Member Reviews

I feel like I could give a million reasons why I did not like this book, but they ultimately boil down to just one thing: I don't think the writing is very good. It's almost fundamental writing basics, it doesn't have any finesse or intrigue - it's an issue I have with a lot of romance books, particularly ones with this kind of cover. There's no subtext, nothing left to my imagination, it's all left on the page. At one point, I started counting how many sentences started with 'I' and just got so frustrated because saying 'I felt this then I did that then I thought this' is so DULL. I found Chloe deeply annoying - all of her emotions are dialled up to eleven so she could be wading through water and acting like she was trapped in the heart of a cyclone. It was just...cringey and unpleasant. DNF.