Member Reviews

Carlene O'Connor is my favorite palate cleanser. When I have gone a while down dark and dreary book plots and need to be fluffed up, I always can count on her. You don't have to be smart or clever or a mystery-solving genius to follow along. You may not figure out the killer, but it's okay because it's just a fun cozy. And there are so many giveaways the author gives you, like I expect every single reader knows why Siobhán is sick, but you won't guess the whodunnit, and that's perfectly fine. I love Siobhán's family, the siblings are great, and the spat between Siobhán and Macdara was realistic and kind of funny, like watching other couples squabble sometimes is. These books are my cheeseburgers. My guilty pleasure when I can't eat another salad or prepare another intense meal. And life just wouldn't be as good without burgers. And the narrator is top notch, as always.

Perhaps I should have read the first in the series rather than starting here, but the book was fun and fit the bill for a cozy mystery. The picture of an Irish country life was cute and fun, and the Irish gardeners were an interesting lot. That said... there were a LOT of characters and some of it was quite far-fetched. There were plenty of red herrings, but the solution to the puzzle was rather unsatisfying.
A smaller cast and tighter tale (and ending) would make this a more enjoyable read.

EXCERPT: They reached the tent. It was situated across from Eion's farm-to-table restaurant, a short stroll away. Once the garden was unveiled, restaurant guests could walk through the installment either before or after their dinner, and it would remain on the property throughout summer for folks to enjoy. It was ingenious of Eion to think about doing this, even if it had gotten him in some hot water with the other contestants. Now that they were near the tent, Siobhán was surprised that all was quiet.
'Hello?' she called out. 'Cassidy Ryan? There's a large delivery here. Some kind of statue?'
There was no reply. 'She must be on a break,' Siobhán said. 'Would you like me to sign for it?'
The lad glanced at this paperwork. 'It clearly states that only Cassidy Ryan can sign for it.'
'A rule follower,' Macdara said. 'Good man.' He gave Siobhán a pointed look.
'Wait there then and I'll see if my brother knows where she is.' Siobhán ignored Macdara and headed for the restaurant.
Macdara followed her. 'Let's try another question. 'Susan is walking to work one morning -'
'Not strolling?' Siobhán shot back.
'Two men suddenly come up behind her - Harry and Joe -'
'Is this the same Joe that struck the cyclist?'
'They say, "we won't hurt you as long as you give us the bag."' Macdara was getting into it, acting out the role. Just as he was speaking, the restaurant doors opened and a young woman with long brunette hair emerged with a camera slung around her neck. She had not only caught the tail end of his statement, but Macdara was acting as if Siobhán had a handbag and he was going to snatch it.
The woman's eyes were panicked. 'Leave her alone,' she yelled, running towards Siobhán. She started to tug on Macdara as she screamed at Siobhán. 'Where's your bag?'
'I'm not carrying one,' Siobhán said. She glared at Macdara. 'And neither was the person in that scenario.'
The woman let go of Macdara and stepped back, confusion planted on her pretty face.
'Of course she was carrying a handbag,' Macdara said. 'How could they try and rob it off her if she wasn't?'
'Then why doesn't it clearly state that she was carrying a handbag? Good old Harry and Joe just said, "Give us the bag!" For all I know it was a SuperValu bag.'
The woman's eyes ping-ponged between them, her shiny pink lips agape. She was slim and her dewy face was dotted with freckles. 'Do either of you want me to call someone?'
Macdara turned to the young woman. 'We're reading test questions,' he said. 'My stubborn wife is studying to become a detective sergeant.' He shook his head. 'Or I should say she's actively avoiding studying.'
Siobhán put her hands on her hips, realising that to this young woman she probably looked like a typical wife nagging her husband. But some things couldn't be helped. 'And my detective-sergeant husband is drilling me with practice questions that do not make an ounce of sense because they were written by men with limestone for brains!' Siobhán could feel her blood pressure tick up. She wanted to hit something. Preferably him.
'Stop overthinking every single little detail,' Macdara said. 'When you become a detective-sergeant, you can lobby to change the questions. But if you don't get out of your own stubborn way, you're never going to pass the exams!'
'How many times are you going to call me stubborn?'
'As many as it takes to get through to you!'
The woman backed away slightly, her hand going to her camera. If she started to film them, Siobhán was going to yank it off her neck and stomp on it. She was dying for the woman to start filming them. The young woman held up her right hand and flashed a diamond on her engagement finger. 'Should I take this as a warning?'
'Yes,' they said in stereo.
ABOUT 'MURDER IN AN IRISH GARDEN': Everything’s coming up roses for garda Siobhán and the rest of O’Sullivan family in quaint Kilbane, County Cork, Ireland—until a murder investigation blooms out of a deadly gardening competition.
While Siobhán studies for her Detective Sargeant exams, her brother, Eoin, prepares for the grand opening of his new restaurant, The O’Sullivan Six, and concocts a plan to enter Kilbane’s Top Garden Contest to boost business. But trouble brews when Eoin hires a mercurial landscape designer known for her killer designs. His new partner’s unflattering reputation and questionable practices nearly eclipse her talents—and plunge the prestigious competition into chaos.
A lush and intricate winning garden emerges from the controversy, with a spectacular golden statue in the center of the display. But in a devastating twist, the work of art leads to the shocking discovery of a bold and brutal work of murder.
Everyone in town has an opinion about who committed the crime and planted the evidence, from easily bribed sponsors to green-with-envy gardeners. And with another golden statue found in Eoin’s garden display, rumors about his involvement intensify. As local gossip buzzes and a list of suspects grows, it’s up to quick-witted Siobhán and her husband, Macdara, to suss out the guilty culprit’s identity . . . before the competition buries another victim.
MY THOUGHTS: There's plenty of action in this (Book 11!) of the Irish Village Mystery series. Siobhán is studying for her detective-sergeant exams with the help of husband Macdara; Eion's restaurant, The Six, is preparing for its grand opening; and it is the final week of the Kilbane Top Garden contest.
It's always wonderful to catch up with the O'Sullivan family, although Siobhán seems to be a little out of sorts, being punctilious over the wording of practice test questions, picking squabbles with Macdara, and wanting to hit people who annoy her - which seems to be everyone at the moment. So not Siobhán! Is it just the pressure of the upcoming exam or is something else afoot?
As the big day of the garden competition judging nears, odd things begin to happen, culminating in a body being found in very strange circumstances.
This was a lovely twisty mystery with more suspects than I could poke a stick at! My head was fair spinning as evidence seemed to point to first one, then another. I was completely wrong with my suspicions. The denouement set me back on my heels - it was a solution that had never occurred to me! I don't know how realistic it was, but it sure was entertaining.
I have read or listened to most books in this series, enjoyed them all, and am always excited to see a new book in the pipeline. I was lucky to be able to combine reading with listening to Murder in an Irish Garden written by Carlene O'Connor with the audiobook superbly narrated by Caroline Lennon. If I had to pick between the two, the audiobook would win by the narrowest of margins - it's the Irish brogue. It gets me every time.
#MurderinanIrishGarden #NetGalley
MEET THE AUTHOR: Born into a long line of Irish storytellers, Carlene O'Connor's great-grandmother emigrated from Ireland filled with tales in 1897 and the stories have been flowing ever since. Of all the places she’s wandered across the pond, she fell most in love with a walled town in County Limerick and was inspired to create the town of Kilbane, County Cork, the setting of her Irish Village Mystery series.
DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Kensington Publishing roe providing an e-ARC and RB Media for providing an audio ARC of Murder in an Irish Garden, written by Carlene O'Connor and narrated by Caroline Lennon, for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

