Member Reviews

Well, I always expect the end of a high fantasy series to break my heart, but I didn't expect it to happen the way it did in this one!

If you have read the first two, then you are familiar with these characters, and they are just as magnificent and rich here as they were in books one and two. Elo, Kissen, Inara, and Skedi are complex and flawed, but you root for them anyway. There are some truly delightful side characters, but only a few that really stick in the brain.

The plot ended the series well. I appreciated the way it all worked out, though, I have a few qualms that can't really be discussed because of spoilers. That being said, it was a satisfying ending to a series that I have really enjoyed following. If you haven't read this series yet, this is a great time to do it - right before the 3rd one publishes - and if you have, get ready for a gut punch of an ending!

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