Member Reviews

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

Tara and Hector are my all time favorite characters in this series (so far anyway). I love Tara's graphic novel storyline and how her and Hector work so well for so long via online. The years of working together but never meeting is pure dedication and it shows how well they connect with each other.

The attraction was mind blowing between these two when they first met and I could definitely feel everything through the pages. Their communication skills could use a bit of work, but that's doable.

I love how talented Hector is between music and drawing. A man of MANY talents. I don't envy Tara on her career decision because that is so hard to figure out, but I am impressed that she had multiple jobs to choose from!

I really loved this story and I'm glad I got the chance to read this.

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