Member Reviews

Buenas noches, pequeño pez arcoíris
En una de las encantadoras secuelas de El pez arcoíris, del autor Marcus Pfister, el pequeño Pez Arcoíris no puede dormir y, como todos los niños, necesita que lo tranquilicen y una luz nocturna para conciliar el sueño. Tanto adultos como niños reconocerán las similitudes con ciertas criaturas terrestres. ¡Una maravillosa adición a la serie!
Para mayor claridad, recibí este libro de NetGalley y NorthSouth Books a cambio de una reseña honesta.
In one of author Marcus Pfister’s charming sequels to Rainbow Fish, little Rainbow Fish can’t get to sleep, and — like all children — needs some reassurance and a nightlight to fall asleep. Adults and kids alike will recognize similarities with certain landbound creatures. A wonderful addition to the series!
In the interest of full disclosure, I received this book from NetGalley and NorthSouth Books in exchange for an honest review.

En la historia, “Buenas noches, pequeño Pez Arcoíris”, Pez Arcoíris no puede dormir y su mamá necesita ayudarlo para tranquilizarse para poder dormirse.
Me encantan los dibujos, que son los mismos del otro libro “Pez Arcoíris”. También, me gusta todas las cosas que la mamá dijo para poner la menta del Pez Arcoíris en paz. Creo que muchos niños pueden identificarse con la historia. Durmiendo sin un adulto es un buena cosa de hacer, pero algunas veces es difícil. Es bueno tener una historia como esa. La mamá fue muy paciente con su hijo a pesar de su hijo tenía muchas preguntas a su mamá antes de dormir.
En pensando todo, doy “Buenas noches, pequeño Pez Arcoíris” un 5 de 5 estrellas.
Mis opiniones son mías. Gracias a NetGalley y la editora para darme la oportunidad leer “Buenas noches, pequeño Pez Arcoíris”.

I am an adult learning Español, and reading children's books is a helpful way to pick up simple words and phrases. I remember The Rainbow Fish from my childhood and smiled when I saw Buenas noches, Pequeño Pez Arcoíris. I wish it included an English translation. As I butchered the Spanish, my daughter simply admired the illustrations, just as I did with the original version.
Thank you, NetGalley, for the advanced reader copy.

Another beautiful story of the rainbow fish, which is very relatable for my kids when they have trouble falling asleep at night. It gives kids reassurance about the protection parents give them at the end of their day.

As an adult learner of the Spanish language, I'm always on the lookout for children's fiction in Spanish. Buenas noches, pequeño Pez Arcoíris is perfect for expanding my reading and comprehension skills in Spanish.
The story is fun and focuses on a tiny, young rainbow fish who has difficulty sleeping. So his mother soothes his fears with love and understanding.
I really enjoyed the book with its colorful illustrations and affirmations. It will make a great read at bedtime for the little ones. And what better way to introduce a different language to those young readers. Five stars.
I received a DRC from NorthSouth Books through NetGalley. This review is completely my own and reflects my honest thoughts and opinions.