Member Reviews

I have grown up listening to Survivor accounts and being tasked with "Never Again" these words hold so much power and meaning and seep deep into my soul. As someone who has family branches that were lost to these atrocities, every account is one that I hold dear.
Now, to call a book like this a good read feels weird, so I won't. Jack Eisner has such a powerful account that had me having to take a moment to allow my body to process the emotions. Jack's account of surviving the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the deportations, the concentration and death camps, the resistance, the consequences, and the deaths he carries with him.
This is a powerful book that I will need for my shelves and I will be sending to my mom, one of the first to advocate for Holocaust classes in the state of Florida many years ago. We ensured many survivors could share their stories, and this is a story that will live on and be a living testament for generations to come.

WWII stories both fiction and non fiction have always grasped my interest. It is something horrific that is unbelievable to have happened. This book realized how much people suffered. You realized what people had to endure during the holocaust that you hope others never have to experience in the future. Mr Eisner shows you first hand the ghettos and camps that he not only lived through but survived.