Member Reviews

This is such a return to form for turtles comics. Best volume in a while.
Jason Aaron throws the turtles into turmoil and rebuilds them anew from the ground up with some fun new quirks and mania and ends the volume leaving us wanting more. This is the fresh restart I was hoping for.

Another great nostalgic TMNT omnibus comic read with really great illustrations that make the story grittier and more emotional with the storyline.

Thank you to NetGalley, IDW Publishing, and Jason Aaron (et. al.) for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
I was excited to see a new Ninja Turtles graphic novel, especially with a writer I really admire, like Jason Aaron. This Ninja Turtles collection is a new run that follows after the main ending of the original. The Turtles all seem to be doing their own thing, whether imprisoned or making a TV show. When the Foot Clan returns, they seek each other out, knowing they must step up to face the threat.
While I understand that the series was following the different Turtles and showing what they were up to, ultimately bringing them and the story together, it felt rather disjointed at times. My favorite was Donatello's story, actually. He was in this fighting pit for mutant animals and he aimed to keep the other animals safe by being the one to fight. He befriends a rat and calls him Splinter/Father (though it is just a rat). The insanity that he shows demonstrates the harsh life he has lived in the fighting pit for however long. The Turtles reuniting seem like they are just mad at the world and can't deem to find a way to work together anymore. There is a lack of brotherly love that follows the traditional Turtles.
This new series is rather dark and bleak, but it is certainly something fans are sill sure to devour.

Looooooved the art. The writing was good, but it made me sad. I feel so bad for them and what they went through.

Jason Aaron delivers an exciting and nostalgic take on our favorite heroes in a half-shell with Return to New York, Vol. 1. Right from the start, the story pulls you in with a mix of action, humor, and that classic TMNT energy.
One of the biggest strengths of this volume is how well Aaron captures the original personalities of all four turtles. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo each feel true to themselves, making their dialogue and interactions authentic and familiar. The balance of light and dark tones is also handled well—the story has its gritty moments but never feels overwhelmingly bleak.
The humor was a standout for me. There was one recurring joke in particular that had me laughing out loud, and the mix of action and comedy really made for an enjoyable read. The plot itself is solid and does a great job setting up what’s to come.
I also have to mention the artwork, which I absolutely loved. It beautifully blends the feel of the original comics with a fresh, modern style. The visuals perfectly complement the tone of the story, capturing both the grittiness and the fun energy that make TMNT so great.
Overall, this was a fun, nostalgic read that stays true to the TMNT legacy while introducing fresh storytelling. If you’re a longtime fan or just looking for a solid TMNT story, this is definitely worth checking out! I can’t wait to see where the series goes next.
Thank you NetGalley and Jason Aaron for the chance to read this!

Thank you NetGalley! This was a great read for my child and I as we are currently obsessed with Ninja Turtles. We love the graphic novel type book and the illustrations are great

I go decades without reading a TMNT comic, then two within a few months (even leaving aside Drawing Blood, which is a cousin at least). And this has definite similarities to The Last Ronin, with NYC having fallen under the sway of the Foot ninja clan in the turtles' absence (and indeed, a fairly similar supporting cast overall, though I suppose that's no worse than how almost everyone who gets eg a go on Batman wants to run through the same handful of overexposed foes). But where that series had no ideas past an off-the-shelf cyberpunk dystopia, this one gives us a suited son of the city desperate to prove he's the big man by throwing his considerable weight around, even as the real power players hide in the shadows and laugh at him, which for some unaccountable reason feels much more timely.
Similarly, while I initially sighed at yet another comic in which the heroes have been torn asunder for reasons unseen and unspecified, Jason Aaron at least has some fun lampshading the narrative contortions which hold off explaining what happened to the readers. And splitting the team is a fine excuse to get a bunch of different artists to do an issue each, including some very good ones (Cliff Chiang, Darick Robertson, Chris Burnham), each of them a smart match for the very different situations the brothers find themselves in. Which I hesitate to specify, some of them coming as quite a surprise, especially after the first two had made me worry we were just getting variations on a limited theme.
More than anything, though, what elevates this is simply that Aaron can write. The balance between angst, recrimination and fun never tips too far or invalidates the other strands; he can even take something as elemental as the memory many readers will have of trying to use nunchucks, and making an embarrassing hash of it, and incorporate that as a meaningful character note for the Michaelangelo spotlight issue. I don't know how long he's going to be on the book, even assuming IDW gets through its current worries, and I've never read a long run by him that didn't have its wobbles and losses of focus. But equally, I've never read anything major by him that didn't have some impressive insights, witty scenes, and of course face-crunching violence. Add this one to that list.
(Netgalley ARC)

Great start to a series looking forward to more great art. Thanks for the ark for this book. First book by the author does the turtles justice

Absolutely loved this! It's been a while since I've read TMNT and this was an amazing way to come back into it. Loved how each turtle's journey let their personality, strengths and weaknesses shine through and still made space to demonstrate all the ways that grief can look.
I'm excited to read the next one. Thanks for the e-ARC!

This graphic novel is a great jumping in point for new fans of the TMNT, or, like me, returning fans. All of the different art styles were beautiful and I'm interested to see where this new series goes.

This was a very enjoyable read, having lost touch with the TMNT crew decades ago and the bulk of my knowledge stemming from the classic cartoon and video games, I went into this not knowing what to expect. I thought it was a killer narrative and an imaginative leap into a modern era. I have so many questions about how we got here, it’s exciting. My desire to find and know the events leading to “Return to New York is equaled by my desire to know where we go from here. Turtle Power!

