Member Reviews

☆ Fun Factor 5/5 (I ate this book in one sitting it was ADDICTING)
☆ Writing Style 5/5
☆ Characters 5/5 (The Tuatha Dé Danann are here and they're amazing, the human cast is lovely too)
☆ Plot 5/5
☆ Setting 4/5
☆ Feels 5/5 (I was screaming for the last 30% of the book, this had my blood pumping)

Ultimate verdict ☆☆☆☆☆☆6/5 off my charts, a new favorite, I will buy a copy to highlight certain passages and yell about them with my friends

☆☆☆Best Character Award goes to:☆☆☆ LUGH!!!!!!!!!! He was characterized amazingly with love and reverence for how he is in myth

Review: Live Laugh Lugh (and there's other characters here too)

I keep making Lugh jokes, but that's because he's one of my favorite mythological heroes across any culture, he needs to be in more books!!! I picked this book up because the blurb referenced the Tuatha Dé and I'm extremely pleased to say that the rich mythos of Ireland is very relevant to the story of our leading lady, Breanna Ban Morna. This was an EXCITING read. Epic fights, great dialogues, high stakes, a despicably evil villain, it had everything. Breanna was a really likeable lead for me, and her supporting cast of humans and gods was rich and wonderful, whether fighting for her or against her. Highly, highly recommend if you're in the mood for magical historical fiction.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy in exchange for my honest review!

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