Member Reviews

The authoress Nancy Rue is wonderful both when tackling the issues concerning teens and adults. Her name is a guarantee of quality for me, given her deep understanding of the psychological issues and the high readability/catchiness factor.
In this series she touches the problem of bullying - and this book covers the change of the bully herself, Kylie. The problem is that Kylie does not think about herself as the bully. Growing up she needs and grow up she will - and not only because she is going to know the other side of the coin.

Having said all of that - yes, this is an idealized and quite quick version of the personal change. Yet, it can point out some very useful knowledge and self-reflection for both the teens and the adults concerned about them. To teens (or any bullied person) it can offer some useful tools (but the further and deeper counselling is inevitable in my opinion!). And we, adults, might truly need to look into the mirror of our attitudes, too, as we can (knowingly and unknowingly) add to this culture of disrespect.

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Well done and timely. I recommend this to every library, public or school, and for those who have tweens or teens.

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"Sorry I'm Not Sorry" by Nancy Rue is the third book in a series about middle school girls social status and bullying. What makes this series unique, is that each book is written from a different viewpoint. However, it isn't the same story told three ways. Book one, "So Not Okay" begins the story from the viewpoint of a girl who witnesses the bullying take place. The story continues in book two, "You Can't Sit With Us" and is told from the viewpoint of the new girl who is being bullied. The story concludes in book three, "Sorry I'm Not Sorry" and is told from the viewpoint of the bully. There were times I struggled with my feelings for the characters in this book. If you have read the first two books, you know what a terrible person the bully is, and you (I) want to not like her. At the same time, you see her transform into a better person and find yourself feeling sorry for her.... how can this be? She is the villain! Then, I began to question myself. Would I believe she actually changed? If I were in this situation would I forgive her? If it were my daughter that had been bullied, would I allow her to be friends with this girl? Does she deserve a second chance? I believe this is a great series for tweens. Reading the entire series gives them different viewpoints and they are surely to relate to one of them. I have purchased all 3 books for my elementary library and currently a 5th grader is reading the series. Soon I will see if she enjoys the series as much as I did.

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Honest and revealing . This book presents an all too unfortunate, and all too familiar, world of bullying, that many of our kids try to navigate successfully. Realistic dialogue and compelling story.

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I was bullied in junior high and high school. I was told that “girls will be girls” and to “just ignore it.” I was also counseled that responding to the bullying with physical violence would solve the problem once and for all. No adults went to bat for me, even though several knew what was going on. No adults counseled me to look beyond the behavior of the bully to the bully’s heart to try to see why she was doing what she was doing. I sure wish I could have had a book series like this when I was that age.

This is the third book in a series telling a story from three different perspectives: the victim, the bystander, and the bully (this book). In this book, the reader learns that the bully has some significant challenges that are prompting her desire to be mean and rule over others. The reader is also privileged to see that change is possible and that a bully can mend her ways. I like the way this is presented as a story rather than as non-fiction. There's just something about a story that works its way into the heart much better than dry recitation.

I really like that the book presents Biblical solutions for change and encourages the reader (and perhaps victims of bullying) to view other people through the eyes of compassion and empathy. This book (these books) would be excellent for a small group book club of teen and tween girls and maybe even their moms, too.

I gratefully received this eARC from the author, publisher, and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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