Member Reviews

The storytelling is engaging and age-appropriate, with just the right balance of excitement and heart. Young readers will love following along. Thank you for this advance reading copy!

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You will definitely chuckle while reading Giggle Worthy Poem Prompts for Kids. This book is co-authored by Sandra K. Athans, a literacy specialist, and Mike Downs, a poet. They provide readers with instructions for six types of poetry: 1) Acrostic, 2) Free Verse, 3) Concrete, 4) Epitaph, 5) Haiku, and 6) Limerick. These instructions are well-written and easily accessible for middle grade children, teachers, home educators, and parents. Since this book is aimed for children, the authors provide a pronunciation key to help with challenging poetry terminology.

I appreciate that each poem type is divided into two sections. The first section teaches the poem's rules, and the second section provides writing prompts. Readers have a chance to think about poetry rules. Then, readers transition into poets--thanks to the wonderful writing prompts. For example, one of the acrostic writing prompts is to use your name. Here is my acrostic: "Victory Is Real! Gold Is Near. -Impactful Achievement." I respect that Athans and Downs write this book for not only professionals but also noneducators. On page 27, the authors provide a bulleted list of questions to consider while writing poems. These questions remind the readers-now-poets to use their five senses while describing their subjects.

Poetry can be an intimidating subject for children and adults. Athans and Downs help readers to discover their poetic voices. I recommend this book as a parent, grandparent, and former educator.

Thank you #SandraKAthans, #MikeDowns, #RedWolfPress, and #NetGalley for my e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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