A great entry point for Ninja Turtles! Jason Aaron delivers an exciting adventure that begins with the turtles separated. The artwork is fantastic as well.

My 7.5 yo is huge into graphic novels. She was really excited to try this one.
She overall liked this graphic novel. She said it wasn't her favorite, but she would definitely read another again. From looking through it - the story seemed well developed and a typical "TMNT" storyline.
For TMNT fans, this is sure to be a hit!

My son LOVED this book and he felt very special for reading it ahead of the publishing date. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

- The tone is pretty fascinating. It’s obviously quite gritty, but there is definitely still a layer over everything that still feels very TMNT-ian. Most of the Turtles still feel very deeply rooted in who we know them to be as characters which I love because that’s why we love these boys
- Oh the colorwork in Leo’s chapter is just mind-boggling. It’s so stunning. The linework is nice, but oh wow those colors
- Some of the spreads are, of course, stunning. My favorite is the spread of Raph fighting the prisoners in the sewers. The way that the boxes for the panels are askew but still easy to visually devour is just what I crave while reading comics & graphic novels
- I loved that each of the Turtle’s internal monologue bubbles matched their respective colors. Just a really nice easy win.
- Mikey’s story was my favorite, or at the very least it elicited the most emotion from me while reading. The end of his chapter and then start when we see him again just really worked with my brain chemistry
- So. Much. Art. There were just so many standalone illustrations. Incredible. 10/10.
- Nothing was loathed, but I found Leo’s story very dry. Leo is my least favorite turtle to begin with, so that was an uphill battle for me personally.
- Donny was the only Turtle that felt confusing to me character-wise, but that’s mostly because I haven’t kept up super closely with some of the more recent TMNT comics. I still really enjoyed what was happening with his psyche and his side of the story. Also the way he was drawn was harrowing when seen against Raph or the other turtles who still have their bulk
- This was a lot. I know it’s only 176 pages but it is SO information dense that I got really bogged down with text on the page. Sometimes they got a bit hard to follow because there were so many, but for the most part that wasn’t an issue
- Personally, didn’t care about Hale. I get his purpose and I see what it served. I just didn’t care about him.
- More moments between the brothers. That’s just what I love so much
- Less info-dumping
- A bit steadier momentum
Will I read the next one? : Sure! But mostly I think I’ll double back and gain more backstory first

I LOVE RAPH. I somehow always forget that the TMNT are so much gruffer and raw in the comics than in the cartoons, and am always a little surprised by the amount of violence. This was a good opening to a new story.

Last week I got a graphic novel early review digital book from Net Galley: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1: Return to New York by Jason Aaron, Joelle Jones, Rafael Albuquerque, Cliff Chiang, Chris Burnham, Darick Roberston, and Juan Ferreyra. There are some spoilers in the review that follows.
In TMNT Vol. 1, the first four issues deal with a different Turtle each issue: Donatello, Ralphel, Michelangelo, and Leonardo. The turtles have drifted apart from each other and New York. Don is in mutant hunting prison, Ralphel is a human prison, Mikey is in Japan with his own TV show, and Leo is communing with regular turtles. When the foot clan attacks each of them, the group has to get back together and go back to New York. The final two issues deal with the group’s return to a very different New York.
Each issue of TMNT Vol. 1 is drawn by a different artist. Chris Burnam’s style is a darker, muddy style that fits well with Don’s setting and mind state (which is not good). Joelle Jones takes a much cleaner dramatic approach to Ralphel’s stay in prison. Meanwhile Rafael Albuquerque has an almost anime style to Mike’s time in Japan. And Cliff Chiang has an American animated style to Leo’s time with regular turtles. Each of the art styles fit well with the turtle it focused on.
Darick Roberston handles the first of the issues where everyone is together with a dark style that kicks a punch when it needs to do. So does Juan Ferreyra, who the regular artist on the series. I like all of the art styles in the book, though Cliff Chiang’s style was my personal favorite. Leo’s issue rocked!
As for the writing, Jason Aaron understands each of the turtles very well and each one of them feels true to who we know but with some surprises, especially Donatello. Whew. Poor Don. The storyline is really good, it introduces a new very complex villain along with classic ones and the ending left me wanting more. This volume is just the start of what should be epic run for Jason Aaron and Juan Ferreyra!
I thought it was a great graphic novel overall. I enjoyed each of the art styles, the spotlight issues, and seeing the turtles back together. If you love TMNT, I think you’ll enjoy this comic too.
Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher, IDW, for the early digital copy of TMNT Vol. 1: Return to New York. The trade paperback releases on June 24, 2025.

A dark but well-done graphic novel for the Teenage Mutant Turtles! The story is full of action and the graphics really pop and add to the story. You find yourself immersed in the story and wanting more! The story ends on a cliffhanger and I for one, cannot wait to read the next book. Be forewarned, this is not your original TMNTs, but a great read for the adult readers.
Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

An exhilarating, action packed story for TMNT fans everywhere. The four heroes are scattered across the world and something terrifying is unfolding in New York. Great writing and artwork. The art style leaps off each page and grabs the reader. It makes you want to read more.

Does a good job of setting up a starting point for this new series. Dark with the classic riffing humor of the turtles. Artwork is beautiful.