Member Reviews

I am sad to say that this series is now officially over. The Weekday Brides Series by Catherine Bybee has always been a series of sweet romance books that I knew would make my heart beat faster, my eyes tear up, and keep me awake late at night having to keep reading. With each book I met new friends, were reacquainted with old friends, and fell in love with the male heroes.

In Treasured by Thursday we learn the rest of Gabi’s story. When we left her in Seduced by Sunday she had just moved to the states after a disastrous marriage to a drug smuggler. I felt for her then and still had those feelings picking up her story. I was excited to jump into her story and find out if she could ever trust again, if she could find happiness, and most importantly if she could find love. When Hunter comes into her work the sparks flew. The attraction was obvious, yet the weariness from Gabi was expected. While I did not love that she had to give in to Hunter, I loved that Hunter seemed to want to show her respect from the beginning of their relationship. He did not push her to give more than what she was willing and accepted what she was willing to give.

I felt like this was the perfect ending to the series. Catherine Bybee tied up the loose ends with the other characters, letting the reader know what they were up to while not taking away from the main characters. Each couple from the previous books made an appearance while adding to the current story.

This is certainly a series that has to be read. I recommend reading the books in order but each can be read as a standalone also.

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**My thanks to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

I really do love it when I can get my hands on the latest goings on in this series and this edition is another knock-out read.

First of all, can I say that Michael is again one of the foreground characters of friends and I would completely kill for a novella in regards to his HEA. The amount of times that he has stepped in and helped or just been there as a friend really shows how sweet he is and I completely love him.

In regards to our two main characters Meg is Judy's best friend and is helping to run Alliance and when she hears of an Island Resort that only goes by word of mouth. Her interest is gained. Especially as it is a place where the paparazzi are not allowed, so she thinks the place would be perfect for the Alliance customers.

Valentino Masini owns the Island Resort in question and lives there with his mother and his sister Gabriella. The Italians are welcoming, but Valentino is very quickly taken with Meg and her sharp wit.

It is not the reluctance of the characters that stops the two coming together, but circumstances on the island change where there is a situation that arises that has never happened on the island before and all the characters end up fighting for their lives as well as their reputations.

We get a good introduction into one of the main character in the the next book with Gabriella, and therefore we will understand why she will find it so much harder to trust men and the ordeal that she has gone through.

I am very sad to realise that there is only one book left in there series and would completely love it if we could introduce new days in the week, just in order that this series can continue.

If you have not read any of the books in this series, they can be read as a stand alone, however I would really recommend that you read the entire series, simply because they are fantastic.

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