Member Reviews

This is a beautiful memoir/group of essays -- though the content is more broad than initially advertised. Come for the last-diagnosed autism, stay for the incredible writing.
This book was advertised as being about a woman's late autistim diagnosis, but that is really just the focus of one big essay that then connects throughout. Honestly there was a connection made in the final chapter that I was shocked by purely because it was not quite as explicit how the autism diagnosis was supposed to connect to the other essays. regardless, the prose is to DIE for, and hearing it in audio is an absolute treat. It is not read by the author, but the narrator did a fabulous job. It was gorgeous, highly recommend.
Thank you to HighBridge Audio and NetGalley for an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this memoir. I liked the writing and the narrator. I was relatively sure that I would, because of the subject matter, as I am a late diagnosed neurodivergent woman (ADHD). I’m a millennial, not Gen X, and I could kind of tell, which is not a bad thing, it just kind of gave me some additional context at times that was helpful, although JD Vance is a millennial and we do NOT claim him.
I will say, I think it was interesting that symptom-wise, I really didn’t relate to the autism symptoms she explained at all (interesting because there usually is some overlap) but I really really related to her explanation of mental health challenges at the beginning of the book. Those descriptions were so evocative it felt like I could have written them myself. That part and the end were the most powerful for me, as well as the explorations of her relationship.
There was more exploration of family history than I expected and that part dragged for me a little bit.
At the end, she had a really powerful quote (cut down a bit here) that resonated with me and really reflect how so many women, I think including those who are not neurodiverse, feel:
“We are everywhere… We have always been here. We will always be here. W.I.T.C.H. was resurrected because the cry remains and grows louder. ‘Burn the witch.’ But so does our reply: ‘Just try it.’ I’ve been burned but I survived…. I’m different. I’m weird. I’m inconvenient…. My inner witch is ready…. It’s her time…. I’m the witch down the street. All will feel the joy and terror of witnessing me. And you? Your inner witch, is she ready? Is it her time? Join me, my weird sister. Let’s howl at the moon… leave behind all that is normal, defy all that is meant to be… become.”

Amy’s memoir is deeply relatable as a queer, late-diagnosed autistic woman-- especially her reflections on masking and feeling “other.” I wished for more showing rather than telling, but I’m so grateful to have found this book. It was a powerful reminder that autistic women don’t need to change who we are to be happy or cool or loved.

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced audio book copy of this book! At first glance I couldn’t help but love the cover. I’m so glad I was drawn to this memoir. I absolutely adored it! Many times over I felt like it was very very similar to my own experience - such a surprise then to find out she grew up in the same state I did. Fascinating listen!

A Grotesque Animal is such an intriguing genre blend- a truly unique and weird mix of memoir, nonfiction, fiction, poetry, stream of consciousness, and manifesto. Amy Lee Lillard anchors this memoir to her diagnosis with autism as a 40 year old woman. This is an extremely unique read and I found it interesting, although strange. I was most interested in Lillard’s commentary about the world, how women are treated, masking, managing a world not made for you, and her early life and family.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to the audiobook A Grotesque Animal.

I really enjoyed this and identified with the large majority of it—almost creepily so. My diagnosis isn't the same, but it comes with a sense of misunderstanding and loneliness as well. And more often than not takes a long road to even get to.
The way Amy Lee Lillard validated my concerns of being misunderstood, lead astray then blamed for it, confusing what we really wanted with what we were supposed to want, the ability to mask your masking as people-pleasing (maybe I'm projecting there), getting in over our head in social situations, okay I'll stop now I guess but I'm telling ya—Amy Lee Lillard gets it. I'll be checking my local indies for a copy of this, for sure!
I recommend this to literally anyone, esp if you were experiencing your version of "girlhood" in the 80's & 90's.
(Thank you bunches to Amy Lee Lillard, Avery May, University of Iowa Press, HighBridge Audio and NetGalley for the ALC in exchange for my honest review!)