Member Reviews

Review of In Christ: The Narrow Way by Daryl Synstelien
Thia book is an outstanding portrayal of an effective spiritual mentoring relationship between two Christian men. The literary style employing a sequence of conversations between two men in a variety of venues over a period of months provides many examples of how to engage in discussions that produce spiritual growth in both the younger and the older man. The narrative provides numerous examples of how the older man can frame the discussion and how the younger man should try to respond constructively to enhance his spiritual growth.
The conversations are replete with solid theological understanding of the teachings of the Bible. Many connections between the Scriptures and our daily life circumstances reveal how down to earth the Bible is for how daily lives.
After reading about the interactions between the two men in the story, the last chapter summarizes the steps and activities that every man should endeavor to build into his life along the way to building a plan to facilitate spiritual growth in his life. Some call this the development of spiritual disciplines. Without a plan to follow the Biblical guidance for spiritual growth we will discover that we have not grown very much. A personal spiritual development plan is very important. The last chapter provides a roadmap for that plan.
I highly recommend this book to any Christian man who is contemplating becoming a guide or mentor for a younger Christian.