Member Reviews

This was great. It had everything I love in a Skye Jordan novel. Adrenaline, fast pacing and characters that are complicated enough to be dimensional. The romance between the two was realistic and swoony with palpable chemistry between the two. And in these blistering summer temperatures it was great to imagine all that snow.

"Shoulda and shouldn'ts, regrets and wishes."
I really enjoy the writing of Skye Jordan and don't even need to read a synopsis to decide to dive in. Her writing style is so smooth, her characters so colorful, and the witty banter so amusing. She never fails to deliver action, suspense, humor, emotion, and especially passion.
Noah is a celebrity in his sport. He's earned his fame, and yes, he's cocky. But he's also adorable and funny and sweet to his young fans. He was at the top of his game when the accident occurred. His fans and his sponsors are driving him crazy with their questions and concerns. Why won't they just leave him alone and let him work out on his own while his injury heals? Why do they keep sending him these physical therapists that are more concerned with his money and fame than his health. He's had enough and he wants no part of it anymore. He's in denial and rather than dealing with the possibility of not making it back on the snow, he'll just ignore it. Telling himself and anyone who asks that he's doing fine.
Julia has been where he is. She knows exactly what he's going through. But she doesn't share her past with him. She wants him to respect her knowledge and talent as a physical therapist, not ride on her gold medals. She can tell immediately that he needs her help, but she can't force him to trust her. She knows that he doesn't believe she can get him back to the slopes. But she's not gonna give up and just give in to his demands. Nope, she's gonna give as good as she gets and stand up to him. She's gonna do it her way, or not at all.
When they go toe-to-toe it's hilarious and sexy. Their chemistry is explosive and even when they are fighting, it's passionate. I felt their lust for each other through the pages and couldn't wait for them to finally give in to it.
The Risk is a fast-passed addictive read that will give you hours of enjoyment. I was totally invested and could not put it down. I'm very excited to get my hands on the rest of the series. The line forms here...