Another mystery to be solved by garda Siobhan and help from her husband Macdara and of course the O’Sullivan six. The highlight of the gardening season is upon the village of Kilbane, County Cork, Ireland. The annual gardening competition, Top Garden Contest is finally here. The competition is more fierce this year, so fierce that a semi frozen corpse is found staged as a golden statue in one of the contestants. Which seems very similar to a real statue that is in another gardener plot. Of course there are plenty of suspects and plenty of twists and turns.
Once again a good cozy, this time I listened to the audiobook and the narrator made me feel like I was there. Thank you for the ARC #NetGalley, all opinions expressed are my own. #MurderinanIrishGarden

Siobhán is back in action and better than ever! Married life is rolling along although with the occasional hiccups and the family restaurant is about to launch a soft opening at the reveal of the garden club entries. The only major issue is that someone has a problem with the gardens and gardeners so it's up to Siobhán and the other guards to solve the case before more damage can be inflicted. Once again an outstanding story has been woven to delight and entertain readers! I do think that this mystery was much more complex than others thus creating an even more enjoyable mystery experience. I loved the story and the outcome! As with the other books in the story, the characters personal lives are woven throughout and exciting things are in store for the future! I can't wait for the next book! If you are like me and love a good audiobook, then you really need to find the audio version as the narration is fantastic and helps to bring the story even more fully to life! All I can say is that I am greedy for more!!!

The narrator does a great job—really helps take me to the Irish village in the story: I love that while I haven’t read every book in the series i can jump in at any time without spoilers or feeling like I am missing info. The garden angle here was very clever.

