Member Reviews

With a cast of demon and human characters alike, A Vampire in the Bathhouse reads as a delightful manga about demons discovering the small joys of humanity.
The characters were charming, and I would happily read another volume or two about their continuing adventures.

After working nightshifts over the weekend, I really needed something relaxing and heartwarming to pick me up again. How great it was to come across A Vampire in the Bathhouse by Niko Izuki - as it was just what I needed!
I do like my occasional manga read or anime watch and I would say that a magical slice of life is a great fit for me - having had a soft spot for Ascendance of a Bookworm before and liking vampires in general.
The story was cute and - several times - gave me a warm glowing smile. I really liked the characters of Sakura, Luka and Pequeno. Loved the art style. Gave me a lot of wholesome-friendgroup-vibes.
If you enjoy slice of life manga and a supernatural/fantasy theme, than this is a great fit for you.
Thank you NetGalley and Kondasha Comics for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is very cute and cozy. It helps that the set up is simple and the stakes remind me of a classic slice of life manga, but with a twist. Its interesting that tropes are utilised in such a heartwarming manner in this manga.

Ahh, I was so excited to get this and read it.
The art is sooooo good, they literally devoured with the art
it was kinda funny, as to were he teleported to the human world t-posing while being naked.
It was slightly interesting, I love all character designs. Even his brother.
They were both so cute🤧

I really enjoyed A Vampire in the bathhouse! This is such a cute little romantic comedy, there were several times that I laughed out loud. I am really looking forward to more volumes coming out, I will definitely be adding this manga to my list of ones to watch out for!

I'm not sure exactly where to start with this. One one had, I quiet enjoyed it. But I was also left disappointed and feeling like I had been cheated by the tags. I'll start with the good. This manga is pretty damn funny. Luka is a loveable himbo type. Sakura is prickly but sweet. Ume and Pequeño were just straight up adorable. Even Yomi, the sort of villain, ends up up being pretty cute at the end. Everything from the scenarios to the interactions between all of the characters were well written. Where I got upset is that it's tagged as LGBTQIA+ but there is ZERO romance of any kind other than Luka asking to sleep with Sakura and being shot down. That is it. Luka can sleep with Sakura and gain power because they have a pact. BUT THEY NEVER DO. I kept waiting for it to happen. And when it didn't I searched everywhere is see if there was going to be a second volume where they do. BUT THERE IS NO SECOND VOLUME. This is all there is to it. So while the story was super cute and hilarious, it was disappointing that it wasn't a BL. I was expecting hot gay vampire romance and it was not what I got. Still good though.

cute story and cute art style. This story is very slice of life where the vampire goes to the human realm to have a relaxed bath

DNF'd about three quarters of the way through. It felt like a longer series crammed into one volume. Many familiar manga storyline elements were there (normal mc that draws attention of the supernatural, supernatural being hangs around, makes and solves various problems, etc.) but it was brushed over so fast, problems solved nearly as soon as they appear, etc, it felt like I never got to really know the characters or get worried enough about what was happening in the story before there was a solution. It's sad, 'cause it seemed like it was going to be a cute, fun, light-hearted read. I would have rather read a story that went into more depth and was left unfinished then this no-substance speedrun.

A Vampire in the Bathhouse es gracioso y conmovedor, la historia sigue a un vampiro que solo quiere relajarse y a la familia que es dueña de los baños públicos donde se aloja.
Todos los personajes son adorables, me gustó mucho la dinámica de la relación de Sakura y Luka. Siento que funcionó bien como una historia autoconclusiva pero al mismo tiempo quedé con ganas de leer más sobre la vida de estos personajes.

This was a really cute story. I loved the pretty art style (the vampire? GORGEOUS). I feel though that this was originally meant to be a much more lengthy story--the ending seemed rushed like 0 to 60 pedal to the metal.

First, thank you to Netgalley and the author for this advance copy!
This was a hilarious slice of life manga and works quite nicely as a standalone story with the potential for more in the future (I hope we get to see more). The characters were all funny in their own ways and there were many heartwarming moments. Definitely recommend for anyone looking to enjoy some good cozy laughs.

I got this as an arc on Netgalley and it will come out in April. This was a funny queer manga and I was fully and well entertained. Definitely recommend if you need a light read.

