Member Reviews

3.5 ⭐ The Graphic Novel “Erin and Yrso” by Lylian, Paul Drouin, Lorien and Montana Kane follows the teenage girl Erin who discovers after the devastating loss of her parents a unique connection to a giant and nature itself.
I really liked the way Erin and her family were introduced. The story escalated a bit too quickly for me which led to me not feeling immersed in the story. However I was intrigued by the glimpse at future giants and story chapters.
The illustration style of the novel is beautiful and I enjoyed character design and coloring so much.
Overall this was a solid read that could turn into an epic series later on.
A big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Lerner Publishing Group for giving me the opportunity to read an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

The artwork is beautiful. The story is fast paced almost to the point of rushing, but with kids short attention spans that shouldn't be a problem for younger readers. What I think will make kids step back from this book is the inauthentic way the kids speak sometimes. I don't know many kids that are going to shout "you bullies" during a fight and my middle schoolers would disconnect from that. Other than that it was a solid read that will definitely be able to find its audience.