade.

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Wow! Connelly has created magic again with another new character to add to his collection of literary characters. This is the first, in what I expect to be a series, about Stilwell running the police precinct on Catalina. Again, he is a tough, independent spirit, much like characters Harry Bosch and Renee Ballard. Of course I fell in love with him.

His quiet island faces 2 murders in a few days. One in of a Buffalo and the other of a young woman. The cycle begins and more deaths follow. Stil is disdained by other cops because of previous actions exposing corruption. Despite this he attempts to take a lead on these investigations.

Once again, the characters are well developed and interesting. Stilwell is a worthy successor to all the Connelly characters. I highly recommend this to all the legions of Connelly fans. You will all enjoy this as much as I have.

So, Mr. Connelly, keep them coming! Thank you Netgalley for this compelling and very engaging novel.

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This is a page turner written by a favorite author. Suspense…mysterious…dynamic characters…red herrings…the recipe for a cannot put down story. I like 5is author and his stories. True to life…although fiction, the reader can imagine it is true crime. Thanks Netgalley

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I was selected to be a member of Michael Connelly’s “Street Fighter Team” really excited to be chosen in time to read his new book “Nightshade” due to be published in May 2025..

I’m a huge MC fan and have enjoyed all his books from Lincoln Lawyer, Bosch, Rene Ballard, and standalone books.

In “Nightshade” we meet Detective Stilwell. Stil was sent from the homicide unit in Los Angeles to small Catalina Island for misconduct.

Well, there’s plenty going on in Catalina from a dead body in the harbor, a beheaded Buffalo, corruption, blackmail and so on. I rate this a solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I was able to envision the settings as if I were a resident on the island. The characters I loved. The story started strong and kept my attention to the last page.

Could there be a new series on the horizon? I think theres plenty more to learn about Stilwell and his new life on Catalina Island.

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