Member Reviews

This is my first book by Jamie Beck. While all of the characters are likable, I didn't find them as sympathetic as I should have, mostly because the main family issues seemed to go on forever.

David and his promise to his mother, his anger toward his father, and his refusal to look at Vivi other than another little sister, even though his feelings run deeper, are a bit much for one character, especially when he refuses to budge on any of those issues until it's nearly too late. He never lets anyone in, never allows the fact there could be other circumstances he's unaware of, and feels he's always right. Just too much.

Vivi, on the other hand, is hard to warm up to because she won't stand up to her feelings for David, to herself, and to David. Too much waffling going on, even after she decides to see other men to try to forget those feelings.

Then there's the setup for more books in the series, David's siblings. I have a feeling their issues are also going to be a bit too much to handle in the future. I'm not sure this series is for me.

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