This is exactly what I needed! A comedic slice of life standalone manga. It was such a fun story to follow. The characters were quirky (especially Luka), sweet and the storyline was very interesting to keep me on my toes. I laughed many while Luka is trying to learn about the human world and his extreme high estime of himself was gold.
The relationship between Sakura and his little brother Umenosuke was the cutest thing, he care so much about him and want only the best. Also the found family aspect was my favorite! It was heartwarming to read.
Finally the art is beautiful, I enjoyed every second of this manga!
I'm excited to see more from this author.

This standalone manga was so hilariously heartwarming, it was so wholesome whilst being amusing and still having enough drama to keep readers on their toes.
The story follows Luka, a vampire who accidentally gets a hangover one morning and decides to spy on the human realm for entertainment, however he's quick to discover the cure and ailment to all his symptoms: Full Moon Bathhouse! Managed by responsible human Sakura, and his little brother Umenosuke, the pair are shocked when they discover an intruder soaking in their baths one evening, from there the antics just get more comical when Lukas makes a pact with Sakura, bonding the two men together for who knows how long.
I absolutely adored the art style in this manga, the expressions and dialogue was so fun to read and look at, especially when it came to Lukas learning about the human realm and Sakura being the unfortunate soul to teach and guide him. The dynamics between the flirty and forward vampire and tender yet mature Sakura fitted so well, there's hints of romance but nothing really happens, which I was kind of disappointed about.
The manga is split into six different parts, following different days/scenarios but with one overarching story, which of course has some paranormal drama mixed into it towards the end when a rival of Lukas's comes to steal the renowned bathhouse for his own demonic realm. The other characters are just amazing too, especially little Umenosuke who's the sweetest little guy, and Lukas' familiar named Penqueño who is so freaking adorable!
The final part leaves us hanging, with a cliffhanger I sorely didn't want, but once you read the epilogue it shows that off-page things get cleared up and everything is back to...normal?! So basically it all ends well, with a happy leave off that sums up the entire vibe of the manga.
5/5 🌟

This is a slice-of-life, funny, cute manga about a vampire who wants to take it easy, so he goes to a bathhouse and then just stays there, getting to know the family who runs it and the community that makes it such a special, relaxing place.
It was a good time, and the humor was up my alley. It's also beautifully drawn, and the characters have good personalities. It's the perfect manga to just unwind and have a silly little time away from reality.

Before you ask—no, this isn’t Baban Baban Ban Vampire. But this new Kodansha manga does, as the title says, follow A Vampire in the Bathhouse. The bloodsucker du jour is Luka Edelmondt Finsternis, a creature of the night who visits the human world to heal his aches and pains. In order to use his vampire magic, he bonds with Sakura, the eldest son of the Full Moon Bathhouse. And wacky hijinks ensue… including clarity on what being a vampire’s bond actually requires!
This single-volume story fills a Japanese bathhouse with paranormal creatures, yes. But it also highlights the simple pleasures of modern Japanese life. From summer festivals to sports days to (of course) bathhouses, this manga covers it all. It’s a sweet, gentle story accented by beautiful art. If you want a cozy paranormal read, this is a must.

Ok this was delightful! A fun, some hat slice of lifey manga surrounding a vampire who discovers a bathhouse and the family who owns it. Sakura and Luka have great chemistry and the banter is hilarious. The cast was funny and the plot was short and fun. I wish this wasn’t a one shot manga! I’d love to read more of this! But definitely recommended to people who want a one and done fun manga!
Thanks very much to Kodansha and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review!

It was a fun one. I'd wish there was more happening between Luka & Sakura. I know it's the first chapter, and it's Slice of Life but coooome oooon give us something!
Anyway, it was a cute little read.
I'd like to send my thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for providing a free pdf version of this manga in exchange for an honest review.

Thanks to netgalley for allowing us to read this title.
What can I say about this manga... I found it very enjoyable! It's clearly the kind of story you'd want to read to forget daily life for a few moments. It's funny, cute and WTF all at the same time. You're quickly taken in by this story, which has no head or tail at first, but which gradually develops a little plot that's quite funny. We get attached to the characters, but we also smile a lot at the secondary characters in the background, who live their own lives.
The drawings are classic, but I liked the slightly “princely” moments of one character, which contrast with the rest. Mind you, the cover and title are funny, but this isn't really a romance, with no nudity or anything like that. It's just fun!

Fluffy, cute story. Cuter than I was expecting. Bits reminded me of Yuri on Ice and somewhat Spirited Away esque due to the setting. The art was really solid, loved the look of the characters.
Has a bit of found family and domestic shenanigans. And vampires are always a plus.
(Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for the arc)