Member Reviews

No se como sentirme con este poemanrio. Fue tan soso, pero a la vez la pluma quizo mover algo en mi, pero fue tan tan soso. Siento que la autora tiene qeu mejorar en la imagen de los poemas.

This is an interesting concept for a poetry book. Like haikus in a warped mirror that turns simplicity into beauty.
I enjoyed the craft that went into shaping these words; particularly because I know how difficult it can be to write poetry within the limitations of a certain syllable or character count.
Also, I love any reflection on nature and I felt not only future-facing criticisms of a wasted world (still beautiful), but also emotional reflections of the world (entirely personal)
Being able to see myself in even one of these pieces, to me, is the magic of poetry. My favorite poem from this collection is FALL.
Thank you #NetGalley for this digital ARC.