Member Reviews
The book deals with the oppression of all people commonly referred to as 'Others,' ie women, queer people, Guantanamo inmates, civilians bombed in Afghanistan by the forces of civilization, and 'Arab' women excluded from school by the same forces in France. Although there are differences of oppression in each group, they share traits through theoretical 'Other' lens (living under the thumb of the 'Ones'). Different societies use different mechanisms to frame some as 'Ones' and some as 'Others,' ultimately leading to a denial of equality, and abnormal or sub-human treatment. This instills negative beliefs about themselves, and deprives them of self-confidence, self-worth, and dignity. They doubt themselves. And to make matters worse, the political scene is solidly occupied by White men who give no sign of wanting to give up their positions. Etcetera.
Christine Delphy is a French writer, sociologist, and theorist who co-founded Nouvelles Questions Féministes with Simone de Beauvoir.