Member Reviews

STATE OF EMERGENCY (Book 2 in the rip-roaring, globetrotting, Jack Avery Series, exemplifies the bullet-train pace often touted for bestselling Thrillers! Literally a one-session, heart-in-mouth, breathless no -stop suspense experience. This novel doesn't slow even when the characters need a break. Lots of violence, lots of "collateral damage" to civilians; but at the foundation are individuals who will not lose their drive and idealism, their vaunted human spirit which is often credited to POWs and to interment camps survivors.
The plot thread is strong, the damages unspeakable, the premise incredibly and painfully realistic. Looking for a "it could happen" Thriller? You've got it right here.

A book that some times seems to be too real. It is uncanny how I felt in some portions of this read. I would recommend this to people that want a good read, not too complex, but thrilling.