A cozy mystery set in Ireland, revolving around an investigation that hinges on the 'bizarre nature and presentation of the bodies'
Kilbane is preparing for the village garden show when the event itself is targeted by vandalism and murder. Garda Siobhán O’Sullivan breaks off from studying for her sergeants' exams to solve the crime.
This is the 11th book in the Irish Village Mystery series. This is the first one I have read and suspect I this did affect my understanding of the characters. The mystery itself stands alone, so even if you are new to the series it is a good read.
The investigation itself is intriguing. The way O'Connor reveals what happened in the run up to the murder is clever. There are some aspects that stretch credibility (the presentation of the body) However, this is typical and indeed part of the fun of this genre. Other than that, the mystery is resolved in a satisfactory way.
The audio book has an Irish narrator whose accent is a bonus which helps set the scene.
This book will appeal to anyone looking for an Irish version of 'Midsomer murders' with its surreal murders in picturesque settings , being investigated by professionals investigators.
Thank you to NetGalley and RBmedia | Recorded Books for providing this ARC in return for an honest review.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
This is my first reading of this author and I have to say I really enjoyed it and will read more. This is a “cozy” murder mystery that take place at a small Irish village’s garden competition. A local girl made good now designs gardens for celebrities has come back to compete in the competition. Why she is “slumming” is part of the mystery. We have a motley collection of local suspects - gardeners, their spouses, the garden center owner and a local very ambitious reporter. Our main character is local resident and police detective ( guarda in Ireland) Siobhan and her husband Sgt detective Macdarra . I enjoyed the romance aspect of a married couple bickering of stupid stuff ( cuz its what my husband and I do) and making up. It was refreshing. Both characters were immensely likable. I listened to an audio version and thought that the narrator: Caroline Lennon was excellent.
Slight spoiler below 👇
I enjoyed this book but just didn’t buy the ending- which is most critical in mystery. I deducted one star because of it. All of the clues and motivations must fit together. Red herrings must be explained. I feel like in this story the crime, state of the body and motives didnt sync and was disappointed in the reveal in the end. I also found it odd that Ewan ( who hired Cassidy for HIS garden), wasn’t considered a suspect. I know she was the detectives brother but still. Also why he got zero flack for hiring her in the first place. The “ showstopper was a let down too. Still enjoyable but could have been better.

Another amazing installment of An Irish Village mystery. The series has so many twists and turns in each book and this one didn’t disappoint. Each story brings you into the village and makes one feel like it’s part of the lives of the villagers. This one is completely drawing you in and makes you one of the characters and detective trying to solve the murder. Let’s hope there will be so many more books to come.

As Siobhán studies for her detective exams, a dead body is found at a prestigious garden competition. With her brother Eoin a suspect, Siobhán and her husband must uncover the killer before the contest claims another victim.
I liked the cheerful tone of this book. It’s a good contrast to the devious murder mystery. I also enjoyed the audiobook narration.
Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

"Murder in an Irish Garden (Irish Village Mystery #11)" by Carlene O'Connor for sure takes after a specific Agatha Christie book that I wont name as it would give too much away about this book. This book takes place during an Irish gardening contest that ends up not taking place since each garden created for the contest ends up out of the contest. Unfortunately, there is also the death of one of the contestants as well.
Garda Siobhán is present when all the chaos is discovered and immediately jumps into investigating, despite needing to study to finally take the Detective Sargent exams and not feeling so great. She is also currently in a bit of a fight with her husband in over the exams. So as not to spoil anything, I'll just say that once things were going in the direction I thought they were they wrapped up pretty much how I expected.

My goodness what a tangled garden of weeds with goats and headless flowers. And that is as far as I can go without ruining the surprises of this story.
It is well written. The mystery is twisty. The characters in the village shine through. Siobhan and MacDara are a good pair. There are surprises in store for the O’Sullivan six, but the ending notes are sweet. In some ways the wrap up at the end made me wonder if this series is ending. I hope not as the characters and the setting have grown dear over the course of the 11 books.
I encourage you to visit Ireland and a garden competition through Murder in An Irish Garden.
I listened to the audiobook and liked the narrator.
Thanks to Netgalley, Kensington books and RBMedia for the opportunity to enjoy this book.

This is one of those light, cozy book series that act as a great palate cleanser. That said, the murder in Murder in an Irish Garden was definitely darker than usual.
Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy.

Another great addition to the series! While the garden theme is not my favorite of this series, the mystery more than makes up for it and ends with a solution I was never going to guess. The fighting between Siobhan and Macdara was a little distracting but it all works out eventually. It’s heartwarming to see the siblings all growing up and starting lives of their own but I feel the pain almost as much as Siobhan as I feel like I’ve watched them grow up, too. This series just gets better and better.

