Member Reviews

My children have enjoyed the opportunity to read and review an early copy of this book - and so the following comments are very much their thoughts:

“This book is sad at the beginning but there is a happy ending. Dexter’s story is very inspirational and reminds us that we should take everything one step at a time. The illustrations are great and each image perfectly reflects Dexter’s story.”

This book provided room for positive discussion following questions from my almost 6-year old about why and how Dexter’s leg was severely injured and the procedure at the Veterinary Hospital - but this was an encouraging thing to know that my daughter was invested in the story and wanted to know more. We really enjoyed this inspiring true story. As a family, we know full well that a disability does not stop a dog living a happy life, nor does it make them any less deserving of love, a family and a home. Our dog is blind - but she is definitely a resilient and happy girl!

I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher, Gnome Road Publishing. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own - with full input from my children.

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Me while reading this book: There's no freaking way... *does some research*
This story is absolutely phenomenal, both in terms of facts and writing. Despite the middle of the story (the accident) being very sad and scary, the author made it perfect for young readers. I don't believe it will scare them too much, and it is brief enough to where it allows for the story to continue smoothly. As for the illustrations - bravo! It was amazing how perfectly accurate the illustrations were to how Dexter actually looks.
I have zero doubt that so many people will adore this spectacular book. Bravo!!

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(4.5/5, rounded up)


Because I truthfully didn't—Dexter (both illustrated and IRL) is adorable and my son loves dogs. So ohhhh my goodness was I not prepared for the emotional rollercoaster!!

This is a fantastic kids book for anyone, but especially those who may have their own (or a family member's, their pet's, someone new you're educating them/providing context to before meeting's, you get the point) injuries to understand and reflect on. In Tiny Humans, Big Emotions I learned that letting your kids talk thru and express big emotions is the best way for them to 1) truly process them and 2) become more familiar with big feelings and how to handle them. A book like this is a great tool to use when reflecting on hard experiences.

No matter the case, I would recommend this to anyone who is confident they can support any emotions this could bring up in their listeners (or reader if they can read on their own).

Thank you bunches to Bonnie Kelso, Kentee Pasek, Gnome Road Publishing, and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!
(since I viewed a digital copy, I'm going to assume that the pages you'll see together are the pages shown together in landscape orientation—if that's not actually the pairings then I'd suggest making sure the parents waiting for new and the news that Dexter is okay are placed so that they'll be viewed at the same time, at first I read on my phone in portrait and was essentially going slide by slide and my heart physically hurt when the accident happened, you know that feeling? okie dokie that's all, obviously won't post this portion elsewhere!)

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What a cute story! Dexter is the story of Dexter (as the name implies), a dog who lost one of his front legs and taught himself how to stand on his back legs to get around. He then went on to become an internet phenomenon. The illustrations are super cute and the story is satisfying.

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