Member Reviews

This is a fun, exciting, and readable thriller that you can go through rather quickly.
It begins in medias res, with siblings Kate and Andy arriving at their late cousin's house in the small town of Mortom in order to sort out some paperwork. What they think will be a quick visit turns out to take an unexpected toll on their lives, as a game of wits between Andy and the dead man completely consumes Kate's brother.
The changes of perspective between Kate and Andy are particularly enjoyable, as is the slow reveal of family secrets that motivated Craig's actions before his death. The clash between the siblings' motivations and their constant fights are somewhat distressing to read, but very realistic.
I would have liked to see more citizens of Mortom introduced and depicted in greater depth, but I understand that limiting the number of important characters allows more control over the story. I also would have liked to see more of Kate and Andy's parents, as that would have made for a good contrast with the character of Aunt Mary.
The mystery is solid and appealing, which makes the book a page-turner. Regarding the clues themselves, at times the reader can guess the solution way before Andy, and that can be a little frustrating as you wait for the character to catch up. Another slightly frustrating thing for me were the cliffhangers at the end of some chapters that were made to be way more exciting that was necessarily due. However, the change of perspective at precisely those moments helps build up suspense and makes the reader want to get to the answer as fast as possible.
I found some details in the ending to be a little anticlimactic and not completely logical, but the overall wrap-up is generally satisfying. As readers, we have the feeling that we're leaving Mortom with some good answers and also some thought-provoking input about family and raising children. Craig's motivation and actions seem understandable in the end.
When something stinks under the fridge, there might be a good reason worth exploring.

This was a great read. Really intriguing mystery, fun premise, just the thing I fancied! Will recommend.

This is not a tome that will change your life. It will not make you reevaluate your existence. It will, however, provide you with a fast paced and entertaining read. Provided you are OK following the tale of characters you don't like very much. The brother and sister who star in this story are kind of obnoxious, self centered, annoying, and treat each other pretty badly. But I had faith the author would take them where they needed to go, and I wasn't disappointed.
Catching up on my reviews after having terrible internet for a while, while traveling. I wanted to be sure I rated this one.