(3.75 stars)
I’d been meaning to try this cozy mystery series for quite a while and finally decided to jump right in with the latest book, Murder In An Irish Garden, which is book eleven in the series.
It turned out to work just fine as a standalone, although I’m sure I would have enjoyed it even more if I’d read at least one or two of the earlier books, to get to know the main characters better.
Siobhan is studying for her detective sergeant exam. The book opens with her studying practice questions with her husband, Macdara, also a member of the Garda, and the whole thing made me laugh, with Siobhan questioning the wording of the questions.
The action takes place in Kilbane in County Cork, Ireland. I mainly listened to the audiobook version and loved the accent of the narrator, Caroline Lennon. (It honestly reminded me so much of an Irish friend I have, who hails from Cork.)
The story revolves around a town-wide garden competition. Several amateur gardeners are vying for the top prize, along with one professional landscape designer. So there are quite a number of characters to keep straight, but it wasn’t a problem for me. At the same time as the preparations for the garden competition, Siobhan’s brother, Eoin (pronounced Owen, apparently) is ready to open his new restaurant. Things get complicated, and of course, we have a murder to solve.
This series seems a bit different from the “typical” cozy mystery series in that the main character(s) aren’t amateur sleuths, so that was a refreshing change.
I really enjoyed this book and would now like to go back and read some of the earlier ones in the series.
Thank you to Recorded Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advance copy of this audiobook and to Kensington Cozies and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance reader copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

I listened to Murder in an Irish Garden on audio and I loved the narrator’s accent. She helped place the book solidly in Ireland. And I love hearing names and places pronounced correctly.
The story starts off with Siobhan studying for her detective sergeant exam with help from her husband, Macdara. This somehow leads to a fight that has them bickering through the first half of the book, which I found annoying, especially since I couldn’t see what the big deal was to begin with. Maybe they always argue? I’ve only read one other in this series.
This time, the mystery centers around a garden competition. One of the competitors is found murdered and everyone’s gardens have been ruined. Multiple crime scenes and plenty of suspects make it a complicated case. Everyone seems innocent and and everyone seems guilty.
While the plot was good, I also enjoyed all the garden and flower talk. Maybe I’m just dreaming of summer and spending time outside without having to bundle up. And thinking maybe I should plant a garden – I shouldn’t, unless it’s very small. Our dogs already have the back yard a muddy mess.

I listened to this one on audiobook and I thought the narrator did a great job. It really made the story to come to life and really put me in the Irish countryside where it was set. This is book 11 in the Irish Village Mystery series and while I haven’t read them all I’ve read and enjoyed several and this one was no exception. This mystery centers around a garden contest where one contestant is found murdered in a rather creative and gruesome way. Siobhan is studying for her detective Sargent exams and is determined to find the killer in this gruesome murder. This one had some good twists and a wonderful mystery. I like these characters quite a bit, especially Siobhan, she makes a great sleuth to follow. Overall I gave this 4.5 stars which I rounded up because it was a fun mystery.

Beware of the dangers of gardening contests
This series gets better and better. I was so excited to see that there was a new one coming out and aghast that I had not yet read book 10. So I read that one and immediately rolled into this one. Siobhán and Macdara have been married for a little bit now and survived a few obstacles impacting their wedding and honeymoon (book 9 is their wedding and book 10 is their honeymoon, both are really great reads). The new family farm-to-table restaurant, The O’Sullivan Six (The Six for short), run by Eoin is about to have its grand opening. Siobhán and Macdara and butting heads as Siobhán studies for the Detective Sargent exam.
Competition is high for the local gardening contest. Before judging can begin, two contestants are missing. Vandalism and a fair number of suspects keep the sleuthing couple on their toes. A spunky interviewer, Garda Areta, and of course the O'Sullivan clan keep this mystery moving as digging is done in to the murder. As I read this book, it reminded me of an Agatha Christie story, I won't mention which one as not to spoil things.
Reading these books is fun and listening to them is even better with the Irish Lilt.
Thank you to #NetGalley and #KensingtonCozies for the opportunity to do an early read and share my thoughts on the story.
Happy Reading!

I think that if you like this author and this series, You will enjoy this book. The narrater is very good.
But the constant bickering between the husband and wife made me want to stop listening after the first chapter. I understand that my feelings on this are personal, as I don't allow that kind of behavior in my life. I don't like to be surrounded by that kind of drama.
I thought that the mystery was well thought out and well written, but I think that a good editor would have condensed it down considerably. I thought it would never end.
But ,again, If you like the author, I'm sure you will not be disappointed.
My thanks to the publisher for this ARC.
Goodreads Sunny's review
Barnes and Noble Dot calm
BookBub Chris B.
Amazon Chris B.

I have been a fan of this series for years, and the latest installment Murder in an Irish Garden is one of the best books yet! This mystery kept me on my toes until the final reveal, and I thoroughly enjoyed solving the case with Siobhán. There is something so cozy about returning to these characters and the small Irish village of Kilbane. Add the audio narration, and it brings me back to my travels to Ireland. Highly recommend this book and the series as a whole.